Harbor 监控指标分析

harbor version: 2.10.0

Harbor 监控指标主要包含以下几个部分,具体可以参考 Harbor Exporter Metrics

  1. harbor health
  2. system info
  3. project info
  4. job service


harbor health

harbor health 通过调用 /api/v2.0/health 查询,代码如下:


~/go/src/xxx/harborctl (master ✗) curl -k -u 'user@password' -X GET https://reg.srv.xxx.cn/api/v2.0/health | jq
  "components": [
      "name": "core",
      "status": "healthy"
      "name": "database",
      "status": "healthy"
      "name": "jobservice",
      "status": "healthy"
      "name": "portal",
      "status": "healthy"
      "name": "redis",
      "status": "healthy"
      "name": "registry",
      "status": "healthy"
      "name": "registryctl",
      "status": "healthy"
  "status": "healthy"

System info

system info 通过调用 /api/v2.0/systeminfo查询,代码如下:


~/go/src/xxx/harborctl (master ✗) curl -k -u 'user@password' -X GET https://reg.srv.xxx.cn/api/v2.0/systeminfo | jq
  "auth_mode": "ldap_auth",
  "banner_message": "",
  "current_time": "2024-03-12T03:54:47.921Z",
  "external_url": "https://reg.srv.xxx.cn",
  "harbor_version": "v2.10.0-6abb4eab",
  "has_ca_root": false,
  "notification_enable": true,
  "oidc_provider_name": "",
  "primary_auth_mode": false,
  "project_creation_restriction": "adminonly",
  "read_only": false,
  "registry_storage_provider_name": "s3",
  "registry_url": "reg.srv.xxx.cn",
  "self_registration": false

Project info

Project info 通过读取数据库记录进行查询,代码如下:


