d=-log s
Two examples are the following: (i) based on pairwise proximity, i.e., minimum pairwise similarity or maximum pairwise dissimilarity, or (ii) for points in Euclidean space compute a centroid (the mean of all the points—see Section 8.2) and then compute the sum or average of the distances of the points to the centroid.基于成对邻近,即最小成对相似性或最大成对相似性。对于欧几里德空间中的点,计算一个质心,然后计算点到质心的距离之和或平均值。
One approach is to compute the average pairwise proximity of objects in one group of objects with those objects in the other group. Other approaches are to take the minimum or maximum proximity.一种方法是计算一组对象与另一组对象的平均成对接近度。其他方法是采取最小或最大接近。
不幸的是,提示中有一个错误和缺乏清晰度。提示应措辞如下:提示:如果z是S的任意点,则三角形不等式d(x, y) ≤ d(x, z)+d(y, z), 应该写作 d(y, z) ≥ d(x, y)−d(x, z).
另一个三角不等式的应用为:d(x, z) ≤ d(x, y)+d(y, z),即d(y, z) ≥ d(x, z)−d(x, y).如果任何一个不等式中得到的d(y,z)的下界比δ大,d(y,z)不需要计算。如果不等式d(y, z) ≤ d(y, x)+d(x, z)中计算的上边界d(y,z)不大于≯δ,则d(x,z)不需要计算。
(b).If x = y then no calculations are necessary. As x becomes farther away, typically more distance calculations are needed.
(c).Let x and y be the two points and let x∗ and y∗ be the points in S that are closest to the two points, respectively. If d(x∗, y∗)+2 ≤ β, then we can safely conclude d(x, y) ≤ β. Likewise, if d(x∗, y∗)−2 ≥ β, then we can safely conclude d(x, y) ≥ β. These formulas are derived by considering the cases where x and y are as far from x∗ and y∗ as possible and as far or close to each other as possible. 这些公式是通过考虑x和y尽可能远离x*和y*以及尽可能彼此远离或接近的情况而得出的。
1(a). Because J(x, y) ≤ 1, d(x, y) ≥ 0.
1(b). Because J(x, x)=1, d(x, x)=0
2. Because J(x, y) = J(y, x), d(x, y) = d(y, x)
3. (Proof due to Jeffrey Ullman)
minhash(x) is the index of first nonzero entry of x prob(minhash(x) = k) is the probability tha minhash(x) = k when x is randomly permuted. 是当x被随机排列时,minhash(x)=k的概率。
Note that prob(minhash(x) = minhash(y)) = J(x, y) (minhash lemma)
Therefore, d(x, y)=1−prob(minhash(x) = minhash(y)) = prob(minhash(x) = minhash(y)) We have to show that, prob(minhash(x) = minhash(z)) ≤ prob(minhash(x) = minhash(y)) +prob(minhash(y) = minhash(z)
但是,请注意,无论何时minhash(x)=minhash(z),那么 minhash(x)=minhash(y)和minhash(y)=minhash(z)中的至少一个必须为true。
Note that angles are in the range 0 to 180.
1(a). Because 0 ≤ cos(x, y) ≤ 1, d(x, y) ≥ 0.
1(b). Because cos(x, x)=1, d(x, x) = arccos(1) = 0
2. Because cos(x, y) = cos(y, x), d(x, y) = d(y, x)
3. If the three vectors lie in a plane then it is obvious that the angle between x and z must be less than or equal to the sum of the angles between x and y and y and z.如果三个矢量位于一个平面上,那么很明显x和z之间的角度必须小于或等于x和y以及y和z之间的角度之和。 If y is the projection of y into the plane defined by x and z, then note that the angles between x and y and y and z are greater than those between x and y and y and z.如果y是y在x和z定义的平面上的投影,那么请注意x和y以及y和z之间的角度大于x和y以及y和z之间的角度。
In general, an object can be a record whose fields (attributes) are of different types. To compute the overall similarity of two objects in this case, we need to decide how to compute the similarity for each attribute and then combine these similarities. This can be done straightforwardly by using Equations 2.15 or 2.16, but is still somewhat ad hoc, at least compared to proximity measures such as the Euclidean distance or correlation, which are mathematically well founded. In contrast, the values of an attribute are all of the same type, and thus, if another attribute is of the same type, then the computation of similarity is conceptually and computationally straightforward.