win10cmd(admin)python -m pip install --upgrade pip 升级pip cmd(admin)conda...
append() open and read sqlit
过了个年 松下来,紧张不上去了告别简书也好久了天天想慢慢学点时间利用不用放弃放弃真的是很简单的一件事,没有比这个还难的 一片混乱不知道从哪开始了...
最近的日子。松松紧紧,学习 断断续续,手也和残废一样,打个字费劲。 换个键盘砸这么难。 看了几天的 thinkpad。T480s和x1 carb...
Learn about probability distributions while analyzing bikesharing data. ...
odds = p/(1-p) Find how many standard deviations away from the mean of l...
US income data In this mission, we'll be looking at US income data. Each...
slope 斜率 intercept 截距 y=mx+b This equation is saying "the predicted val...
variance tells us how concentrated the date is around the mean.and meas...