"What if you could unplug that lower part of your brain entirely and ins...
"g. Do everything in your power to help also be open-minded. Being calm ...
"f. Be evidence-based and encourage others to be the same. Most people d...
1、你的顿悟可能只是别人的常识,你以为的极限可能只是别人的起点。 2、牢记达克效应。 3、看到积极数据之后的消极数据,显性事件背后的...
"d. If a number of different believable people say you are doing somethi...
既有钱又三观正,是很难得的。 李笑来就是这样一个人,他是罗辑思维"得到"专栏《通往财富自由之路》专栏第一个付费用户超过十万+且专栏留言数最多的老...
"c. Get to know your blind spots. When you are closed-minded and form an...
最近两年自己对“付费” 和“注意力”认知有了很大改变。 凡是能用钱买来的时间就是便宜的; 凡是能用时间换来的注意力持续就是有价值的。 经历过侥幸...
"b. Make being open-minded a habit. The life that you will live is most ...