ad-加在在单词或词根前,表示"做…,加强…" adapt [ə'dæpt] 适应(ad+apt能力→有适应能力) adept ['ædept,...
ab-,abs-加在词根前,表示"相反,变坏,离去"等 abnormal [æb'nɔ:məl] 反常的(ab+normal正常的) abuse...
a- 1·加在单词(形容词)或词根前面,表示"不,无,非" acentric [ə'sentrik] a 无中心的(a+centric中心的) ...
1. In view of our good cooperation over the past few years, we prepare t...
1.In order to help you to develop business in this line, we are prepare ...
1.If you are willing to buy the whole lot once and for all ,we can grant...
1.We would entitle you to 10% discount during July on any thing you buy....
1.On order for 100 pieces or more we are allow a special discount for 1....