
The ccxt library is a collection of available crypto exchanges or exchange classes. Each class implements the public and private API for

a particular crypto exchange. All exchanges are derived from the base Exchange

class and share a set of common methods. To access a particular exchange from

ccxt library you need to create an instance of corresponding exchange class.

Supported exchanges are updated frequently and new exchanges are added


The structure of the library can be outlined as follows:



| CCXT |


| Public | Private |


│ . |

│ The Unified CCXT API |

│ . |

| loadMarkets . fetchBalance |

| fetchMarkets . createOrder |

| fetchCurrencies . cancelOrder |

| fetchTicker . fetchOrder |

| fetchTickers . fetchOrders |

| fetchOrderBook . fetchOpenOrders |

| fetchOHLCV . fetchClosedOrders |

| fetchTrades . fetchMyTrades |

| . deposit |

| . withdraw |

│ . |


│ . |

| Custom Exchange API |

| (Derived Classes And Their Implicit

Methods) |

│ . |

| publicGet... . privateGet... |

| publicPost... . privatePost... |

| . privatePut... |

| . privateDelete... |

| . sign |

│ . |


│ . |

| Base Exchange Class |

│ . |


Full public and private HTTP REST APIs for all exchanges

are implemented. WebSocket and FIX implementations in JavaScript, PHP, Python

and other languages coming soon.


The ccxt library currently supports the following 129

cryptocurrency exchange markets and trading APIs:

Besides making basic market and limit orders, some

exchanges offer margin trading (leverage), various derivatives (like futures

contracts and options) and also havedark pools,OTC(over-the-counter

trading), merchant APIs and much more.


To connect to an exchange and start trading you need to

instantiate an exchange class from ccxt library.

To get the full list of ids of supported exchanges


// JavaScript

const ccxt = require ('ccxt')

console.log (ccxt.exchanges)

# Python

import ccxt

print (ccxt.exchanges)

// PHP

include 'ccxt.php';

var_dump (\ccxt\Exchange::$exchanges);

An exchange can be instantiated like shown in the

examples below:

// JavaScript

const ccxt = require ('ccxt')

let exchange = new ccxt.kraken () //

default id

let kraken1 = new ccxt.kraken ({ id:

'kraken1' })

let kraken2 = new ccxt.kraken ({ id:

'kraken2' })

let id = 'gdax'

let gdax = new ccxt[id] ();

// from variable id

const exchangeId = 'binance'

, exchangeClass = ccxt[exchangeId]

, exchange = new exchangeClass ({

'apiKey': 'YOUR_API_KEY',

'secret': 'YOUR_SECRET',

'timeout': 30000,

'enableRateLimit': true,


# Python

import ccxt

exchange = ccxt.okcoinusd () # default


okcoin1 = ccxt.okcoinusd ({ 'id':

'okcoin1' })

okcoin2 = ccxt.okcoinusd ({ 'id':

'okcoin2' })

id = 'btcchina'

btcchina = eval ('ccxt.%s ()' % id)

gdax = getattr (ccxt, 'gdax') ()

# from variable id

exchange_id = 'binance'

exchange_class = getattr(ccxt,


exchange = exchange_class({

'apiKey': 'YOUR_API_KEY',

'secret': 'YOUR_SECRET',

'timeout': 30000,

'enableRateLimit': True,


The ccxt library in PHP uses builtin UTC/GMT time

functions, therefore you are required to set date.timezone in your php.ini or


()function before using the PHP version of the library. The recommended

timezone setting is "UTC".

// PHP

date_default_timezone_set ('UTC');

include 'ccxt.php';

$bitfinex = new \ccxt\bitfinex (); //

default id

$bitfinex1 = new \ccxt\bitfinex (array

('id' => 'bitfinex1'));

$bitfinex2 = new \ccxt\bitfinex (array

('id' => 'bitfinex2'));

$id = 'kraken';

$exchange = '\\ccxt\\' . $id

$kraken = new $exchange ();

// from variable id

$exchange_id = 'binance';

$exchange_class =


$exchange = new $exchange_class (array (

'apiKey' => 'YOUR_API_KEY',

'secret' => 'YOUR_SECRET',

'timeout' => 30000,

'enableRateLimit' => true,




Every exchange has a set of properties and methods, most

of which you can override by passing an associative array of params to an

exchange constructor. You can also make a subclass and override everything.

Here's an overview of base exchange properties with

values added for example:


'id': 'exchange' // lowercase string

exchange id

'name': 'Exchange' // human-readable string

'countries': [ 'US', 'CN', 'EU' ], //

array of ISO country codes

'urls': {

'api': '',

// string or dictionary of base API URLs

'www': '' //

string website URL

'doc': '',

// string URL or array of URLs


'version': 'v1', // string ending with


'api': { ... }, // dictionary of api


'has': { // exchange capabilities

'CORS': false,

'publicAPI': true,

'privateAPI': true,

'cancelOrder': true,

'createDepositAddress': false,

'createOrder': true,

'deposit': false,

'fetchBalance': true,

'fetchClosedOrders': false,

'fetchCurrencies': false,

'fetchDepositAddress': false,

'fetchMarkets': true,

'fetchMyTrades': false,

'fetchOHLCV': false,

'fetchOpenOrders': false,

'fetchOrder': false,

'fetchOrderBook': true,

'fetchOrders': false,

'fetchTicker': true,

'fetchTickers': false,

'fetchBidsAsks': false,

'fetchTrades': true,

'withdraw': false,


'timeframes': { // empty if the exchange


'1m': '1minute',

'1h': '1hour',

'1d': '1day',

'1M': '1month',

'1y': '1year',


'timeout': 10000, // number in


'rateLimit': 2000, // number in


'userAgent': 'ccxt/1.1.1 ...' // string,

HTTP User-Agent header

'verbose': false, // boolean, output

error details

'markets': { ... } // dictionary of

markets/pairs by symbol

'symbols': [ ... ] // sorted list of

string symbols (traded pairs)

'currencies': { ... } // dictionary of

currencies by currency code

'markets_by_id': { ... }, // dictionary

of dictionaries (markets) by id

'proxy': '', //

string URL

'apiKey': '92560ffae9b8a0421...', //

string public apiKey (ASCII, hex, Base64, ...)

'secret': '9aHjPmW+EtRRKN/Oi...' //

string private secret key

'password': '6kszf4aci8r', // string


'uid': '123456', // string user id


Exchange Properties

Below is a detailed description of each of the base

exchange properties:

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]id: Each exchange has a default id. The id

is not used for anything, it's a string literal for user-land exchange instance

identification purposes. You can have multiple links to the same exchange and

differentiate them by ids. Default ids are all lowercase and correspond to

exchange names.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]name: This is a string literal containing

the human-readable exchange name.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]countries: An array of

string literals of 2-symbol ISO country codes, where the exchange is operating


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]urls['api']: The single

string literal base URL for API calls or an associative array of separate URLs

for private and public APIs.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]urls['www']: The main HTTP

website URL.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]urls['doc']: A single

string URL link to original documentation for exchange API on their website or

an array of links to docs.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]version: A string

literal containing version identifier for current exchange API. The ccxt

library will append this version string to the API Base URL upon each request.

You don't have to modify it, unless you are implementing a new exchange API.

The version identifier is a usually a numeric string starting with a letter 'v'

in some cases, like v1.1. Do not override it unless you are implementing your

own new crypto exchange class.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]api: An associative array containing a definition

of all API endpoints exposed by a crypto exchange. The API definition is used

by ccxt to automatically construct callable instance methods for each available


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]has: This is an associative array of

exchange capabilities (e.g fetchTickers, fetchOHLCV or CORS).