harbor=> SELECT project_metadata.value AS public, COUNT(project_metadata.value) AS count
harbor-> FROM project INNER JOIN project_metadata ON project.project_id=project_metadata.project_id
harbor-> WHERE project.deleted=FALSE AND project_metadata.name='public'
harbor-> GROUP BY project_metadata.value;
 public | count 
 true   |    19
 false  |    12
(2 rows)
harbor=> SELECT project.project_id, project.name, project_metadata.value AS public, quota.hard AS quota, quota_usage.used AS usage FROM project
harbor-> INNER JOIN project_metadata ON (project.project_id = project_metadata.project_id)
harbor-> INNER JOIN quota ON project.project_id = CAST(quota.reference_id AS Integer)
harbor-> INNER JOIN quota_usage ON project.project_id = CAST(quota_usage.reference_id AS Integer)
harbor-> WHERE quota.reference='project' AND quota_usage.reference='project' AND project.deleted=FALSE AND project_metadata.name='public';
 project_id |             name              | public |           quota           |            usage            
         28 | xxx-prediction          | false  | {"storage": -1}           | {"storage": 66540139800}
         19 | hivesec                       | true   | {"storage": -1}           | {"storage": 29397564588}
         23 | kubeedge-cd                   | false  | {"storage": -1}           | {"storage": 27229995516}
         69 | xxx-onboard-system      | true   | {"storage": -1}           | {"storage": 15794403147}
         18 | infra-operation               | false  | {"storage": -1}           | {"storage": 1086170972483}
         29 | xxx-common-test         | true   | {"storage": 536870912000} | {"storage": 10326108416}
          3 | xxx-all                 | true   | {"storage": -1}           | {"storage": 5141042260695}
          4 | xxx-ai-platform         | true   | {"storage": -1}           | {"storage": 33540785742}
         17 | xxx-test                | true   | {"storage": -1}           | {"storage": 60594336086}
         16 | perception-test               | true   | {"storage": -1}           | {"storage": 1281251136969}
         67 | cloud-test                    | true   | {"storage": -1}           | {"storage": 35962611310}
         11 | xxx-simulation-services | true   | {"storage": -1}           | {"storage": 962089168777}
         34 | xxx-edge                | true   | {"storage": -1}           | {"storage": 396728976}
          8 | xxx-production          | false  | {"storage": -1}           | {"storage": 778171807755}
         32 | simulation-jobs               | true   | {"storage": -1}           | {"storage": 7500526904231}
         68 | xxx-tke                 | false  | {"storage": -1}           | {"storage": 24142197231}
          5 | xxx-development         | false  | {"storage": -1}           | {"storage": 865725642635}
         24 | xxx-modules-all         | true   | {"storage": -1}           | {"storage": 28905956667895}
          1 | library                       | true   | {"storage": -1}           | {"storage": 35962611310}
          6 | xxx-infra               | false  | {"storage": -1}           | {"storage": 1599663489}
         14 | xxx-uat                 | false  | {"storage": -1}           | {"storage": 19526673706}
         25 | xxx-ui                  | true   | {"storage": -1}           | {"storage": 150635978}
         10 | xxx-simulation          | true   | {"storage": -1}           | {"storage": 7349189814197}
         21 | xxx-rd-testing          | false  | {"storage": -1}           | {"storage": 1899226810}
         31 | data-closedloop               | true   | {"storage": -1}           | {"storage": 20697007871}
         27 | xxx-production-external | false  | {"storage": -1}           | {"storage": 233172664}
         15 | google_containers             | true   | {"storage": -1}           | {"storage": 235452327}
          9 | xxx-public              | true   | {"storage": -1}           | {"storage": 1606672360903}
         12 | xxx-staging             | false  | {"storage": -1}           | {"storage": 607922059044}
         13 | xxx-training-framework  | true   | {"storage": -1}           | {"storage": 22876361554}
          7 | xxx-perception          | false  | {"storage": -1}           | {"storage": 749309031}
(31 rows)
harbor=> SELECT project.project_id, COUNT(project.project_id) AS member_total
harbor-> FROM project INNER JOIN project_member ON project.project_id=project_member.project_id
harbor-> WHERE project.deleted=FALSE AND project_member.entity_type='u'
harbor-> GROUP BY project.project_id, project_member.entity_type;
 project_id | member_total 
         11 |            6
          1 |            2
          5 |           10
         12 |           10
         68 |            2
         10 |            2
         19 |            3
         27 |            2
         21 |            4
         23 |            9
          4 |            3
         29 |            6
         14 |            2
          3 |           40
         24 |            7
         32 |            4
          6 |            2
         15 |            2
         28 |            5
          9 |           21
          7 |            2
          8 |            9
         34 |            3
         18 |           10
         31 |            2
         17 |           10
         13 |            4
         69 |            4
         67 |            1
         25 |            4
         16 |           11
(31 rows)
harbor=> SELECT repository.project_id, COUNT(repository.project_id) AS repo_total, SUM(repository.pull_count) AS pull_total
harbor-> FROM  project INNER JOIN repository ON project.project_id=repository.project_id
harbor-> WHERE project.deleted=FALSE
harbor-> GROUP BY repository.project_id;
 project_id | repo_total | pull_total 
         29 |          5 |          0
         68 |          9 |          0
          4 |         68 |          0
         34 |          1 |          0
         67 |          4 |          5
         32 |          2 |          0
         10 |         27 |          0
          7 |          1 |          0
          9 |       1446 |          0
         15 |          7 |          0
          6 |          9 |          0
         12 |        147 |          0
         24 |       8730 |          0
         19 |         84 |          0
         25 |          3 |          0
         69 |          3 |          0
         31 |         12 |          0
         21 |          2 |          0
         14 |         17 |          0
          3 |        522 |          0
         17 |         76 |          0
         28 |          6 |          0
         13 |          1 |          0
          1 |          4 |          0
          5 |        201 |          2
         18 |       2054 |          0
         16 |        206 |          0
         27 |          6 |          0
         23 |         52 |          0
         11 |        107 |          0
          8 |        215 |          0
(31 rows)
harbor=> SELECT artifact.project_id, artifact.type AS artifact_type, COUNT(artifact.type) AS artifact_total
harbor-> FROM project INNER JOIN artifact ON project.project_id=artifact.project_id
harbor-> WHERE project.deleted=FALSE
harbor-> GROUP BY artifact.project_id, type;
 project_id | artifact_type | artifact_total 
          1 | IMAGE         |             43
          3 | IMAGE         |           8915
          4 | IMAGE         |             80
          5 | IMAGE         |          11017
          6 | IMAGE         |             47
          7 | IMAGE         |              1
          8 | IMAGE         |           7276
          9 | IMAGE         |          12395
          9 | UNKNOWN       |              1
         10 | IMAGE         |           2358
         11 | IMAGE         |          12426
         12 | IMAGE         |           6912
         13 | IMAGE         |              8
         14 | IMAGE         |            900
         15 | IMAGE         |              8
         16 | IMAGE         |            964
         17 | IMAGE         |            364
         18 | CHART         |              2
         18 | IMAGE         |          13867
         19 | IMAGE         |            102
         21 | IMAGE         |              4
         23 | IMAGE         |            222
         24 | IMAGE         |          40259
         25 | IMAGE         |             44
         27 | IMAGE         |             56
         28 | IMAGE         |             18
         29 | IMAGE         |              6
         31 | IMAGE         |             35
         32 | IMAGE         |           3221
         34 | IMAGE         |             52
         67 | IMAGE         |             43
         68 | IMAGE         |             66
         69 | IMAGE         |             20
(33 rows)

