gadgetlib2库的使用以及如何整合ppzkSNARK的教程和范例。这分文档专为小零件(gadget)写的,推荐从上至下作为教程来阅读。 1...
In Part VI, we saw an outline of the Pinocchio zk-SNARK. We were missing...
In part V we saw how a statement Alice would like to prove to Bob can be...
In the three previous parts, we developed a certain machinery for dealin...
In this part, we build on Part II and III to develop a protocol for veri...
In Part II, we saw how Alice can blindly evaluate the hiding E(P(s)) of ...
In this post, we recall the notion of a polynomial, and explain the noti...
Constructions of zk-SNARKs involve a careful combination of several ingr...