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]timeframes: An associative

array of timeframes, supported by the fetchOHLCV method of the exchange. This

is only populated when has['fetchOHLCV'] property is true.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]timeout: A timeout in

milliseconds for a request-response roundtrip (default timeout is 10000 ms = 10

seconds). You should always set it to a reasonable value, hanging forever with

no timeout is not your option, for sure.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]rateLimit: A request rate

limit in milliseconds. Specifies the required minimal delay between two

consequent HTTP requests to the same exchange. The built-in rate-limiter is

disabled by default and is turned on by setting the enableRateLimit property to true.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]enableRateLimit: A boolean

(true/false) value that enables the built-in rate limiter and throttles consecutive

requests. This settings is false (disabled) by default. The user

is required to implement ownrate limitingor enable

the built-in rate limiter to avoid being banned from the exchange.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]userAgent: An object to

set HTTP User-Agent header to. The ccxt library will set its User-Agent by

default. Some exchanges may not like it. If you are having difficulties getting

a reply from an exchange and want to turn User-Agent off or use the default

one, set this value to false, undefined, or an empty string.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]verbose: A boolean flag

indicating whether to log HTTP requests to stdout (verbose flag is false by

default). Python people have an alternative way of DEBUG logging with a

standard pythonic logger, which is enabled by adding these two lines to the

beginning of their code:

import logging


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]markets: An associative

array of markets indexed by common trading pairs or symbols. Markets should be

loaded prior to accessing this property. Markets are unavailable until you call

the loadMarkets() / load_markets() method on exchange instance.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]symbols: A

non-associative array (a list) of symbols available with an exchange, sorted in

alphabetical order. These are the keys of the markets property. Symbols are loaded and

reloaded from markets. This property is a convenient shorthand for all market


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]currencies: An associative

array (a dict) of currencies by codes (usually 3 or 4 letters) available with

an exchange. Currencies are loaded and reloaded from markets.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]markets_by_id: An associative

array of markets indexed by exchange-specific ids. Markets should be loaded

prior to accessing this property.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]proxy: A string

literal containing base URL of http(s) proxy, '' by default. For use with web browsers

and from blocked locations. An example of a proxy string is ''. The absolute

exchange endpoint URL is appended to this string before sending the HTTP


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]apiKey: This is your

public API key string literal. Most exchanges require this for trading (see below).

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]secret: Your private

secret API key string literal. Most exchanges require this as well together

with the apiKey.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]password: A string

literal with your password/phrase. Some exchanges require this parameter for

trading, but most of them don't.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]uid: A unique id of your account. This can

be a string literal or a number. Some exchanges also require this for trading,

but most of them don't.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]has: An assoc-array containing flags for

exchange capabilities, including the following:

'has': {

'CORS': false, // has Cross-Origin Resource Sharing enabled (works from

browser) or not

'publicAPI': true, // has public API available and implemented, true/false

'privateAPI': true, // has private API available and implemented,


// unified methods availability flags (can be true, false, or 'emulated'):

'cancelOrder': true,

'createDepositAddress': false,

'createOrder': true,

'deposit': false,

'fetchBalance': true,

'fetchClosedOrders': false,

'fetchCurrencies': false,

'fetchDepositAddress': false,

'fetchMarkets': true,

'fetchMyTrades': false,

'fetchOHLCV': false,

'fetchOpenOrders': false,

'fetchOrder': false,

'fetchOrderBook': true,

'fetchOrders': false,

'fetchTicker': true,

'fetchTickers': false,

'fetchBidsAsks': false,

'fetchTrades': true,

'withdraw': false,


The meaning of

each flag showing availability of this or that method is:

[if !supportLists]o   [endif]boolean true means the method is natively available

from the exchange API and unified in the ccxt library

[if !supportLists]o   [endif]boolean false means the method isn't natively

available from the exchange API or not unified in the ccxt library yet

[if !supportLists]o   [endif]an 'emulated' string means the endpoint isn't natively

available from the exchange API but reconstructed by the ccxt library from

available true-methods

Rate Limit

Exchanges usually impose what is called a rate limit. Exchanges will

remember and track your user credentials and your IP address and will not allow

you to query the API too frequently. They balance their load and control

traffic congestion to protect API servers from (D)DoS and misuse.

WARNING: Stay under the rate limit to avoid


Most exchanges allow up to 1 or

2 requests per second. Exchanges may temporarily restrict

your access to their API or ban you for some period of time if you are too

aggressive with your requests.

The exchange.rateLimit property is set to a safe default which is

sub-optimal. Some exchanges may have varying rate limits for different

endpoints. It is up to the user to tweak rateLimit according to application-specific purposes.

The CCXT library has a built-in experimental rate-limiter

that will do the necessary throttling in background transparently to the user. WARNING: users are responsible for at least

some type of rate-limiting: either by implementing a custom algorithm or by doing

it with the built-in rate-limiter..

Turn on the built-in rate-limiter with .enableRateLimit property, like so:

// JavaScript

// enable built-in rate limiting upon

instantiation of the exchange

const exchange = new ccxt.bitfinex ({

'enableRateLimit': true,


// or switch the built-in rate-limiter

on or off later after instantiation

exchange.enableRateLimit = true //


exchange.enableRateLimit = false //


# Python

# enable built-in rate limiting upon

instantiation of the exchange

exchange = ccxt.bitfinex({

'enableRateLimit': True,


# or switch the built-in rate-limiter on

or off later after instantiation

exchange.enableRateLimit = True # enable

exchange.enableRateLimit = False #


// PHP

// enable built-in rate limiting upon

instantiation of the exchange

$exchange = new \ccxt\bitfinex (array (

'enableRateLimit' => true,


// or switch the built-in rate-limiter

on or off later after instantiation

$exchange->enableRateLimit = true; //


$exchange->enableRateLimit = false;

// disable

In case your calls hit a rate limit or get nonce errors,

the ccxt library will throw an exception of one of the following types:

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]DDoSProtectionError

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]ExchangeNotAvailable

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]ExchangeError

A later retry is usually enough to handle that. More on

that here:

DDoS Protection By Cloudflare /


Some exchanges areDDoS-protected byCloudflareorIncapsula. Your IP can

get temporarily blocked during periods of high load. Sometimes they even

restrict whole countries and regions. In that case their servers usually return

a page that states a HTTP 40x error or runs an AJAX test of your browser /

captcha test and delays the reload of the page for several seconds. Then your

browser/fingerprint is granted access temporarily and gets added to a whitelist

or receives a HTTP cookie for further use.

The most common symptoms for a DDoS protection problem,

rate-limiting problem or for a location-based filtering issue:

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]Getting RequestTimeout exceptions with all types of exchange


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]Catching ExchangeError or ExchangeNotAvailable with HTTP error codes 400, 403, 404,

429, 500, 501, 503, etc..

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]Having DNS resolving issues, SSL

certificate issues and low-level connectivity issues

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]Getting a template HTML page instead of

JSON from the exchange

If you encounter DDoS protection errors and cannot reach

a particular exchange then:

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]try using a cloudscraper:

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]use a proxy (this is less responsive,


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]ask the exchange support to add you to a


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]run your software in close proximity to

the exchange (same country, same city, same datacenter, same server rack, same


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]try an alternative IP within a different

geographic region

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]run your software in a distributed

network of servers

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]...


Each exchange is a place for trading some kinds of

valuables. Sometimes they are called with various different terms like

instruments, symbols, trading pairs, currencies, tokens, stocks, commodities,

contracts, etc, but they all mean the same – a trading pair, a symbol or a

financial instrument.

In terms of the ccxt library, every exchange offers multiple

markets within itself. The set of markets differs from exchange to exchange

opening possibilities for cross-exchange and cross-market arbitrage. A market

is usually a pair of traded crypto/fiat currencies.

Market Structure


'id': 'btcusd', // string literal for

referencing within an exchange

'symbol': 'BTC/USD', // uppercase string

literal of a pair of currencies

'base': 'BTC', // uppercase string, base

currency, 3 or more letters

'quote': 'USD', // uppercase string,

quote currency, 3 or more letters

'active': true, // boolean, market


'precision': { // number of decimal

digits "after the dot"

'price': 8, // integer

'amount': 8, // integer

'cost': 8, // integer


'limits': { // value limits when placing

orders on this market

'amount': {

'min': 0.01, // order amount should be

> min

'max': 1000, // order amount should be

< max


'price': { ... }, // same min/max limits

for the price of the order

'cost': { ... }, // same limits for

order cost = price * amount


'info': { ... }, // the original

unparsed market info from the exchange


Each market is an associative array (aka dictionary) with

the following keys:

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]id. The string or numeric ID of the market

or trade instrument within the exchange. Market ids are used inside exchanges

internally to identify trading pairs during the request/response process.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]symbol. An uppercase

string code representation of a particular trading pair or instrument. This is

usually written as BaseCurrency/QuoteCurrency with a slash as in BTC/USD, LTC/CNY or ETH/EUR, etc. Symbols

are used to reference markets within the ccxt library (explained below).

