学习规律:一对一对的学。 辅音:发音时受到气流的阻碍发出的音。 辅音分类:爆破音、摩擦音、破擦音、鼻音、半元音、舌边音。 爆破音:气流冲破口腔爆...
文 | 张小伟 直接上图: 视频教程推荐:1.Jason口语教室:B站地址:https://b23.tv/BV1us411t7Wc/p12.外国...
张小伟better 姓名:张伟 一个爱做梦,好学习,有追求,注重长期主义,积极乐观的年轻大叔。 目前是一家上市公司里专注于市场、行业、产品的钉子...
Being lost & Asking for directions where we are now?Boy, I don't know. W...
Taking pictures & Tourist Excuse me, where are you going?I'm a tourist, ...
Asking for a refund Could I have a refund on this?I'm afraid you cann't....
Asking for Directions Excuse me, Can you direct me to the toy department...
Bird Basic need n.鸟She killed two birds with one stone by shopping and v...