240 发简信
  • 170208

    Have you had this before?This is the third time. I'm used to it by now. ...

  • 170207

    Lean not on your own understanding. God is telling us to trust him, to l...

  • 170206

    Miss me?Maybe. A little.What's it been, 15 hours?Not even long enough to...

  • 170205

    Does this very expensive dinner at least buy me an evening of mind-blowi...

  • 170204

    If we consider settlement as an option, we need to be able to pay for it...

  • 170203

    I grew up here, in the up country-- Bibles, barbecues, and broken backs....

  • 170202

    You run into any trouble, you call me.I got it covered.Gene Clancy know ...

  • 170201

    It's called the what? The peach what?The Peachoid. It's a giant water to...

  • 170126

    I've been saying for years that we should tear it down. It's vulgar, it'...

中年大叔,人生进了下半场,才想起儿时还有一个作家梦。初学乍练,欢迎各种勾搭 ;-]