Hsu, C.-H., Pylkkänen, L., & Lee, C.-Y. (2018). Effects of morphological complexity in left temporal cortex: An MEG study of reading Chinese disyllabic words. Journal of Neurolinguistics.
划重点:1)Left anterior temporal cortex was sensitive to the number of morphemes.左-前颞叶皮层对语素个数敏感?? 2)Left posterior temporal cortex was sensitive to syntactic structures.左-后颞叶皮层对句法结构敏感 3)Inferior parietal cortex was sensitive to syntactic structures. 顶下回对句法结构敏感。
好句子:There are behavioral and neurophysiological studies providing evidence for morpheme-based processing of compound words ( Fiorentino & Poeppel, 2007; Fiorentino, Naito-Billen, Bost, & Fund-Reznicek, 2014 ).合成词的加工是基于语素的,也就是说是合成词是必须经过分解为语素的obligatorily decomposed into morphemes, which are co-activated, and hence facilitate recognition of compounds
Huang, H.-W., & Lee, C.-Y. (2018). Number of Meanings and Number of Senses: An ERP Study of Sublexical Ambiguities in Reading Chinese Disyllabic Compounds. Frontiers in Psychology, 9.