

原文标题:Compelling People Review—How to Win Friends and Influence People in the 21st Century: The Key is to Balance Nasty and Nice



ⅠIs it better to be loved than feared? No,reckoned Niccolò Machiavelli, who advised the rulers of 16th-century Italy to practise authoritarianismrather than benevolence. Yet most of us adopt a friendlier disposition when courting respect and influence. Trouble is, when it comes to getting on in life, being too nice can leave us looking weak.

ⅡJohn Neffinger and Matthew Kohut aren't recommending we all strive to be Machiavelliantyrants, but they do think the self-help master had a point. Updating his ideas for the 21st century, they propose strength and warmth — akin to fear and love — as the alternative ways of building influence. Unlike Machiavelli, however, they do not back one approach over the other, arguing that the two usually need to be in perfect equilibrium to produce one of the 'compelling people' who give their book its name. Err on the side of strength, and a person will seem bossy; favour warmth, and he or she risks coming across as a pushover.

ⅢViewing professional and personal relationships through this prism, the authors provide an enlightening perspective on our behaviour and how we interpret the actions of others. The quality that typically ensues from the perfect blend of strength and warmth is charisma, as seen in high-profile public figures such as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. But to become charismatic a person must often overcome prejudice based on stereotypes about gender and ethnicity, rather than address an actual deficit of strength or warmth. Because women are perceived to be naturally warmer but weaker than men, for instance, they arouse suspicion when projecting an image of strength — however wrong that may be. 

ⅣHaving established the rules, Neffinger and Kohut then instruct readers on how to become experts at the game. It is here that Compelling People enters the well trodden territory of self-help books, whose providers are often guilty of trotting out stereotypes rather than imparting fresh insight, and inevitably becomes less compelling. For instance, Carnegie, in How to Win Friends and Influence People, was telling readers to avoid arguments, if they wanted to be more persuasive, long before Neffinger and Kohut deemed this to be a manifestation of strength.

ⅤOne saving grace is the mixture of scientific rigour with mischievous analysis. Readers with young children may rush to replicate the Stanfordmarshmallow experiment, which rewards infants with an extra sweet if they exercise patience before eating a first, and has proven to be a reliable indicator ofwillpower and, indeed, future persistence. Also redemptive are the colourful examples of individuals whose extreme qualities of either strength or warmth allowed them, effectively, to cheat the system. Novelist Ayn Rand  desired strength and avoided warmth, but attracted a huge number of loyal supporters nevertheless. The philosophy of the Beatles, by contrast, was all about warmth, and yet they became the most influential pop band of all time.