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]base. An uppercase string code of base fiat

or crypto currency.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]quote. An uppercase

string code of quoted fiat or crypto currency.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]active. A boolean

indicating whether or not trading this market is currently possible.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]info. An associative array of non-common

market properties, including fees, rates, limits and other general market

information. The internal info array is different for each particular market,

its contents depend on the exchange.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]precision. The amounts of

decimal digits accepted in order values by exchanges upon order placement for

price, amount and cost.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]limits. The minimums

and maximums for prices, amounts (volumes) and costs (where cost = price *


Precision And Limits

Do not confuse limits with precision! Precision has nothing to do with min

limits. A precision of 8 digits does not necessarily mean a min limit of

0.00000001. The opposite is also true: a min limit of 0.0001 does not

necessarily mean a precision of 4.


[if !supportLists]1. [endif](market['limits']['amount']['min'] == 0.05)

&& (market['precision']['amount'] == 4)

In the first example the amount of any order placed on the market must satisfy both conditions:

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]The amount

value should be >=


+ good: 0.05, 0.051, 0.0501, 0.0502, ..., 0.0599, 0.06, 0.0601, ...

- bad: 0.04, 0.049, 0.0499

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]Precision of the amount should up to 4 decimal digits:

+ good: 0.05, 0.051, 0.052, ..., 0.0531, ..., 0.06, ... 0.0719, ...

- bad: 0.05001, 0.05000, 0.06001

[if !supportLists]1. [endif](market['limits']['price']['min'] == 0.0019)

&& (market['precision']['price'] == 5)

In the second example the price of any order placed on the market must satisfy both conditions:

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]The price

value should be >=


+ good: 0.019, ... 0.0191, ... 0.01911, 0.01912, ...

- bad: 0.016, ..., 0.01699

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]Precision of price should be 5 decimal digits or less:

+ good: 0.02, 0.021, 0.0212, 0.02123, 0.02124, 0.02125, ...

- bad: 0.017000, 0.017001, ...

[if !supportLists]1. [endif](market['limits']['amount']['min'] == 50)

&& (market['precision']['amount'] == -1)

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]The amount

value should be

greater than 50:

+ good: 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, ... 2000, ...

- bad: 1, 2, 3, ..., 9

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]A negative amount

precision means that the

amount should be an integer multiple of 10:

+ good: 50, ..., 110, ... 1230, ..., 1000000, ..., 1234560, ...

- bad: 9.5, ... 10.1, ..., 11, ... 200.71, ...

The precision and limits params are currently under heavy development,

some of these fields may be missing here and there until the unification

process is complete. This does not influence most of the orders but can be

significant in extreme cases of very large or very small orders. The active flag is

not yet supported and/or implemented by all markets.

Loading Markets

In most cases you are required to load the list of

markets and trading symbols for a particular exchange prior to accessing other

API methods. If you forget to load markets the ccxt library will do that

automatically upon your first call to the unified API. It will send two HTTP

requests, first for markets and then the second one for other data,


In order to load markets manually beforehand call the loadMarkets () / load_markets

() method on an exchange instance. It

returns an associative array of markets indexed by trading symbol. If you want

more control over the execution of your logic, preloading markets by hand is recommended.

// JavaScript

(async () => {

let kraken = new ccxt.kraken ()

let markets = await kraken.load_markets


console.log (, markets)

}) ()

# Python

okcoin = ccxt.okcoinusd ()

markets = okcoin.load_markets ()

print (, markets)

// PHP

$id = 'huobi';

$exchange = '\\ccxt\\' . $id;

$huobi = new $exchange ();

$markets = $huobi->load_markets ();

var_dump ($huobi->id, $markets);

Symbols And

Market Ids

Market ids are used during the REST request-response

process to reference trading pairs within exchanges. The set of market ids is

unique per exchange and cannot be used across exchanges. For example, the

BTC/USD pair/market may have different ids on various popular exchanges, like btcusd, BTCUSD, XBTUSD, btc/usd, 42 (numeric id), BTC/USD, Btc/Usd, tBTCUSD, XXBTZUSD. You don't need

to remember or use market ids, they are there for internal HTTP

request-response purposes inside exchange implementations.

The ccxt library abstracts uncommon market ids to

symbols, standardized to a common format. Symbols aren't the same as market

ids. Every market is referenced by a corresponding symbol. Symbols are common

across exchanges which makes them suitable for arbitrage and many other things.

A symbol is usually an uppercase string literal name for

a pair of traded currencies with a slash in between. A currency is a code of

three or four uppercase letters, like BTC, ETH, USD, GBP, CNY, LTC, JPY, DOGE, RUB, ZEC, XRP, XMR, etc. Some exchanges have exotic

currencies with longer names. The first currency before the slash is usually

called base

currency, and the one after the slash is called quote

currency. Examples of a symbol are: BTC/USD, DOGE/LTC, ETH/EUR, DASH/XRP, BTC/CNY, ZEC/XMR, ETH/JPY.

Sometimes the user might notice a symbol like 'XBTM18' or '.XRPUSDM20180101' or some other "exotic/rare

symbols". The symbol is not

required to have a slash

or to be a pair of currencies. The string in the symbol really depends on the

type of the market (whether it is a spot market or a futures market, a darkpool

market or an expired market, etc). Attempting to parse the symbol string is

highly discouraged, one should not rely on the symbol format, it is recommended

to use market properties instead.

Market structures are indexed by symbols and ids. The

base exchange class also has builtin methods for accessing markets by symbols.

Most API methods require a symbol to be passed in their first argument. You are

often required to specify a symbol when querying current prices, making orders,


Most of the time users will be working with market

symbols. You will get a standard userland exception if you access non-existent

keys in these dicts.

// JavaScript

(async () => {

console.log (await exchange.loadMarkets


let btcusd1 =['BTC/USD'] // get market structure by symbol

let btcusd2 =

('BTC/USD') // same result in a slightly different way

let btcusdId = exchange.marketId

('BTC/USD') // get market id by symbol

let symbols = exchange.symbols // get an

array of symbols

let symbols2 = Object.keys

( // same as previous line

console.log (, symbols) //

print all symbols

let currencies = exchange.currencies //

a list of currencies

let bitfinex = new ccxt.bitfinex ()

await bitfinex.loadMarkets ()['BTC/USD'] // symbol →

market (get market by symbol)

bitfinex.markets_by_id['XRPBTC'] // id →

market (get market by id)['BTC/USD']['id'] //

symbol → id (get id by symbol)


// id → symbol (get symbol by id)


# Python

print (exchange.load_markets ())

etheur1 =['ETH/EUR'] #

get market structure by symbol

etheur2 = ('ETH/EUR') #

same result in a slightly different way

etheurId = exchange.market_id

('BTC/USD') # get market id by symbol

symbols = exchange.symbols # get a list

of symbols

symbols2 = list (

()) # same as previous line

print (, symbols) # print all


currencies = exchange.currencies # a

list of currencies

kraken = ccxt.kraken ()

kraken.load_markets ()['BTC/USD'] # symbol →

market (get market by symbol)

kraken.markets_by_id['XXRPZUSD'] # id →

market (get market by id)['BTC/USD']['id'] # symbol

→ id (get id by symbol)


# id → symbol (get symbol by id)

// PHP

$var_dump ($exchange->load_markets


$dashcny1 =

$exchange->markets['DASH/CNY']; // get market structure by symbol

$dashcny2 = $exchange->market

('DASH/CNY'); // same result in a slightly different way

$dashcnyId = $exchange->market_id

('DASH/CNY'); // get market id by symbol

$symbols = $exchange->symbols; // get

an array of symbols

$symbols2 = array_keys

($exchange->markets); // same as previous line

var_dump ($exchange->id, $symbols);

// print all symbols

$currencies = $exchange->currencies;

// a list of currencies

$okcoinusd = '\\ccxt\\okcoinusd';

$okcoinusd = new $okcoinusd ();

$okcoinusd->load_markets ();

$okcoinusd->markets['BTC/USD']; //

symbol → market (get market by symbol)


// id → market (get market by id)


// symbol → id (get id by symbol)


// id → symbol (get symbol by id)

Naming Consistency

There is a bit of term ambiguity across various exchanges

that may cause confusion among newcoming traders. Some exchanges call markets

as pairs, whereas other

exchanges call symbols as products. In terms of

the ccxt library, each exchange contains one or more trading markets. Each

market has an id and a symbol. Most symbols are pairs of base currency and

quote currency.

