240 发简信
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    Charles是常用的网络封包截取工具,在做移动开发和测试时常常需要截取网络封包来分析。 Charles是通过将自己设置成系统的网络访问代理服务...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    一、什么是Gradle 简单的说,Gradle是一个构建工具,它是用来帮助我们构建app的,构建包括编译、打包等过程。我们可以为Gradle指定...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Android Memory Leak检测上报

    背景 之前统计crash信息时统计到的top5的崩溃,OOM导致的崩溃数量排在第二位 Android sdk的OOM崩溃率持续增长,为了检测出内...

  • 新概念2.6-Percy Buttons

    Who is Percy Buttons? I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street. Yes...

  • 新概念2.5-No wrong numbers

    What does 'no wrong numbers' mean? Mr.James Scott has a garage in Silbur...

  • 新概念2.4-an exciting trip

    Why is Tim finding this trip exciting? I have just received a letter fro...

  • 新概念2.2-breakfast or lunch

    Why was the writer's aunt surprised? It was Sunday. I never get up early...

  • 新概念2.3-please send me a card

    how many cards did the writer send? postcards always spoil my holidays.l...

  • 新概念2.1-a private conversation

    why did the writer complain to the people behind him? last week I went t...
