母亲节(Mother's Day) ,是一个感谢母亲的节日。这个节日最早出现在古希腊;而现代的母亲节起源于美国。1907年有一个来自费城的叫阿纳·贾 维斯的人,发起了一场建立全国的母亲节的运动。在西弗吉尼亚的格拉夫顿,贾维斯说服她母亲的教堂,在母亲去世 2周年的纪念日那一天庆祝母亲节,即五月的第二个星期天。之后的下一年,费城也庆祝了母亲节。贾维斯和其他人开始给部长, 商人, 以及政治家们写信, 要求建立全国性的母亲节,最后取得了成功。 1914年在任的伍德罗·威尔森总统,向全国发布官方通告,宣布在每年五月的第二个星期天庆祝母亲节,并使之成为一种传统。
现在,世界上许多其它国家在全年的不同时间庆祝他们自己的母亲节。其中丹麦,芬兰,意大利,土耳其, 澳大利亚,以及比利时同美国一样,在五月的第二个星期天庆祝母亲节。母亲节逐渐成为世界范围的传统节日。
通常,母亲们,在这一天通常会收到鲜花或礼物。康乃馨被视为献给母亲的花,而中国的母亲花是萱草花,又叫忘忧草 。
M is for the things she gave me.
O means she grows old.
T is for the tears
H is her heart.
E is for eyes.
R means right and right always be.
Mother's love is like a circle .
It has no beginning and no ending.
Mother,What a nice word, what a great name? I love you so much.
Mom!Should you be the water,
I would be a fish
Swimming and swimming
Around you
Mom!Should you be wind
I would be feather
Flying and flying
Abreast you
Mom!Should you be the blue sky
I would be a white cloud.
Moving and moving
Amid you
Oh, mom
That's you and me!
I Love You, Mom
... and I Want You to Know Why I Feel So Proud to Be Your Daughter
You are a remarkable woman
who accomplishes so much as a
strong woman
in a man's world
You are strong but soft
You are strong but caring
You are strong but compassionate
You are a remarkable woman
who accomplishes so much as a
giving woman
in a selfish world
You give to your friends
You give to your family
You give to everyone
You are a remarkable woman
who is also a remarkable moTHEr
And you are loved by so many people
whose lives you have touched -
especially me