Exchanges → Markets → Symbols → Currencies

Historically various symbolic names have been used to

designate same trading pairs. Some cryptocurrencies (like Dash) even changed

their names more than once during their ongoing lifetime. For consistency

across exchanges the ccxt library will perform the following known

substitutions for symbols and currencies:

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]XBT → BTC: XBT is newer but BTC is more common

among exchanges and sounds more like bitcoin (read more).

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]BCC → BCH: The Bitcoin

Cash fork is often called with two different symbolic names: BCC and BCH. The name BCC is ambiguous for Bitcoin Cash, it is

confused with BitConnect. The ccxt library will convert BCC to BCH where it is appropriate (some exchanges

and aggregators confuse them).

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]DRK → DASH: DASH was Darkcoin

then became Dash (read more).

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]DSH → DASH: Try not to

confuse symbols and currencies. The DSH (Dashcoin) is not the same as DASH (Dash). Some

exchanges have DASH labelled inconsistently as DSH, the ccxt library does a correction for

that as well (DSH → DASH), but only on

certain exchanges that have these two currencies confused, whereas most

exchanges have them both correct. Just remember that DASH/BTC is not the same as DSH/BTC.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]XRB → NANO: NANO is the newer code for RaiBlocks, thus,

CCXT unified API uses will replace the older XRB with NANO where needed.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]USD → USDT: Some exchanges, like Bitfinex, HitBTC

and a few other name the currency as USD in their listings, but those markets are

actually trading USDT. The confusion

can come from a 3-letter limitation on symbol names or may be due to other

reasons. In cases where the traded currency is actually USDT and is not USD – the CCXT library will perform USD → USDT conversion. Note, however, that some

exchanges have both USD and USDT symbols, for example, Kraken has a USDT/USD trading pair.

Notes On Naming


Each exchange has an associative array of substitutions

for cryptocurrency symbolic codes in the exchange.commonCurrencies property. Sometimes the user may notice

exotic symbol names with mixed-case words and spaces in the code. The logic

behind having these names is explained by the rules for resolving conflicts in

naming and currency-coding when one or more currencies have the same symbolic

code with different exchanges:

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]First, we gather all info available from

the exchanges themselves about the currency codes in question. They usually

have a description of their coin listings somewhere in their API or their docs,

knowledgebases or elsewhere on their websites.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]When we identify each particular

cryptocurrency standing behind the currency code, we look them up onCoinMarketCap.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]The currency that has the greatest

market capitalization of all wins the currency code and keeps it. For example,

HOT often stand for either Holo or Hydro

Protocol. In this case Holo retains the code HOT, and Hydro Protocol will have its name as its code, literally, Hydro

Protocol. So, there may be trading pairs with symbols like HOT/USD (for Holo) and Hydro Protocol/USD – those are two different markets.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]If market cap of a particular coin is

unknown or is not enough to determine the winner, we also take trading volumes

and other factors into consideration.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]When the winner is determined all other

competing currencies get their code names properly remapped and substituted

within conflicting exchanges via .commonCurrencies.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]Unfortunately this is a work in

progress, because new currencies get listed daily and new exchanges are added

from time to time, so, in general this is a never-ending process of

self-correction in a quickly changing environment, practically, in "live mode". We are

thankful for all reported conflicts and mismatches you may find.

Consistency Of

Base And Quote Currencies

It depends on which exchange you are using, but some of

them have a reversed (inconsistent) pairing of base and quote. They actually

have base and quote misplaced (switched/reversed sides). In that case you'll

see a difference of parsed base and quote currency values with the unparsed info in the market


For those exchanges the ccxt will do a correction,

switching and normalizing sides of base and quote currencies when parsing

exchange replies. This logic is financially and terminologically correct. If

you want less confusion, remember the following rule: base is

always before the slash, quote is always after the slash in any symbol and with

any market.

base currency ↓




↑ quote currency

Market Cache

Force Reload

The loadMarkets

() / load_markets () is also a dirty

method with a side effect of saving the array of markets on the exchange

instance. You only need to call it once per exchange. All subsequent calls to

the same method will return the locally saved (cached) array of markets.

When exchange markets are loaded, you can then access

market information any time via the markets property. This property contains an

associative array of markets indexed by symbol. If you need to force reload the

list of markets after you have them loaded already, pass the reload = true flag

to the same method again.

// JavaScript

(async () => {

let kraken = new ccxt.kraken ({ verbose:

true }) // log HTTP requests

await kraken.load_markets () // request


console.log (,

// output a full list of all loaded markets

console.log (Object.keys

( // output a short list of market symbols

console.log (['BTC/USD'])

// output single market details

await kraken.load_markets () // return a

locally cached version, no reload

let reloadedMarkets = await

kraken.load_markets (true) // force HTTP reload = true

console.log (reloadedMarkets['ETH/BTC'])

}) ()

# Python

poloniex = ccxt.poloniex({'verbose':

True}) # log HTTP requests

poloniex.load_markets() # request


print(, #

output a full list of all loaded markets

print(list( #

output a short list of market symbols

print(['BTC/ETH']) #

output single market details

poloniex.load_markets() # return a

locally cached version, no reload

reloadedMarkets =

poloniex.load_markets(True) # force HTTP reload = True


// PHP

$bitfinex = new \ccxt\bitfinex (array

('verbose' => true)); // log HTTP requests

$bitfinex.load_markets (); // request


var_dump ($bitfinex->id,

$bitfinex->markets); // output a full list of all loaded markets

var_dump (array_keys

($bitfinex->markets)); // output a short list of market symbols


($bitfinex->markets['XRP/USD']); // output single market details

$bitfinex->load_markets (); // return

a locally cached version, no reload

$reloadedMarkets =

$bitfinex->load_markets (true); // force HTTP reload = true



API Methods /


Each exchange offers a set of API methods. Each method of

the API is called an endpoint. Endpoints are

HTTP URLs for querying various types of information. All endpoints return JSON

in response to client requests.

Usually, there is an endpoint for getting a list of

markets from an exchange, an endpoint for retrieving an order book for a particular

market, an endpoint for retrieving trade history, endpoints for placing and

canceling orders, for money deposit and withdrawal, etc... Basically every kind

of action you could perform within a particular exchange has a separate

endpoint URL offered by the API.

Because the set of methods differs from exchange to

exchange, the ccxt library implements the following:

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]a public and private API for all

possible URLs and methods

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]a unified API supporting a subset of

common methods

The endpoint URLs are predefined in the api property for

each exchange. You don't have to override it, unless you are implementing a new

exchange API (at least you should know what you're doing).

Implicit API


Most of exchange-specific API methods are implicit,

meaning that they aren't defined explicitly anywhere in code. The library

implements a declarative approach for defining implicit (non-unified)

exchanges' API methods.

Each method of the API usually has its own endpoint. The

library defines all endpoints for each particular exchange in the .api property. Upon

exchange construction an implicit magic method (aka partial

function or closure) will be

created inside defineRestApi()/define_rest_api() on the exchange instance for each

endpoint from the list of .api endpoints. This is performed for all

exchanges universally. Each generated method will be accessible in both camelCase and under_score notations.

The endpoints definition is a full list

of ALL API URLs exposed by an

exchange. This list gets converted to callable methods upon exchange

instantiation. Each URL in the API endpoint list gets a corresponding callable

method. This is done automatically for all exchanges, therefore the ccxt

library supports all possible

URLs offered by

crypto exchanges.

Each implicit method gets a unique name which is

constructed from the .api definition. For example, a private HTTPS

PUT{id}/cancel endpoint will have a corresponding

exchange method named .privatePutOrderIdCancel()/.private_put_order_id_cancel(). A public HTTPS

GET{pair} endpoint would result in the

corresponding method named .publicGetTickerPair()/.public_get_ticker_pair(), and so on.

