Apple September 2020 event in 12 minutes
Watch series 6 uses better materials in more choices, has more colors and measures blood oxygen .
It features A13 bionic chips, altimeter, brighter screen outdoors, more watch faces for specialized situations such as photographing, surfing etc.
It is available in following bands:
Solo band:one piece made of liquid silicone, 7 colors.
Braided solo band: yarn, silicone
Leather band
Family setup
Your iphone can pair with your children/parents' apple watch
For children's watch: location notification, showing move minutes, emoji, do not disturb, restricted interaction
Watch SE
Cheaper, with Series 5 chip, cellular model, motion sensor, fall detection
279$ Customers can pay across 24 months.
In it, you can play workout videos. It can show metrics on the screen such as heart rate, countdown timer, activity ring as well as produce data on a summary report.
There are many workout types including yoga, strength, pilates, rowing, mindful cool-down
It's easy for you to get fit and keep fit because it requires simple or no equipment.
New videos are made by best trainers each week.
You can save workout list onto your apple music.
Apple one (Available in fall)
Service menu (plan): individual and family plans
Ipad 8: A12 bionic chip, 40% faster CPU, 2 times GPU, more powerful accessory pen, 10.2-inch retina display
Ipad Air
All screen display , detailed, five colors, 10.9-inch 2360* 1340 display
anti-reflective surface
Touch ID at top
A14: big update of CPU for machine learning
苹果手表 6
A13 仿生芯片,可测海拔,屏幕室外更亮,表盘选择更多样
Watch SE
更便宜,起售价格279$ ,可选择两年内分期付款。
一个运动类的app,感觉有点像Keep, 里面各种健身项目教学视频,播放视频的同时可以显示你的运动数据,如心率、倒计时、消耗的卡路里、和苹果运动圆环
Apple one (Available in fall)
Ipad 8
A12 仿生芯片,CPU 速度提高40%, GPU 性能提高一倍, 平板笔功能更多, 10.2英寸视网膜屏幕
Ipad Air
全面屏,超薄超轻,精工细造,5款颜色,10.9寸,分辨率 2360* 1340,屏幕防反射,顶上的指纹识别更牛逼。
infrared light 红外线
graphite 石墨
periodic reading 周期性的度数显示 (像微信运动一样,展示每天每月的步数)
altimeter 海拔表
liquid silicone 原料为硅的人造物质,通常用于整形手术
yarn 纱线
carrier 电信运营商
sell start at/entry price 起售价,最低价
workout types 运动项目
strength 力量型训练,如举铁
treadmill walk/run 跑步机
all-screen display全面屏
sapphire 蓝宝石
tactile 触觉的
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