Loneliness itself is a messy and difficult concept. And in the 4th industrial revolution age, in this 21st century, loneliness becomes the epidemic topic for human beings. There are enormous people in the world feel painfully lonely.
We put the intimate romantic love on the special pedestal and undervalue companionship. Our intuition told us that we can only truly get rid of loneliness when we found romantic love. However, Alain de Botton said that it’s only when we value companionship at that level that we can choose a person for their merits instead of simply considering being in a relationship is going to cure us of some loneliness. But the fact is romantic relationship is not the pill of cure. We can be just as lonely in an intimate relationship. And we can be just as happy and fulfilled with a companion with someone that we share those amazing connected moments of life with as we can in an intimate relationship.
我们常常认为爱情是最特别又必要的存在,而其他形式的陪伴都比不上爱情的力量。我们的直觉告诉我们,我们只有找到真爱才能摆脱令人困扰的孤独。这样的场面似乎就是电影电视以及现在的文学作品想要传达的:爱是一切痛苦的解药。但Alain de Botton (英国哲学家)说这种幸福婚姻的概念大概只能回溯到18世纪中期。在此之前的人类社会,婚姻只是为乐繁衍后代而产生的人类行为。18世纪的思想家发明了浪漫主义思想,而我们,也都将这浪漫主义当作人类的最本质,最崇高的追求。但现实是,真爱不一定会让我们感到幸福,也不一定会让我们摆脱孤独。只有当我们选择一个人,看见他/她内心和思想上的闪光点,我们能在这样的陪伴关系中暂时摆脱孤独,而不是盲目地追求那肤浅的亲密关系。在有质量的陪伴关系中,我们能和一些人产生碰撞的瞬间,灵魂相遇的时刻。在我们生命中的这些时刻帮助我们暂时摆脱了孤独的困苦。
If we think we are lonely, then we subjectively are.
There is a certain type of loneliness is not feeling being understood, or being accepted. It doesn’t always have to come from a friend or a companion. So to explore the world is not about new and interesting things, it is about the exploration of being understood. The exploration is about we are not alone and there will always have some group of people who think and feel just like us. We explore the world in certain ways for meeting understanding and being accepted. We go to certain events or just search online, reading and watching certain things about what resonates us. Just like recently I read Schopenhauer, I feel less lonely, and I also feel being recognized that someone who’s brain behave just like me, then I can escape from a cerebral starvation.
But also, there is a painful feeling like we don’t belong, it feels like there is a great party in life and in this world going on and I am not invited, and that creates the fear of missing out. This is what cultural influence does. People don’t want to be missed out. But, there is some life going on that we don’t have access to, we looking at the major things happened online and we feel lonely because we know we are not going to have that kind of life. This is a suffering of mercy from this highly developed world. But, most of us overvalue the party and what is going on outside of us. Just like we overvalue the benefits of an intimate relationship, or overvalue something that we can only see through from superficial facts. However, we can also go to any situation in our life, because our life is just like others. When we look at others, others are looking at us. The only thing we can do about this is to change the way we thought. We can wake up and saying that “where’s the party?”. Or, we can also wake up and saying that: “I am the party.”
We are so easy to overvalue someone else’s influence in our life. Such as this party is going to be great because someone is coming…..We completely overvalue what others bring to the table and we undervalue what we can bring to the table if we took our personal responsibility for having a good time. But it is hard, it starts with personal responsibility and an understanding that we’re enough on our own. We don’t need someone else to be the party, that we are enough on our own and our actions matter. Somehow, loneliness is synonymous with worthlessness.
OUR ACTIONS MATTER! And that could change someone’s day. The most modest things that you do that you believe you have no lasting impact on the world can fundamentally impact on someone else, and it will go on to affect all impact to all sorts of other people that you even couldn’t imagine your actions would have an effect on.
We practice forgetting and losing connection every single day. Our strives are the mercy of suffering, and such suffering has neither points and ends. But our action and thoughts matter. We do belong, not the grand party that we look from a far distance, but our own party. The life journey is a process of finding a sense of worthiness that no one can take away.