An implicit method takes a dictionary of parameters,

sends the request to the exchange and returns an exchange-specific JSON result

from the API as is,

unparsed. To pass a parameter, add it to the dictionary explicitly under a key

equal to the parameter's name. For the examples above, this would look like .privatePutOrderIdCancel ({ id:

'41987a2b-...' }) and .publicGetTickerPair ({ pair: 'BTC/USD' }).

The recommended way of working with exchanges is not

using exchange-specific implicit methods but using the unified ccxt methods

instead. The exchange-specific methods should be used as a fallback in cases

when a corresponding unified method isn't available (yet).

To get a list of all available methods with an exchange

instance, including implicit methods and unified methods you can simply do the


console.log (new ccxt.kraken ()) //


print(dir(ccxt.hitbtc())) # Python

var_dump (new \ccxt\okcoinusd ()); // PHP



API URLs are often grouped into two sets of methods

called a public API for market data and a private API for trading and account access. These groups of API methods are usually

prefixed with a word 'public' or 'private'.

A public API is used to access market data and does not

require any authentication whatsoever. Most exchanges provide market data

openly to all (under their rate limit). With the ccxt library anyone can access

market data out of the box without having to register with the exchanges and

without setting up account keys and passwords.

Public APIs include the following:

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]instruments/trading pairs

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]price feeds (exchange rates)

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]order books (L1, L2, L3...)

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]trade history (closed orders,

transactions, executions)

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]tickers (spot / 24h price)

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]OHLCV series for charting

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]other public endpoints

For trading with private API you need to obtain API keys

from/to exchanges. It often means registering with exchanges and creating API

keys with your account. Most exchanges require personal info or identification.

Some kind of verification may be necessary as well.

If you want to trade you need to register yourself, this

library will not create accounts or API keys for you. Some exchange APIs expose

interface methods for registering an account from within the code itself, but

most of exchanges don't. You have to sign up and create API keys with their


Private APIs allow the following:

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]manage personal account info

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]query account balances

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]trade by making market and limit orders

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]create deposit addresses and fund


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]request withdrawal of fiat and crypto


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]query personal open / closed orders

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]query positions in margin/leverage


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]get ledger history

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]transfer funds between accounts

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]use merchant services

Some exchanges offer the same logic under different

names. For example, a public API is also often called market

data, basic, market, mapi, api, price, etc... All of

them mean a set of methods for accessing data available to public. A private

API is also often called trading, trade, tapi, exchange, account, etc...

A few exchanges also expose a merchant API which allows

you to create invoices and accept crypto and fiat payments from your clients.

This kind of API is often called merchant, wallet, payment, ecapi (for e-commerce).

To get a list of all available methods with an exchange

instance, you can simply do the following:

console.log (new ccxt.kraken ()) //


print (dir (ccxt.hitbtc ())) # Python

var_dump (new \ccxt\okcoinusd ()); // PHP

Synchronous vs

Asynchronous Calls

In the JavaScript version of CCXT all methods are

asynchronous and returnPromisesthat resolve with a decoded JSON object. In CCXT we use the modern async/await syntax to work with Promises. If you're not familiar with that syntax, you

can read more about ithere.

// JavaScript

(async () => {

let pairs = await

kraken.publicGetSymbolsDetails ()

let marketIds = Object.keys


let marketId = marketIds[0]

let ticker = await

kraken.publicGetTicker ({ pair: marketId })

console.log (, marketId,


}) ()

The ccxt library supports asynchronous concurrency mode

in Python 3.5+ with async/await syntax. The asynchronous Python version uses

pureasynciowithaiohttp. In async mode

you have all the same properties and methods, but most methods are decorated

with an async keyword. If you want to use async mode, you should link against

the ccxt.async_support subpackage, like in the following example:

# Python

import asyncio

import ccxt.async_support as ccxt

async def


poloniex = ccxt.poloniex()




In PHP all API methods are synchronous.

Returned JSON


All public and private API methods return raw decoded

JSON objects in response from the exchanges, as is, untouched. The unified API

returns JSON-decoded objects in a common format and structured uniformly across

all exchanges.


Parameters To API Methods

The set of all possible API endpoints differs from

exchange to exchange. Most of methods accept a single associative array (or a

Python dict) of key-value parameters. The params are passed as follows:

bitso.publicGetTicker ({ book: 'eth_mxn' })

// JavaScript

ccxt.zaif().public_get_ticker_pair ({ 'pair':

'btc_jpy' }) # Python

$luno->public_get_ticker (array ('pair'

=> 'XBTIDR')); // PHP

For a full list of accepted method parameters for each

exchange, please consultAPI docs.

API Method Naming Conventions

An exchange method name is a concatenated string

consisting of type (public or private), HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)

and endpoint URL path like in the following examples:

Method NameBase API URLEndpoint URL








The ccxt library supports both camelcase notation

(preferred in JavaScript) and underscore notation (preferred in Python and

PHP), therefore all methods can be called in either notation or coding style in

any language. Both of these notations work in JavaScript, Python and PHP:

exchange.methodName () // camelcase


exchange.method_name () // underscore


To get a list of all available methods with an exchange

instance, you can simply do the following:

console.log (new ccxt.kraken ()) // JavaScript

print (dir (ccxt.hitbtc ())) # Python

var_dump (new \ccxt\okcoinusd ()); // PHP

Unified API

The unified ccxt API is a subset of methods common among

the exchanges. It currently contains the following methods:

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]fetchMarkets (): Fetches a list

of all available markets from an exchange and returns an array of markets

(objects with properties such as symbol, base, quote etc.). Some exchanges do not have means

for obtaining a list of markets via their online API. For those, the list of

markets is hardcoded.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]loadMarkets ([reload]): Returns the

list of markets as an object indexed by symbol and caches it with the exchange

instance. Returns cached markets if loaded already, unless the reload = true flag is forced.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]fetchOrderBook (symbol[, limit = undefined[,

params = {}]]): Fetch L2/L3 order book for a particular market trading symbol.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]fetchL2OrderBook (symbol[, limit =

undefined[, params]]): Level 2 (price-aggregated) order book

for a particular symbol.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]fetchTrades (symbol[, since[, [limit,

[params]]]]): Fetch recent trades for a particular trading symbol.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]fetchTicker (symbol): Fetch latest

ticker data by trading symbol.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]fetchBalance (): Fetch Balance.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]createOrder (symbol, type, side, amount[,

price[, params]])

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]createLimitBuyOrder (symbol, amount, price[,


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]createLimitSellOrder (symbol, amount, price[,


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]createMarketBuyOrder (symbol, amount[,


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]createMarketSellOrder (symbol, amount[,


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]cancelOrder (id[, symbol[, params]])

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]fetchOrder (id[, symbol[, params]])

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]fetchOrders ([symbol[, since[, limit[,


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]fetchOpenOrders ([symbol[, since, limit,


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]fetchClosedOrders ([symbol[, since[, limit[,


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]fetchMyTrades ([symbol[, since[, limit[,


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]...

Overriding Unified API Params

Note, that most of methods of the unified API accept an

optional params parameter. It is an associative array (a

dictionary, empty by default) containing the params you want to override. The

contents of params are exchange-specific, consult the

exchanges' API documentation for supported fields and values. Use the params dictionary if you need to pass a custom setting or an optional parameter

to your unified query.

// JavaScript

(async () => {

const params = {

'foo': 'bar', // exchange-specific

overrides in unified queries

'Hello': 'World!', // see their docs for

more details on parameter names


// the overrides go into the last

argument to the unified call ↓ HERE

const result = await

exchange.fetchOrderBook (symbol, length, params)

}) ()

# Python

params = {

'foo': 'bar', # exchange-specific

overrides in unified queries

'Hello': 'World!', # see their docs for

more details on parameter names


# overrides go in the last argument to

the unified call ↓ HERE

result =

exchange.fetch_order_book(symbol, length, params)

// PHP

$params = array (

'foo' => 'bar', // exchange-specific

overrides in unified queries

'Hello' => 'World!', // see their

docs for more details on parameter names


// overrides go into the last argument

to the unified call ↓ HERE

$result = $exchange->fetch_order_book

($symbol, $length, $params);


Most of unified methods will return either a single

object or a plain array (a list) of objects (trades, orders, transactions and

so on). However, very few exchanges (if any at all) will return all orders, all

trades, all ohlcv candles or all transactions at once. Most often their APIs limit output to a certain number of most recent objects. YOU CANNOT


CALL. Practically, very few exchanges will tolerate or allow that.

