紧急呼救 第一季( 经典对白)
I absolutely do get what a privilege it isto serve here. And you know what? You were right to fire me. I was a punk. Istill am one. But I am a punk who understands what he lost.
I’ve never lost anyone before. Does it getany easier?
Look, people die , and that’s part of thegig, tight? See, your problem is , you’re looking at every job like it is along-term relationship. They’re one-night stands, man. In that moment, theymean everything to you, but once the morning comes … it’s on to the next one.
You know why they make us wear theseuniforms, right? Cops, firefighters, paramedics?
Sex appeal?
So people can easily identify us.
Both true, but it is also for our own good.Because when we take the uniform off at the end of the day, it symbolizesletting go of all of the sad, crazy, inhumane things we have seen that day.
Look, you know what, I save people’s lives
every day, and he is the first person in years that actually has said ,”Thank
you , Abby, great job. You are a hero ,too.” And…he needs help, you know? I
mean ,he has got so much pain in his face. Everybody’s treating him like a
hero. He doesn’t feel like a hero. As far ashe’s concerned,the guy that he was trying tosave fell.
I won’t go out with you because I like you.Cause I know we’ve only talked a couple times, but talking to you makes mefeel really good and safe and curious about life, because I can tell that youare special .And I don’t have anyone like you in my life, and I don;’t want todo anything to risk losing you. For now I think it’s best if we just talk onthe phone, like in the olden days. I’d be into that.
He said no.
Then why are you smiling?
Because I had the never to call the guy.
And sometimes the right kind of no isbetter than the wrong kind of yes.
Now, look, my family is everything to me .And there ain’t no trouble from the inside ,or even from the outside, that’sgonna tear it apart. Now, we may be buried in it up to our necks right now, andI may want to slap you with my left hand, but my right hand is holding you andthe kids tight.
Y-you mean like a home?
Yeah, Although even as you said it outloud, I am paralyzed with guilt at the thought of it. I mean , she is my mom.Right?
Why are not you crying?
I don’t think I have enough tears for allof them.