Dear STC colleagues,
With continuous improvement on COVID-19 situation,we’re pleased to announce that we’re going to lift some requirements in STC.
Cafeteria will resume a-la-carte service; 4F townhall will be made only available for colleagues who bring your own lunch or oder in food.在外用餐是允许的,但一定要注意卫生安全。
You're encouraged to practice all the necessary safety measures to protect yourself when having lunch outside in public restaurant.咖啡吧将在近期重新开业,敬请期待。
Coffee bar will be re-opened soon.搭乘班车和进入STC仍需测量体温,但无需再填写健康问卷调查表,大家只需要出示健康码或随申码即可。中午无需再测量体温。
Shuttle bus onboarding and body temperature checking continues to be required. In the meantime, you shall show your health code but no longer required to fill the survey. In the mid-day, you're no longer required to check your body temperature.STC会议室20人上限的政策将被取消;但是戴口罩和大于1m的社交距离仍然是必须的。
Restriction of meeting room capacity of 20 people will be removed. However, the requirement of wearing masks and >1m social distancing still remains.
Please understand other operations remain unchanged until further notice.
EM STC 复工暖心指南
EM STC Return-to-Work GuideEM STC 出差贴心指南
EM STC Travel TipsEM STC 访客温馨指南 (此文件可以分享给外部访客,切记要点进链接里的文章再进行分享)
EM STC Visitor Guide (This file can be shared with external visitor. Please click the link and then share the file)
Wish everyone happiness and fortune.