To fetch historical orders or trades, the user will need

to traverse the data in portions or "pages" of objects. Pagination

often implies "fetching

portions of data one by one" in a loop.

In most cases users are required

to use at least some type of pagination in order to get the expected results consistently. If the user does not

apply any pagination, most methods will return the exchanges' default, which

may start from the beginning of history or may be a subset of most recent

objects. The default behaviour (without pagination) is exchange-specific! The

means of pagination are often used with the following methods in particular:

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]fetchTrades

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]fetchOHLCV

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]fetchOrders

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]fetchOpenOrders

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]fetchClosedOrders

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]fetchMyTrades

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]fetchTransactions

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]fetchDeposits

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]fetchWithdrawals

With methods returning lists of objects, exchanges may

offer one or more types of pagination. CCXT unifies date-based

pagination by default, with

timestamps in

milliseconds throughout the

entire library.

Working With

Datetimes and Timestamps

The set of methods for working with UTC dates and

timestamps and for converting between them:


('2018-01-01T00:00:00Z') == 1514764800000 // integer, Z = UTC

exchange.iso8601 (1514764800000) ==

'2018-01-01T00:00:00Z' // iso8601 string

exchange.seconds () // integer UTC

timestamp in seconds

exchange.milliseconds () // integer UTC

timestamp in milliseconds



This is the type of pagination currently used throughout

the CCXT Unified API. The user supplies a since timestamp in

milliseconds (!) and a number

to limit results. To traverse the objects of interest page by page, the user runs

the following (below is pseudocode, it may require overriding some

exchange-specific params, depending on the exchange in question):

// JavaScript

if (exchange.has['fetchTrades']) {

let since = exchange.milliseconds () -

86400000 // -1 day from now

// alternatively, fetch from a certain

starting datetime

// let since = exchange.parse8601


let allTrades = []

while (since < exchange.milliseconds

()) {

const symbol = undefined // change for

your symbol

const limit = 20 // change for your


const trades = await

exchange.fetchTrades (symbol, since, limit)

if (trades.length) {

since = trades[trades.length - 1]

allTrades.push (trades)

} else {





# Python

if exchange.has['fetchOrders']:

since = exchange.milliseconds () -

86400000 # -1 day from now

# alternatively, fetch from a certain

starting datetime

# since =


all_orders = []

while since < exchange.milliseconds


symbol = None # change for your symbol

limit = 20 # change for your limit

orders = await

exchange.fetch_orders(symbol, since, limit)

if len(orders):

since = orders[len(orders) - 1]

all_orders += orders



// PHP

if ($exchange->has['fetchMyTrades'])


$since = exchange->milliseconds () -

86400000; // -1 day from now

// alternatively, fetch from a certain

starting datetime

// $since = $exchange->parse8601


$all_trades = array ();

while (since <

exchange->milliseconds ()) {

$symbol = null; // change for your


$limit = 20; // change for your limit

$trades = $exchange->fetchMyTrades

($symbol, $since, $limit);

if (count($trades)) {

$since = $trades[count($trades) - 1];

$all_trades = array_merge ($all_trades,


} else {







The user supplies a from_id of the object, from where the query

should continue returning results, and a number to limit results. This is the default with some

exchanges, however, this type is not unified (yet). To paginate objects based

on their ids, the user would run the following:

// JavaScript

if (exchange.has['fetchTrades']) {

let from_id = 'abc123' // all ids are


let allTrades = []

while (true) {

const symbol = undefined // change for

your symbol

const since = undefined

const limit = 20 // change for your


const params = {

'from_id': from_id, // exchange-specific

non-unified parameter name


const trades = await exchange.fetchTrades

(symbol, since, limit, params)

if (trades.length) {

from_id = trades[trades.length -


allTrades.push (trades)

} else {





# Python

if exchange.has['fetchOrders']:

from_id = 'abc123' # all ids are strings

all_orders = []

while True:

symbol = None # change for your symbol

since = None

limit = 20 # change for your limit

params = {

'from_id': from_id, # exchange-specific

non-unified parameter name


orders = await

exchange.fetch_orders(symbol, since, limit, params)

if len(orders):

from_id = orders[len(orders) - 1]['id']

all_orders += orders



// PHP

if ($exchange->has['fetchMyTrades'])


$from_id = 'abc123' // all ids are


$all_trades = array ();

while (true) {

$symbol = null; // change for your


$since = null;

$limit = 20; // change for your limit

$params = array (

'from_id' => $from_id, //

exchange-specific non-unified parameter name


$trades = $exchange->fetchMyTrades

($symbol, $since, $limit, $params);

if (count($trades)) {

$from_id = $trades[count($trades) -


$all_trades = array_merge ($all_trades,


} else {






(cursor) pagination

The user supplies a page number or an initial "cursor" value. The exchange returns a page of

results and the next

"cursor" value, to

proceed from. Most of exchanges that implement this type of pagination will

either return the next cursor within the response itself or will return the

next cursor values within HTTP response headers.

See an example implementation here:

Upon each iteration of the loop the user has to take the

next cursor and put it into the overrided params for the next query (on the

following iteration):

// JavaScript

if (exchange.has['fetchTrades']) {

let page = 0 // exchange-specific type

and value

let allTrades = []

while (true) {

const symbol = undefined // change for

your symbol

const since = undefined

const limit = 20 // change for your


const params = {

'page': page, // exchange-specific

non-unified parameter name


const trades = await

exchange.fetchTrades (symbol, since, limit, params)

if (trades.length) {

// not thread-safu and exchange-specific


page =


allTrades.push (trades)

} else {





# Python

if exchange.has['fetchOrders']:

cursor = 0 # exchange-specific type and


all_orders = []

while True:

symbol = None # change for your symbol

since = None

limit = 20 # change for your limit

params = {

'cursor': cursor, # exchange-specific

non-unified parameter name


orders = await

exchange.fetch_orders(symbol, since, limit, params)

if len(orders):

# not thread-safu and exchange-specific


cursor =


all_orders += orders



// PHP

if ($exchange->has['fetchMyTrades'])


$start = '0' // exchange-specific type

and value

$all_trades = array ();

while (true) {

$symbol = null; // change for your


$since = null;

$limit = 20; // change for your limit

$params = array (

'start' => $start, //

exchange-specific non-unified parameter name


$trades = $exchange->fetchMyTrades

($symbol, $since, $limit, $params);

if (count($trades)) {

// not thread-safu and exchange-specific


$start =


$all_trades = array_merge ($all_trades,


} else {





Market Data

Order Book

Exchanges expose information on open orders with bid

(buy) and ask (sell) prices, volumes and other data. Usually there is a

separate endpoint for querying current state (stack frame) of the order book for a particular market. An order book is also often called market depth. The order book

information is used in the trading decision making process.

The method for fetching an order book for a particular

symbol is named fetchOrderBook or fetch_order_book. It accepts a

symbol and an optional dictionary with extra params (if supported by a

particular exchange). The method for fetching the order book is called like

shown below:

// JavaScript

delay = 2000 // milliseconds = seconds *


(async () => {

for (symbol in {

console.log (await

exchange.fetchOrderBook (symbol))

await new Promise (resolve =>

setTimeout (resolve, delay)) // rate limit


}) ()

# Python

import time

delay = 2 # seconds

for symbol in

print (exchange.fetch_order_book


time.sleep (delay) # rate limit

// PHP

$delay = 2000000; // microseconds =

seconds * 1000000

foreach ($exchange->markets as

$symbol => $market) {

var_dump ($exchange->fetch_order_book


usleep ($delay); // rate limit


The structure of a returned order book is as follows:


'bids': [

[ price, amount ], // [ float, float ]

[ price, amount ],



'asks': [

[ price, amount ],

[ price, amount ],



'timestamp': 1499280391811, // Unix

Timestamp in milliseconds (seconds * 1000)

'datetime': '2017-07-05T18:47:14.692Z',

// ISO8601 datetime string with milliseconds


The timestamp and datetime may be missing (undefined/None/null) if the

exchange in question does not provide a corresponding value in the API


Prices and amounts are floats. The bids array is sorted

by price in descending order. The best (highest) bid price is the first element

and the worst (lowest) bid price is the last element. The asks array is sorted

by price in ascending order. The best (lowest) ask price is the first element

and the worst (highest) ask price is the last element. Bid/ask arrays can be

empty if there are no corresponding orders in the order book of an exchange.

