ARC下Block的存储区域 ARC下block的存储区域 堆区 全局区 测试一下 不使用外部变量 void(^block)(void) = ^...
- (void)layoutSubviews The default implementation of this method does no...
JS和Native交互 WKWebView 通过 WKWebViewConfiguration 配合 WKNavigationDelegate ...
In my case, error was just fatal: refusing to merge unrelated historieso...
解决办法: (BOOL)gestureRecognizer:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer s...
1.安装jenkins 命令行安装$ brew install jenkins 直接下载安装 http://jenkins-ci.org 2.启...
参考:如何制作自己的Pod库 - 简书 报错 ··· error: include of non-modular header inside f...
1.用Mac自带的QuickTime Player 录屏 2.用GIFBrewery导出GIF图