240 发简信
  • 高山

    郑重声明:文章系原创首发,文责自负。本文参与月•主题写作征文第三期:回忆的创作。 层峦叠嶂间,一间隐于古树下的石瓦房伴着微风若隐若现,傲然挺立于...

    422.6 4082 28 330 7
  • Introduction-7

    Clubroot management can be challenging, primarily due to the longevity o...

    6.4 24 0 13
  • Introduction-6

    Yield losses attributable to this disease increase proportionally with i...

    8.6 22 0 16
  • Introduction-5

    Clubroot is more severe in acidic soils when pH levels are between 5.0 a...

    5.6 23 0 9
  • Introduction-4

    Typical clubroot symptoms include the formation of large galls on the ro...

    3.8 15 0 3
  • Introduction-3

    The increasing importance of clubroot is reflected by a surge in scholar...

    4.4 19 0 6
  • 10

    Given its potential, further research into cultivar mixtures as a manage...

    12.5 34 0 15
  • 9

    Cultivar mixtures have the potential to reduce the impact of clubroot on...

    9.0 22 0 8
  • 8

    This approach leverages mechanisms such as the dilution effect, the barr...

    12.4 52 0 15