ICSE 2020
- Typestate-Guided Fuzzer for Discovering Use-after-Free Vulnerabilities
- MemLock: Memory Usage Guided Fuzzing
- Ankou: Guiding Grey-box Fuzzing towards Combinatorial Difference
- JVM Fuzzing for JIT-Induced Side-Channel Detection
- Targeted Greybox Fuzzing with Static Lookahead Analysis
- Fuzz Testing based Data Augmentation to Improve Robustness of Deep Neural Networks
- sFuzz: An Efficient Adaptive Fuzzer for Solidity Smart Contracts
- HyDiff: Hybrid Differential Software Analysis
NDSS 2020
S&P 2020
- SAVIOR: Towards Bug-Driven Hybrid Testing
- RetroWrite: Statically Instrumenting COTS Binaries for Fuzzing and Sanitization
- IJON: Exploring Deep State Spaces via Fuzzing
- PANGOLIN: Incremental Hybrid Fuzzing with Polyhedral Path Abstraction
- KRace: Data Race Fuzzing for Kernel File Systems
- [Fuzzing JavaScript Engines with Aspect-preserving Mutation]
USENIX Security 2020
- GREYONE: Data Flow Sensitive Fuzzing
- FuzzGuard: Filtering out Unreachable Inputs in Directed Grey-box Fuzzing through Deep Learning
- ParmeSan: Sanitizer-guided Greybox Fuzzing
- EcoFuzz: Adaptive Energy-Saving Greybox Fuzzing as a Variant of the Adversarial Multi-Armed Bandit
- FANS: Fuzzing Android Native System Services via Automated Interface Analysis
- Fuzzing: Hack, Art, and Science
- Survey of Directed Fuzzy Technology
- A Review of Machine Learning Applications in Fuzzing
- A systematic review of fuzzing based on machine learning techniques
- The Art, Science, and Engineering of Fuzzing: A Survey
- Fuzzing: Art, Science, and Engineering
- Fuzzing: a survey
- Fuzzing: State of the art