I live within whatever path I choose. 自己选择的路,跪着,哭着,爬着也要走完。选择是自己做的,不论好坏,都...

I live within whatever path I choose. 自己选择的路,跪着,哭着,爬着也要走完。选择是自己做的,不论好坏,都...
You can focus on what is lost or you can fight for what is left. 与其纠结过去,...
Every ending is a new beginning. 生命不息,奋斗不止 (如有侵权之处,告知立删)
The only direction in life that matters is forward. 回忆美好,停歇舒适,但前行才是人生最重要...
Very few things that are worthwhile in life come with a cost. 有付出才有回报,有时...
Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty.Angone who keep...
It's everything you've been through that makes you who you are. 不负往日,不负今...
We only know what we're capable of when we test our limits. 不断尝试,不断进步;尽力...
All we can do is do our best to relish this remarkable ride. relish : [ˈ...
Honesty is your best defense and offense. offense:[əˈfens] n. 违法,犯罪;冒犯,伤...