Level 3 Unit 1 Part 2
Listening —— Time Zones
My Daytime Is Your Nighttime
1. why do we have time zones
2. how to deal with time differences across time zones
【Part 1: 为什么地球上会有不同的时区?】
Geographical reason【 地理原因】: the Earth's Rotation
Because of the Earth's Rotation, the Earth is divided into time zones.
Because of the Earth's Rotation, the Earth is divided into time zones.
5个语块: Because of / the Earth's Rotation, / the Earth / is divided into / time zones.
3个语块: Because of the Earth's Rotation, / the Earth / is divided into / time zones.
2个语块: Because of the Earth's Rotation, / the Earth / is divided into time zones.
It takes 24 hours for the Earth to make a complete rotation.
There are 24 time zones on Earth.
It takes 24 hours for the Earth to make a complete rotation.
5个语块: It takes / 24 hours / for the Earth / to make / a complete rotation.
3个语块: It takes 24 hours / for the Earth / to make a complete rotation.
2个语块: It takes 24 hours / for the Earth to make a complete rotation.
Human Causes: Standard Time Zones 标准时区
standard time zones 标准时区
geographical time zones 地理时区
Many accidents happened because train conductor used different clocks.
The endless schedules on the train tickets confused many people.
Some countries, such as the US, have several time zones.
One large country, China, had just one time zone for the whole country.
Pacific Standard Time=西部标准时间
Mountain Standard Time=山区标准时间
Central Standard Time=中部标准时间
Eastern Standard Time=东部标准时间
Beijing Standard Time=北京时间(中国的标准时)
Greenwich Mean Time=格林尼治时间(英国的标准时)
Every year some countries move their clocks forward in the spring and move them back in the autumn.
Daylight Saving Time=日光节约时/夏令时
【Part 2:日常生活中如何应对时差?】
A: 两地或两个国家间有无时差的表达
1. When it's daytime in the US, it's daytime in China.
In fact, there's a 12-hour time difference between Boston and Shanghai.
5个语块: In fact, / there's / a 12-hour time difference / between / Boston and Shanghai.
3个语块: In fact, / there's a 12-hour time difference / between Boston and Shanghai.
2个语块: In fact, / there's a 12-hour time difference between Boston and Shanghai.
2. There's a time difference between A and B.
There's an 8-hour time difference between China and the United Kingdom in winter.
There's an 7-hour time difference between Shanghai and Paris in winter.
When it's 10 am in New York, it's 7 am in San Francisco.
3. There's no time difference between A and B.
There's no time difference between China and Singapore.
4. 两个地区或国家比时间早晚的表达:
A is ahead of B.=A的时间比B的时间早。
B is behind A.=B的时间A的时间晚。
Shanghai is 12 hours ahead of Boston in summer.
Boston is 12 hours behind Shanghai in summer.
B: How to deal with time zones in a long-distance relationship?
Tip 1. You have to be patient.
Tip 2. Take advantage of World Clock ob your smartphone.
Tip 3. Schedule calls in advance.
C: How to arrange a conference that acrosses time zones?
video conference=视频会议
telephone conference=电话会议
Tip 1: we can use a shared calendar to find an open slot on everyone's schedule.
shared calendar=共享日历
Tip 2: send emails to confirm with all attendees.
Tip 3: you should send reminders to all attendees before meeting.
D: How to beat jet lag when we travel across time zones?
For travellers, this means it can be very difficult to sleep after a long flight.
The clock may say 8:00 pm, but for your body it's noon.
This is called jet lag.
For travellers, this means it can be very difficult to sleep after a long flight.
5个语块:For travellers, / this means / it can be very difficult / to sleep /after a long flight.
4个语块:For travellers, /this means /it can be very difficult to sleep /after a long flight.
3个语块:For travellers, /this means it can be very difficult to sleep /after a long flight.
The clock may say 8:00 pm, but for your body it's noon.
5个语块:The clock / may say / 8:00 pm, / but for your body / it's noon.
4个语块:The clock may say / 8:00 pm, / but for your body / it's noon.
2个语块:The clock may say / 8:00 pm, / but for your body it's noon.
Travelling across several time zones causes jet lag.
Literally, jet lag means that the jets travel so fast that they leave your biological clock behind.
suffer from jet lag=遭受时差反应的折磨
I'm still suffering from jet lag after my trip to Boston.
Tips to beat jet lag when we travel across time zones
Tip 1: get a good night's sleep before you fly.
Tip 2: during the trip, drink a lot of water and avoid coffee or wine.
Alcohol and caffeine can disrupt your sleep patterns.
Tip 3: you can take a small dose of melatonin.