"What if you could unplug that lower part of your brain entirely and ins...
"What if you could unplug that lower part of your brain entirely and ins...
"g. Do everything in your power to help also be open-minded. Being calm ...
"f. Be evidence-based and encourage others to be the same. Most people d...
"d. If a number of different believable people say you are doing somethi...
"b. Make being open-minded a habit. The life that you will live is most ...
"c. Get to know your blind spots. When you are closed-minded and form an...
"3.6 Understand how you can become radically open- minded. No matter how...
"7. Closed-minded people lack a deep sense of humility. Humility typical...
"5. Closed-minded people block others from speaking. If it seems like so...
"3. Closed-minded people focus much more on being understood than on und...