Exchanges may return the stack of orders in various

levels of details for analysis. It is either in full detail containing each and

every order, or it is aggregated having slightly less detail where orders are

grouped and merged by price and volume. Having greater detail requires more

traffic and bandwidth and is slower in general but gives a benefit of higher

precision. Having less detail is usually faster, but may not be enough in some

very specific cases.

Notes On Order Book Structure

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]orderbook['timestamp'] is the time when the exchange generated

this orderbook response (before replying it back to you). This may be missing (undefined/None/null), as documented

in the Manual, not all exchanges provide a timestamp there. If it is defined,

then it is the UTC timestamp in

milliseconds since 1 Jan 1970


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]exchange.last_response_headers['Date'] is the date-time string of the last HTTP

response received (from HTTP headers). The 'Date' parser should respect the

timezone designated there. The precision of the date-time is 1 second, 1000

milliseconds. This date should be set by the exchange server when the message

originated according to the following standards:

Market Depth

Some exchanges accept a dictionary of extra parameters to

the fetchOrderBook () / fetch_order_book () function. All extra params are

exchange-specific (non-unified). You will need to consult exchanges

docs if you want to override a particular param, like the depth of the order

book. You can get a limited count of returned orders or a desired level of

aggregation (aka market

depth) by specifying an limit argument and exchange-specific extra params like so:

// JavaScript

(async function test () {

const ccxt = require ('ccxt')

const exchange = new ccxt.bitfinex ()

const limit = 5

const orders = await

exchange.fetchOrderBook ('BTC/USD', limit, {

// this parameter is exchange-specific,

all extra params have unique names per exchange

'group': 1, // 1 = orders are grouped by

price, 0 = orders are separate


}) ()

# Python

import ccxt

# return up to ten bidasks on each side

of the order book stack

limit = 10



// PHP

// instantiate the exchange by id

$exchange = '\\ccxt\\kraken';

$exchange = new $exchange ();

// up to ten orders on each side, for


$limit = 20;

var_dump ($exchange->fetch_order_book

('BTC/USD', $limit));

The levels of detail or levels of order book aggregation

are often number-labelled like L1, L2, L3...

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]L1: less detail

for quickly obtaining very basic info, namely, the market price only. It

appears to look like just one order in the order book.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]L2: most common

level of aggregation where order volumes are grouped by price. If two orders

have the same price, they appear as one single order for a volume equal to

their total sum. This is most likely the level of aggregation you need for the

majority of purposes.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]L3: most detailed

level with no aggregation where each order is separate from other orders. This

LOD naturally contains duplicates in the output. So, if two orders have equal

prices they are not merged together and it's up to the

exchange's matching engine to decide on their priority in the stack. You don't

really need L3 detail for successful trading. In fact, you most probably don't

need it at all. Therefore some exchanges don't support it and always return

aggregated order books.

If you want to get an L2 order book, whatever the

exchange returns, use the fetchL2OrderBook(symbol,

limit, params) or fetch_l2_order_book(symbol, limit, params) unified method for that.

Market Price

In order to get current best price (query market price)

and calculate bidask spread take first elements from bid and ask, like so:

// JavaScript

let orderbook = exchange.fetchOrderBook


let bid = orderbook.bids.length ?

orderbook.bids[0][0] : undefined

let ask = orderbook.asks.length ?

orderbook.asks[0][0] : undefined

let spread = (bid && ask) ? ask

- bid : undefined

console.log (, 'market

price', { bid, ask, spread })

# Python

orderbook = exchange.fetch_order_book


bid = orderbook['bids'][0][0] if len

(orderbook['bids']) > 0 else None

ask = orderbook['asks'][0][0] if len

(orderbook['asks']) > 0 else None

spread = (ask - bid) if (bid and ask)

else None

print (, 'market price', {

'bid': bid, 'ask': ask, 'spread': spread })

// PHP

$orderbook =

$exchange->fetch_order_book ($exchange->symbols[0]);

$bid = count ($orderbook['bids']) ?

$orderbook['bids'][0][0] : null;

$ask = count ($orderbook['asks']) ?

$orderbook['asks'][0][0] : null;

$spread = ($bid && $ask) ? $ask

- $bid : null;

$result = array ('bid' => $bid, 'ask'

=> $ask, 'spread' => $spread);

var_dump ($exchange->id, 'market

price', $result);

Price Tickers

A price ticker contains statistics for a particular

market/symbol for some period of time in recent past, usually last 24 hours.

The structure of a ticker is as follows:


'symbol': string symbol of the market

('BTC/USD', 'ETH/BTC', ...)

'info': { the original non-modified

unparsed reply from exchange API },

'timestamp': int (64-bit Unix Timestamp

in milliseconds since Epoch 1 Jan 1970)

'datetime': ISO8601 datetime string with


'high': float, // highest price

'low': float, // lowest price

'bid': float, // current best bid (buy)


'bidVolume': float, // current best bid

(buy) amount (may be missing or undefined)

'ask': float, // current best ask (sell)


'askVolume': float, // current best ask

(sell) amount (may be missing or undefined)

'vwap': float, // volume weighed average


'open': float, // opening price

'close': float, // price of last trade

(closing price for current period)

'last': float, // same as `close`,

duplicated for convenience

'previousClose': float, // closing price

for the previous period

'change': float, // absolute change,

`last - open`

'percentage': float, // relative change,

`(change/open) * 100`

'average': float, // average price,

`(last + open) / 2`

'baseVolume': float, // volume of base

currency traded for last 24 hours

'quoteVolume': float, // volume of quote

currency traded for last 24 hours


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]The bidVolume is the volume (amount) of current best

bid in the orderbook.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]The askVolume is the volume (amount) of current best

ask in the orderbook.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]The baseVolume is the amount of base currency traded

(bought or sold) in last 24 hours.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]The quoteVolume is the amount of quote currency traded

(bought or sold) in last 24 hours.

All prices in ticker structure are in quote

currency. Some fields in a returned ticker structure may be


base currency ↓




↑ quote currency

Timestamp and datetime are both Universal Time

Coordinated (UTC) in milliseconds.

Although some exchanges do mix-in orderbook's top bid/ask

prices into their tickers (and some even top bid/asks volumes) you should not

treat ticker as a fetchOrderBook replacement. The main purpose of a

ticker is to serve statistical data, as such, treat it as "live 24h

OHLCV". It is known that exchanges discourage frequent fetchTicker requests by imposing stricter rate limits on these queries. If you need a

unified way to access bid/asks you should use fetchL[123]OrderBook family instead.

To get historical prices and volumes use the unifiedfetchOHLCVmethod where


Individually By Symbol

To get the individual ticker data from an exchange for

each particular trading pair or symbol call the fetchTicker


// JavaScript

if (exchange.has['fetchTicker']) {

console.log (await (exchange.fetchTicker

('BTC/USD'))) // ticker for BTC/USD

let symbols = Object.keys


let random = Math.floor (Math.random ()

* (symbols.length - 1))

console.log (exchange.fetchTicker

(symbols[random])) // ticker for a random symbol


# Python

import random

if (exchange.has['fetchTicker']):


# ticker for LTC/ZEC

symbols = list(


# ticker for a random symbol

// PHP (don't forget to set your

timezone properly!)

if ($exchange->has['fetchTicker']) {

var_dump ($exchange->fetch_ticker

('ETH/CNY')); // ticker for ETH/CNY

$symbols = array_keys


$random = rand () % count ($symbols);

var_dump ($exchange->fetch_ticker

($symbols[$random])); // ticker for a random symbol


All At Once

Some exchanges (not all of them) also support fetching

all tickers at once. Seetheir docsfor details. You

can fetch all tickers with a single call like so:

// JavaScript

if (exchange.has['fetchTickers']) {

console.log (await

(exchange.fetchTickers ())) // all tickers indexed by their symbols


# Python

if (exchange.has['fetchTickers']):

print(exchange.fetch_tickers()) # all

tickers indexed by their symbols

// PHP

if ($exchange->has['fetchTickers']) {

var_dump ($exchange->fetch_tickers

()); // all tickers indexed by their symbols


Fetching all tickers requires more traffic than fetching

a single ticker. If you only need one ticker, fetching by a particular symbol

is faster in general. You probably want to fetch all tickers only if you really

need all of them.

