swelteringly 湿热的
Anticheating spell 防人作弊的法术
tap dance 踢踏舞
snuff-box 鼻烟壶
whiskers 猫或老鼠的胡须
breathe down one's neck 靠近某人同时在后面仔细地观察所做的事情
fret 焦急(因忧愁、焦虑、悲哀)
batty 疯狂的,不正常的
Code of Conduct 行为准则
uprising 起义,暴动
tentacles of a giant squid 乌贼的触须
bask 晒太阳
shallows 浅滩
get worked up 动情,作色,动
Be on about 滔滔不绝地谈
cut across 打断
come to a halt 停下来
fishy thing 可疑的事情
throw caution to the winds=throw caution out of the window 不顾一切
tumbled out of 颠出来
spluttered 气急败坏地说
twisted smile 歪嘴笑
calk somebody back 堵回去
come off it 别吹牛了。
drift off 渐渐离开
make another bid for freedom 为……赌注或为……出价
desperate 不顾一切的
exasperation 愤怒中
good omen 好兆头
skulking 鬼鬼祟祟的走
wicked black eyes 恶魔眼
ghoulies/ghouls 食尸鬼
Bloody Baron 血人巴罗
bloodiness 血迹,血污
scoot off 溜走
creaked (门)嘎吱作响
droop 下垂
slumped to 突然沉重的落下
grit one's teeth 因痛、愤怒、或恨把牙关咬紧
FLUMP 拟声词 砰
muffled(低沉的,闷沉的)sort of thump(砰的重击声)
tendrils 爬山虎的卷须
creepers 爬山虎,蔓生植物
bluebell 风信子花(状的)
cringe away 退缩
unravelled 解开
trickle 细细的流淌
jolt 震惊
tug 用力拉
budge 轻微一动
knack 窍门,诀窍
crumpled 被压皱的
ram into 猛撞入
offended 得罪,冒犯
bishop 象(国际象棋)
castle 车(国际象棋)
knight 马(国际象棋)
pawn 兵(国际象棋)
diagonally 对角线地,斜线地
checkmate the king 将军,将死对方,获胜
charge through 冲过
onwards 向前地,往前,前进地
an ounce of logic 一点点的逻辑
hold off 抵抗,拖住,推迟
Be no match for 不敌,无法对抗
shuddered 发抖,战栗
wear off 逐渐消失