![Avatar notebook default](https://cdn2.jianshu.io/assets/default_avatar/avatar-notebook-default-640f7dde88592bdf6417d8ce1902636e.png)
8篇文章 · 6896字 · 11人关注
Paying attention to your icons and constancy can truly pay off 把注意力放在图标上...
Utilizeyour creativity to create interesting interactive concepts. 运用你的创...
Apps can be both gorgeous and not well thought through 一款APP有可能看起来很华丽,但实...
You'd think someone told these guys that they have one colour too many.....
It's beautiful when all the elements come together, isn't it? 当所有页面元素汇集在...
Do inconsistency just look bad or does it also hinder the experience? (设...
Photos are an extremely popular medium of communication now a days. 现如今,...
本文来源于一本书《Mobile Design Book》,是在浏览每日新产品时发现的,当在其网站注册了邮箱后,就会每2天发送1个课程邮件,内容摘...