240 发简信
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    Voice Conversion

    Introduction VC aims to convert the non-linguistic information of the sp...

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    ASR Systems

    Introduction The ASR system can be categoried as three classes by its ou...

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    Language Model for ASR

    Background Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) uses both acoustic model (...

  • 语言模型融合 Language Model Fusion

    Introduction In the previous articals, we have learnt the CTC loss makes...

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    Keyword Spotting关键词侦听

    Introduction Keyword Spotting (KWS) aims at detecting predefined key-wor...

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    注意力机制的增强Enhancement of Attention Mechanism

    Multi-headed Attention 一个attention head可能权重大部分在某处,不能提取丰富的信息,需要多个进行融合。 Fu...

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    Query-Key-Value Perspective on Attention Mechanism 怎么用“查询-键-值”理解注意力机制

    注意力机制 RNN编码-解码模型 论文[1]中,从RNN编码-解码模型演进出注意力机制。RNN编码-解码模型中,编码器输入序列,是编码器RNN在...

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    背景 手写体识别、语音识别中,输入数据和输出的识别结果长度不一致、而且可变。直接用神经网络训练需要预分割、调整,得到对应关系,这很难做到。CTC...

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    Faster R-CNN

    网络架构 可以分为3个部分 Head Region Proposal Network(RPN) Classification Network R...