1.reckon [ˈrekən] v.看作,认为

2.practise [ˈpræktɪs] v.实施,实行,奉行

3.authoritarianism [ɔ:ˌθɒrɪ'teərɪənɪsm] n. 专制主义,独裁政治

4.disposition [ˌdɪspəˈzɪʃn] n.性格,性情,气质

5.get on in life 立身处世,出人头地

6.machiavellian [ˌmækɪə'velɪən] a.马基雅维利主义的,不择手段的

7.self-help 自助,自立

8.have a point 正确,中肯,很有道理

9.akin to 近乎,类似于

10.alternative [ɔ:lˈtɜ:nətɪv] a.供替代的,另外的

11.back [bæk] v.支持

12.compelling [kəmˈpelɪŋ] a.引人注目的

13.err on the side of 过分表现,失之……,偏于

14.bossy [ˈbɒsi] a.专横的,霸道的

15.come across as 给人的印象是,看上去好像是

16.stereotype [ˈsteriətaɪp] n.成见,模式化形象

17.ethnicity [eθˈnɪsəti] n.种族

18.address [əˈdres] v.处理,解决

19.deficit [ˈdefɪsɪt] n.欠缺,缺乏,不足

20.perceive [pəˈsi:v] v.把……看做,认为

21.project [ˈprɒdʒekt] v.表明……的特性,呈现

22.impart [ɪmˈpɑ:t] v.给予,传授

23.inevitably [ɪnˈevɪtəbli] ad.不可避免地

24.persuasive [pəˈsweɪsɪv] a.有说服力的

25.manifestation [ˌmænɪfeˈsteɪʃn] n.体现,表现

26.saving grace 可以弥补缺点的一个优点

27.rigour [ˈrɪgə(r)] n.严谨,严密,精确

28.mischievous [ˈmɪstʃɪvəs] a.淘气的,戏谑的

29.marshmallow [ˌmɑ:ʃˈmæləʊ] n.棉花糖

30.indicator [ˈɪndɪkeɪtə(r)] n.指示物,指标

31.willpower ['wɪlpaʊə(r)] n.意志力,自我克制力

32.philosophy [fəˈlɒsəfi] n.处事原则,人生哲学

33.*tyrant [ˈtaɪrənt] n.暴君

34.*prism [ˈprɪzəm] n. 棱镜

35.*charisma [kəˈrɪzmə] n. 魅力,感召力

36.*trot out 引用,引述(尤指重复地)

37.*redemptive [rɪˈdemptɪv] 挽回的,补偿的



Ⅰ①Is it better to be loved than feared? ②No, reckoned Niccolò Machiavelli, who advised the rulers of 16th-century Italy to practise authoritarianism rather than benevolence. ③Yet most of us adopt a friendlier disposition when courting respect and influence. ④Trouble is, when it comes to getting on in life, being too nice can leave us looking weak.


点评:段Ⅰ为引子,以经典问题引出矛盾、开启下文。首先设问开篇:“被爱”是不是比“被怕”好?随后指出马基雅维利所给答案是否定的,并具体说明其政治理念:建议统治者实施专制独裁,摒弃仁政。然后转而指出大多数人在寻求他人尊重和影响力时的做法:采用一种更为友好的性情。最后指出上述做法存在的问题:过于友善可能让人显得懦弱。主要逻辑衔接是:①前两句以“问-答”引出对马基雅维利观点的介绍。②第三句以Yet调转笔锋,引出大多数人现在的相反做法,adopt a friendlier disposition 和practise authoritarianism rather than benevolence形成对比。③第四句以Trouble is 引出人们做法存在的问题,从而开启下文对新观点的介绍。

Ⅱ①John Neffinger and Matthew Kohut aren't recommending we all strive to be Machiavellian tyrants, but they do think the self-help master had a point. ②Updating his ideas for the 21st century, they propose strength and warmth — akin to fear and love — as the alternative ways of building influence. ③Unlike Machiavelli, however, they do not back one approach over the other, arguing that the two usually need to be in perfect equilibrium to produce one of the 'compelling people' who give their book its name. ④Err on the side of strength, and a person will seem bossy; favour warmth, and he or she risks coming across as a pushover.


点评:段Ⅱ介绍《引人注目的人》一书主要观点。首先指出约翰·奈芬格和马修·科哈特认为马基雅维利观点有一定道理。随后介绍两位作者将马基雅维利观点更新,提出将“强势和温和”作为建立影响力的方式,但与马基雅维利观点不同的是,两位作者指出两者需要处于完美平衡状态,过分强势或温和都不好。主要逻辑衔接是:①首句为过渡句,前半句aren't recommending we...承接上段末两句,后半句but they do think...开启下文。句中the self-help master指代Machiavelli。②第二、三句以Updating his(Machiavelli's)ideas/akin to和Unlike Machiavelli, however...串起,点明两位作者观点受马基雅维利理念影响、却又与之有别;两句以观点标记词propose、arguing引出两位作者主要观点,其中ways of building influence照应首段when courting respect and influence,说明两位作者的最终意图——告诉读者如何成为一个有影响力的人;the two(strength and warmth)usually need to be in perfect equilibrium则说明生成影响力的基本规则——强势和温和完美平衡;'compelling people'既为本文评论书作名称,又体现该书最终意图。③第四句以并列的“祈使句(表条件)+and+主句(表结果)”结构表明“偏倚(强势或温和)哪一方都不好”,补充说明前两句观点。

Ⅲ①Viewing professional and personal relationships through this prism, the authors provide an enlightening perspective on our behaviour and how we interpret the actions of others. ②The quality that typically ensues from the perfect blend of strength and warmth is charisma, as seen in high-profile public figures such as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. ③But to become charismatic a person must often overcome prejudice based on stereotypes about gender and ethnicity, rather than address an actual deficit of strength or warmth. ④Because women are perceived to be naturally warmer but weaker than men, for instance, they arouse suspicion when projecting an image of strength — however wrong that may be. 


