1、<T> T createBean(Class<T> beanClass) throws BeansException;
Fully create a new bean instance of the given class.
2、void autowireBean(Object existingBean) throws BeansException;
Populate the given bean instance through applying after-instantiation callbacks and bean property post-processing (e.g. for annotation-driven injection).
在bean实例化和属性设置完毕之后,填充对应的bean instance
3、Object configureBean(Object existingBean, String beanName) throws BeansException;
Configure the given raw bean: autowiring bean properties, applying bean property values, applying factory callbacks such as setBeanName and setBeanFactory, and also applying all bean post processors (including ones which might wrap the given raw bean).
配置参数中给出的raw bean,自动配置bean的属性,包括对属性赋值,设置好工厂类的回调函数(setBeanName、SetBeanFactory)。还有就是调用所有的post processors(包括那些对raw bean的包装操作)
4、Object createBean(Class<?> beanClass, int autowireMode, boolean dependencyCheck) throws BeansException;
Fully create a new bean instance of the given class with the specified autowire strategy. All constants defined in this interface are supported here.
Performs full initialization of the bean, including all applicable BeanPostProcessors. This is effectively a superset of what autowire provides, adding initializeBean behavior.
这是创建一个新的bean 实例的整个操作过程,参数描述了新的bean的class和其配置策略。在这个interface中定义的所有的常量,在这个方法中都可以使用。
5、Object autowire(Class<?> beanClass, int autowireMode, boolean dependencyCheck) throws BeansException;
Instantiate a new bean instance of the given class with the specified autowire strategy. All constants defined in this interface are supported here. Can also be invoked with AUTOWIRE_NO in order to just apply before-instantiation callbacks (e.g. for annotation-driven injection).
Does not apply standard BeanPostProcessors callbacks or perform any further initialization of the bean. This interface offers distinct, fine-grained operations for those purposes, for example initializeBean. However, InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor callbacks are applied, if applicable to the construction of the instance.
6、void autowireBeanProperties(Object existingBean, int autowireMode, boolean dependencyCheck) throws BeansException;
Autowire the bean properties of the given bean instance by name or type. Can also be invoked with AUTOWIRE_NO in order to just apply after-instantiation callbacks (e.g. for annotation-driven injection).
7、void applyBeanPropertyValues(Object existingBean, String beanName) throws BeansException;
Apply the property values of the bean definition with the given name to the given bean instance. The bean definition can either define a fully self-contained bean, reusing its property values, or just property values meant to be used for existing bean instances.