准备朗诵比赛,看到这段描述5.12汶川地震的句子,想起上月抖音推送的关于地震的很多视频,虽然时隔13年,但是看着视频还是会潸然泪下。 想起14年...
小朋友很快就5岁了,在他眼里,妈妈第一厉害。他觉得妈妈什么都会,会画画,会讲故事,会拼积木,会做他喜欢吃的,还能带着他玩,好像不知累一样。 以前...
Don't chase people. Be yourself. Do your own things and work hard. The r...
Comb you hair up. Improve your score. Reduce your weight. Make your soci...
Nobody can go with you for a lifetime,so you have to adjust yourself to ...
You have to be a positive person. You can warm other when the wind is mi...
I work so hard. It doesn't mean I love money so much. I just don't want ...