Emmanuel Macron was elected France’s next president on Sunday, May 7, 2017. The 39-year old is France’s youngest leader ever and has never held elected office. Macron, a banker, beat out opposing candidate Marine Le Pen with about 66% of the vote. Macron is also the first candidate in France to run and win as a centrist and without a political party.
- Centrist /ˈsen.trɪst/ adj. 中间派的
- 例句:Centrist means not left nor right.
Thousands of supporters poured into the Louvre Museum’s courtyard when polls closed at 8 p.m. on Sunday. The crowd chanted “Macron Président!” and waved flags after Macron’s win was officially announced. In an address to the nation from his office, Macron acknowledged people’s “rage, anxiety and doubt” pulsing through the country. “The renewal of public life starts tomorrow,” he said.
- Poll /poʊl/ n. 民调
- 例句:The latest opnion poll puts the Democrats in the lead.
- 延伸:pollen n. 花粉;Politics n. 政治
- Chant /tʃænt/ v. 重复说
- 例句:The crowd were chanting the teams name.
- 延伸 chaose n. 混乱
- Acknowledge /əkˈnɑː.lɪdʒ/ v. 认可
- You must acknowledge the truth of her arguments.
- 延伸:acknowledgement n. 承认;
Macron’s victory is the first of its kind. It shatters France’s two-party political system of Socialists and conservatives. The system has ruled for the past 60 years. Almost a year ago, Macron founded En Marche or the “On the Move” movement as an alternative to those two parties. Young volunteers campaigned door-to-door throughout the country and grew the movement through Facebook and other social media outlets. Some compared it to similar movements in the U.S. “He did what Obama did in 2007,” said French political strategy expert Guillaume Liegey. “He built a movement outside of the party structure.”
马克宏的胜利首开先例。这严重破坏法国保守党和社会党的两党政治系统。这个系统已经统治过去的60年。约莫一年前,马克宏创立「前进」运动作为两个政党的替代。整个国家都有年轻的志工透过拜访每一户以展开运动并以脸书与其它社群媒体使运动成长。有些人将之与美国类似的行动比较。「他做的就是欧巴马在2007年做的。」法国政治策略专家Guillaume Liegey说:「他从政党体制外开始行动。」
- Shatters /ˈʃæt̬.ɚ/ v. 破坏
- 例句:The book shatters her imagination about love.
- 延伸:shat n. 粪便;shatterproof a. 防碎的
- Campaign /kæmˈpeɪn/ v. 发展运动
- 例句:They’ve been campaign for years to get him out of prison.
- 延伸:camp out v. 露营
Le Pen, a lawyer and politician, campaigned as a conservative candidate. She pushed to close France’s borders, limit immigration, and increase security. She wanted the country to vote on leaving the European Union.
During last week’s presidential debate, Le Pen appealed to millions of voters with a “France First” message, saying Macron was not thinking of the working poor. Although Macron ultimately won the election, 11 million people cast their vote for Le Pen. She received about 34 percent of the vote. Michael Roth, Germany’s deputy foreign minister, praised Macron’s win. However, he said he fears that if Macron fails to boost the country’s economy, Le Pen could be elected the country’s next president.
- Appeal /əˈpiːl/ v. 引起兴趣
- 例句:I think what appeal to me is his humor.
- 延伸:appeal v. 上诉;appeal v. 呼吁
Macron was France’s Economy Minister. He was largely unknown to the French public but quickly won over voters with his youthful energy. “He’s our own J.F.K.,” said one supporter in April during a campaign rally.
- Rally /ˈræl.i/ n. 集会
- 例句:5000 people hold an antinuclear rally.
- 延伸:rally round v. 帮忙;ram v. 猛击;rakish n. 花花公子
Now, Macron is set to inherit leadership of a country with high unemployment rates, rising public debt, and serious terrorist threats. “My point is to convince the French people that a positive project and a progressive view is more adapted to our challenges,” he told TIME in March.
On Monday, Macron changed the name of his political movement to La Republique En Marche, or “Republic on the Move.” He continued to lay the foundation for his transition to power by appearing with outgoing president, Francois Hollande. The president-elect joined Hollande at a World War II remembrance ceremony marking the 72nd anniversary of Germany’s defeat. Sylvie Goulard, a French deputy to the European Parliament, also announced that Macron would make Berlin his first destination as president.
星期一时,马克宏将他的政治运动改名为「移动的共和国」。他透过与友好的法国总统弗郎索瓦霍兰德一起出现,持续建立他的权力基础。他与霍兰德一起参与第二次世界大战纪念仪式,其象征德国战败72周年的。Sylvie Goulard,欧洲议会的法国代家也声明马克宏将会以伯林作为他总统生涯的第一站。
With no official party to back him, Macron’s next challenge will be to get a parliament majority support in next month’s elections. In the meantime, Hollande and the outgoing administration will likely resign from power sometime this week. Macron will be sworn into office at the Elysee presidential palace in Paris on May 14.
- Swear /swer/ v. 宣誓
- 例句:I swear I don’t know what happened.
- 延伸:swear off v. 发誓不做;swear by sth v. 非常相信某事