中国古人讲:“法者,治之端也。” Ancient Chinese believed that“the law is the very found...
o build small circles or start a new Cold War, to reject, threaten or in...
Difference in itself is no cause for alarm. What does ring the alarm is ...
We remain convinced that winter cannot stop the arrival of spring and da...
一勺西湖水。渡江来,百年歌舞,百年酣醉。回首洛阳花石尽,烟渺黍离之地。更不复,新亭堕泪。簇乐红妆摇画舫,问中流、击辑何人是?千古恨,几时洗! 余...
何处合成愁?离人心上秋。纵芭蕉不雨也飕飕。都道晚凉天气好,有明月、怕登楼。 年事梦中休,花空烟水流。燕辞归,客尚淹留。垂柳不萦裙带住,谩长是、系...
渺空烟四远,是何年青天坠长星?幻苍崖云树,名娃金屋,残霸宫城。箭径酸风射眼,腻水染花腥。时靸双鸳响,廊叶秋声。 宫里吴王沉醉,倩五湖倦客,独钓醒...
I'm not sure. But I do know, I'm gonna live every minute of it. 我也不确定,但我...
One's destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at th...