1. 复制表结构及其数据: create table table_name_new as select * from table_name_old
2. 只复制表结构: create table table_name_new as select * from table_name_old where 1=2;
或者: create table table_name_new like table_name_old
3. 只复制表数据:
如果两个表结构一样:insert into table_name_new select * from table_name_old
如果两个表结构不一样:insert into table_name_new(column1,column2...)
select column1,column2... from table_name_old
create table aa as select * from and05
insert into and07(cnd215,cnd224,cnd222,cnd225) select z.cnd215,sysdate,
(select sum(cnd037) from and02 a where a.cnd032='20002901' and a.cnd215=z.cnd215) A,
(select sum(cnd037) from and02 a where a.cnd032='20002902' and a.cnd215=z.cnd215) B
from and02 z where trunc(cne007,'mm') = trunc(sysdate,'mm') group by cnd215
truncate table aa
insert into aa select * from and05;
update and02 a set a.and07id=(select b.and07id from and07 b where a.cnd215=b.cnd215 and trunc(cnd224,'mm')=trunc(sysdate,'mm'));