Job service

以下几个 task 相关的 metrics 是通过 harbor exporter 组件进行获取的。


task_queue_size, task_queue_latency

r-wz9m4ifqyj1opzlies.redis.rds.aliyuncs.com:6379[1]> LLEN "{harbor-server}:jobs:GARBAGE_COLLECTION"
(integer) 0
r-wz9m4ifqyj1opzlies.redis.rds.aliyuncs.com:6379[1]> LINDEX "{harbor-server}:jobs:GARBAGE_COLLECTION" -1


🍺 /home/xxx/liangzheng ☞ redis-cli -h r-wz9m4ifqyj1opzlies.redis.rds.aliyuncs.com -a <password>
r-wz9m4ifqyj1opzlies.redis.rds.aliyuncs.com:6379> SELECT 1
r-wz9m4ifqyj1opzlies.redis.rds.aliyuncs.com:6379[1]> SMEMBERS "{harbor-server}:known_jobs"
 9) "DEMO"
11) "IMAGE_GC"
14) "SLACK"
r-wz9m4ifqyj1opzlies.redis.rds.aliyuncs.com:6379[1]> HGETALL "{harbor-server}:jobs:REPLICATION:lock_info"
1) "df1fa66ce3992cc9e1449483"
2) "0"
3) "1ef8a49c990d15220fd5443c"
4) "0"
5) "3280a0bc80141409ac2d9e27"
6) "0"


r-wz9m4ifqyj1opzlies.redis.rds.aliyuncs.com:6379[1]> ZRANGEBYSCORE "{harbor-server}:scheduled" -inf +inf withscores limit 0 20
(empty list or set)

以下三个参数是通过 Harbor Jobservice 组件获取的,代码如下:



Jobservice info 包括:

  1. node 信息
  2. redis pool id
  3. redis worker count,这个值首先会从环境变量 JOB_SERVICE_POOL_WORKERS中读取,如果不设置则默认为 10
# HELP jobservice_info the information of jobservice
# TYPE jobservice_info gauge
jobservice_info{node="harbor-jobservice-64644b6477-d4pl5:",pool="2ca124a2f99043abecdd4ba9",workers="10"} 1

jobservice_task_process_time_seconds 和 jobservice_task_total

各种 type(例如 EXECUTION_SWEEP, SCHEDULER 等等) 的 job (fail, stop, success)运行时间和状态统计

# HELP jobservice_task_process_time_seconds The time duration of the task processing time
# TYPE jobservice_task_process_time_seconds summary
jobservice_task_process_time_seconds{status="success",type="EXECUTION_SWEEP",quantile="0.5"} NaN
jobservice_task_process_time_seconds{status="success",type="EXECUTION_SWEEP",quantile="0.9"} NaN
jobservice_task_process_time_seconds{status="success",type="EXECUTION_SWEEP",quantile="0.99"} NaN
jobservice_task_process_time_seconds_sum{status="success",type="EXECUTION_SWEEP"} 0.512839206
jobservice_task_process_time_seconds_count{status="success",type="EXECUTION_SWEEP"} 1
# HELP jobservice_task_total The number of processed tasks
# TYPE jobservice_task_total counter
jobservice_task_total{status="success",type="EXECUTION_SWEEP"} 1
jobservice_task_total{status="success",type="SCHEDULER"} 1



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