*词:wake 英英释义:used to say what happens after and often as a result of som...
&1.vast amounts of money 2.a dizzying array of眼花缭乱 3.a large percentage ...
词:indicator 英英释义:something that can be regarded as a sign of something e...
词:tailspin 英英释义:an occasion when something or someone suddenly gets into...
词:pitfall 英英释义:a problem or difficulty that is likely to happen in a par...
1.vast amounts of money 2.a dizzying array of眼花缭乱 3.a large percentage o...
英英释义:to cause something to happen or be done 例句:The scandal prompted the...
:weather 英英释义:to deal successfully with a difficult situatio3n or a prob...
词:be home to 英英释义:be the place where something or someone is located 例句:...