点评:段Ⅲ进一步介绍《引人注目的人》一书观点。首先指出两位作者提供了关于如何看待自己行为、解释他人行为的具有启发性的视角。随后具体说明: “强势和温和”的完美结合产生的是个人魅力。最后补充指出一个人要想变得富有魅力,往往需要克服种种刻板印象的偏见。主要逻辑衔接是:①首句this prism喻指第二段“强势加温和(strength and warmth)模式”,实现段间衔接。②第二句引出charisma(魅力)这一概念,搭建“影响力”和“强势加温和模式”之间的桥梁,并以as seen in 引出魅力个人的代表:奥巴马和希拉里。③第三句以But to become charismatic和第二句紧密衔接,引出对“如何才能变得有魅力”的进一步说明,句中以取舍结构a person must...rather than点出了变得有魅力的必要过程。④第四句以for instance体现对第三句例证作用,women are perceived to be naturally warmer but weaker than men、arouse suspicion回应prejudice based on stereotypes。

Ⅳ①Having established the rules, Neffinger and Kohut then instruct readers on how to become experts at the game. ②It is here that Compelling People enters the well trodden territory of self-help books, whose providers are often guilty of trotting out stereotypes rather than imparting fresh insight, and inevitably becomes less compelling. ③For instance, Carnegie, in How to Win Friends and Influence People, was telling readers to avoid arguments, if they wanted to be more persuasive, long before Neffinger and Kohut deemed this to be a manifestation of strength.


点评:第四、五段对《引人注目的人》一书进行评价。第四段评价该书的不足之处。首先指出建立游戏规则(即:提出“强势和温和”结合这一模式)之后,两位作者开始具体指导读者如何成为游戏专家(即:引导读者将“强势和温和”相结合)。随后紧接着指出,就是在这一环节,该书进入了“自我激励类型作品老生常谈”的领域、犯了和其他该类图书作者一样的“重复引述陈词滥调”的错误,因此也就不那么引人注目了;然后列举该书中建议“避免争执”与卡耐基《人性的弱点》中观点重复的例子予以佐证。主要逻辑衔接是:①首句Having established the rules和上段紧密衔接,the rules指代上文“强势和温和相结合的方式”; experts at the game采用比喻修辞,指“擅长强势和温和策略共用,以产生影响力的人”。 ②第二句以强调句It is here that...表明作者鲜明观点:在这一环节该书无甚新意。here回指首句instruct readers...;enters the well trodden territory of self-help books和guilty of trotting out stereotypes rather than imparting fresh insight以及becomes less compelling呈现本文作者的负面评价。③第三句例证第二句,For instance 体现例证关系; long before...deemed this 呼应trotting out stereotypes,体现了该部分内容欠缺新意。

Ⅴ①One saving grace is the mixture of scientific rigour with mischievous analysis. ②Readers with young children may rush to replicate the Stanford marshmallow experiment, which rewards infants with an extra sweet if they exercise patience before eating a first, and has proven to be a reliable indicator of willpower and, indeed, future persistence. ③Also redemptive are the colourful examples of individuals whose extreme qualities of either strength or warmth allowed them, effectively, to cheat the system. ④Novelist Ayn Rand  desired strength and avoided warmth, but attracted a huge number of loyal supporters nevertheless. ⑤The philosophy of the Beatles, by contrast, was all about warmth, and yet they became the most influential pop band of all time.


点评:第五段评价该书亮点。首先指出该书亮点:“科学般的严谨”和“淘气般的分析”的混合;随后举三例说明:斯坦福棉花糖实验;有效绕过“强势与温和平衡”规则的“极端强势的小说家兰德”以及“极度温和的披头士”。主要逻辑衔接是:①首句以One saving grace(可以弥补该书缺点的一个优点)将评论角度由上文“分析该书弊端”转入“指出该书亮点”。 ②第二句以书中the Stanford marshmallow experiment例证首句,may rush to replicate、a reliable indicator of willpower...呼应scientific rigour,说明该书案例科学严谨。③第三至五句以Also redemptive(同样具有弥补性的)照应saving grace,引出对首句的进一步例证。其中第三句为总领句,colourful examples of individuals对应首句mischievous analysis;第四、五句分别列举兰德和披头士的个例说明第三句,其中desired strength and avoided warmth和was all about warmth共同回应extreme qualities of either strength or warmth;attracted a huge number of loyal supporters 和became the most influential pop band of all time共同体现effectively, to cheat the system。

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