Why blink at me, honey? 为什么朝我眨眼睛?
What's on your mind? 你在想什么呢?
My eyes are not comfortable. 我眼睛不舒服.
Anything got in your eyes? 什么东西进眼睛里了吗?
No, my eyes itch and I feel dry. 不是,眼睛又痒又干.
Your eyes are tired. 你眼睛累了.
Leave your iPad. 别玩iPad了.
Don't focus on the screen for too long.不要盯着屏幕太久.
It can strain your eyes. 这样会用眼过度的.
Can I use some eye drops? 我能用眼药水吗?
Lie on your back. 平躺下.
It is better to cover your eyes with an iced towel.
Can I rub my eyes? 我能揉眼睛吗?
You can do some eye exercises. 你可以做眼保健操.
It would be really good for your sight. 会对你的视力非常好的.
Can I go out and play for a while?我能出去玩一会儿吗?
Sure, but remember to wear your sunglasses.
I kind of want to watch TV. 我有点想看电视.
This TV series is not for kids.这个电视剧不适合孩子.
Can you switch the channel?你能换频道吗?
I love seeing animated cartoons.我喜欢看动画片.
Here is the remote control.给你遥控器.
Alright, but you can 't watch TV while lying down.好吧,但是你不能躺着看电视.
Take your little stool. 搬你的小凳子.
I won't change the channel until you sit properly.你坐好了我才换频道.
What cartoon do you want?你想看什么动画片?
Peppa pig is really fun, isn't it? 《佩佩猪》很有意思,是吗?
Of course. Peppa and George are so adorable. 当然,佩佩和乔治那么可爱.
But no more than 30 minutes.但是不能超过30分钟.
Turn down the volume.关小点声音.
Back off from the TV.离电视远一点.
Time's up. It's over now. 时间到,结束了.
Turn it off.关掉.
You can watch it again tomorrow.你明天还可以继续看.
The power cut out. 停电了.
The TV isn't working. 电视坏了.
岁月是把杀猪刀怎么说。1) Time kills beauty. 2) Time has taken its toll on someone...