Error: [ngRepeat:dupes] Duplicates in a repeater are not allowed. Use 'track by' expression to specify unique keys. Repeater: user in users, Duplicate key: number:1。下面的代码就会报错:
function rootController($scope,$rootScope,$injector)
$scope.dataList = [1,2,1];
<div ng-repeat="data in dataList">
For example: item in items is equivalent to item in items track by $id(item). This implies that the DOM elements will be associated by item identity in the array.
对于数字或者字符串等基本数据类型来说,它的id就是它自身的值。因此数组中是不允许存在两个相同的数字的。为了规避这个错误,需要定义自己的track by表达式。
// 业务上自己生成唯一的id
item in items track by item.id
item in items track by $index
如果是javascript对象类型数据,那么就算内容一摸一样,ng-repeat也不会认为这是相同的对象。如果将上面的代码中dataList,那么是不会报错的。比如$scope.dataList = [{"age":10},{"age":10}];