The structure of returned value is as follows:


'info': { ... }, // the original JSON

response from the exchange as is

'BTC/USD': { ... }, // a single ticker


'ETH/BTC': { ... }, // a ticker for




A general solution for fetching all tickers from all

exchanges (even the ones that don't have a corresponding API endpoint) is on

the way, this section will be updated soon.


Async Mode /




Candlestick Charts

- this is under heavy development right

now, contributions appreciated

Most exchanges have endpoints for fetching OHLCV data,

but some of them don't. The exchange boolean (true/false) property named has['fetchOHLCV'] indicates whether the exchange supports candlestick data series or not.

The fetchOHLCV method is declared in the following way:

fetchOHLCV (symbol, timeframe = '1m', since =

undefined, limit = undefined, params = {})

You can call the unified fetchOHLCV / fetch_ohlcv method to get the list of OHLCV candles

for a particular symbol like so:

// JavaScript

let sleep = (ms) => new Promise

(resolve => setTimeout (resolve, ms));

if (exchange.has.fetchOHLCV) {

for (symbol in {

await sleep (exchange.rateLimit) //


console.log (await exchange.fetchOHLCV

(symbol, '1m')) // one minute



# Python

import time

if exchange.has['fetchOHLCV']:

for symbol in

time.sleep (exchange.rateLimit / 1000) #

time.sleep wants seconds

print (symbol, exchange.fetch_ohlcv

(symbol, '1d')) # one day

// PHP

if ($exchange->has['fetchOHLCV']) {

foreach ($exchange->markets as

$symbol => $market) {

usleep ($exchange->rateLimit * 1000);

// usleep wants microseconds

var_dump ($exchange->fetch_ohlcv

($symbol, '1M')); // one month



To get the list of available timeframes for your exchange

see the timeframes property. Note that it is only populated

when has['fetchOHLCV'] is true as well.

There's a limit on how far back in time your

requests can go. Most of

exchanges will not allow to query detailed candlestick history (like those for

1-minute and 5-minute timeframes) too far in the past. They usually keep a

reasonable amount of most recent candles, like 1000 last candles for any

timeframe is more than enough for most of needs. You can work around that

limitation by continuously fetching (aka REST

polling) latest OHLCVs and storing them in a CSV file or in a database.

Note that the info from the last (current)

candle may be incomplete until the candle is closed (until the next candle


Like with most other unified and implicit methods, the fetchOHLCV method accepts as its last argument an associative array (a dictionary) of

extra params, which is used

to override default values that are sent in requests to the exchanges. The

contents of params are exchange-specific, consult the

exchanges' API documentation for supported fields and values.

The since argument is an integer UTC timestamp in milliseconds (everywhere throughout the library with all unified methods).

If since is not specified the fetchOHLCV method will return the time range as is the default from the exchange

itself. This is not a bug. Some exchanges will return candles from the

beginning of time, others will return most recent candles only, the exchanges'

default behaviour is expected. Thus, without specifying since the range of returned candles will be

exchange-specific. One should pass the since argument to ensure getting precisely the

history range needed.

OHLCV Structure

The fetchOHLCV method shown above returns a list (a flat

array) of OHLCV candles represented by the following structure:



1504541580000, // UTC timestamp in

milliseconds, integer

4235.4, // (O)pen price, float

4240.6, // (H)ighest price, float

4230.0, // (L)owest price, float

4230.7, // (C)losing price, float

37.72941911 // (V)olume (in terms of the

base currency), float




The list of candles is returned sorted in ascending

(historical) order, oldest candle first, most recent candle last.

OHLCV Emulation

Some exchanges don't offer any OHLCV method, and for

those, the ccxt library will emulate OHLCV candles fromPublic

Trades. In that case you will see exchange.has['fetchOHLCV']

= 'emulated'. However, because the trade history is usually very limited, the emulated

fetchOHLCV methods cover most recent info only and should only be used as a

fallback, when no other option is available.

WARNING: the fetchOHLCV emulations is


Trades, Executions,


- this is under heavy development right

now, contributions appreciated

You can call the unified fetchTrades / fetch_trades method to get the list of most recent

trades for a particular symbol. The fetchTrades method is declared in the following way:

async fetchTrades (symbol, since = undefined,

limit = undefined, params = {})

For example, if you want to print recent trades for all

symbols one by one sequentially (mind the rateLimit!) you would do it like so:

// JavaScript

if (exchange.has['fetchTrades']) {

let sleep = (ms) => new Promise

(resolve => setTimeout (resolve, ms));

for (symbol in {

await sleep (exchange.rateLimit) //


console.log (await exchange.fetchTrades




# Python

import time

if exchange.has['fetchTrades']:

for symbol in # ensure

you have called loadMarkets() or load_markets() method.

time.sleep (exchange.rateLimit / 1000) #

time.sleep wants seconds

print (symbol, exchange.fetch_trades


// PHP

if ($exchange->has['fetchTrades']) {

foreach ($exchange->markets as

$symbol => $market) {

usleep ($exchange->rateLimit * 1000);

// usleep wants microseconds

var_dump ($exchange->fetch_trades




The fetchTrades method shown above returns an ordered

list of trades (a flat array, sorted by timestamp in ascending order, oldest

trade first, most recent trade last). A list of trades is represented by the

following structure:



'info': { ... }, // the original decoded

JSON as is

'id': '12345-67890:09876/54321', //

string trade id

'timestamp': 1502962946216, // Unix

timestamp in milliseconds

'datetime': '2017-08-17 12:42:48.000',

// ISO8601 datetime with milliseconds

'symbol': 'ETH/BTC', // symbol

'order': '12345-67890:09876/54321', //

string order id or undefined/None/null

'type': 'limit', // order type,

'market', 'limit' or undefined/None/null

'side': 'buy', // direction of the

trade, 'buy' or 'sell'

'price': 0.06917684, // float price in

quote currency

'amount': 1.5, // amount of base





Most exchanges return most of the above fields for each

trade, though there are exchanges that don't return the type, the side, the

trade id or the order id of the trade. Most of the time you are guaranteed to

have the timestamp, the datetime, the symbol, the price and the amount of each


The second optional argument since reduces the array by timestamp, the

third limit argument reduces by number (count) of returned items.

If the user does not specify since, the fetchTrades method will return the default range of public trades from the exchange.

The default set is exchange-specific, some exchanges will return trades

starting from the date of listing a pair on the exchange, other exchanges will

return a reduced set of trades (like, last 24 hours, last 100 trades, etc). If

the user wants precise control over the timeframe, the user is responsible for

specifying the since argument.

The fetchTrades

() / fetch_trades() method also accepts an optional params (assoc-key array/dict, empty by default) as its fourth argument. You can

use it to pass extra params to method calls or to override a particular default

value (where supported by the exchange). See the API docs for your exchange for

more details.



In order to be able to access your user account, perform

algorithmic trading by placing market and limit orders, query balances, deposit

and withdraw funds and so on, you need to obtain your API keys for

authentication from each exchange you want to trade with. They usually have it

available on a separate tab or page within your user account settings. API keys

are exchange-specific and cannnot be interchanged under any circumstances.


Authentication with all exchanges is handled

automatically if provided with proper API keys. The process of authentication

usually goes through the following pattern:

[if !supportLists]1. [endif]Generate new nonce. A nonce is an

integer, often a Unix Timestamp in seconds or milliseconds (since epoch January

1, 1970). The nonce should be unique to a particular request and constantly

increasing, so that no two requests share the same nonce. Each next request

should have greater nonce than the previous request. The

default nonce is a 32-bit Unix Timestamp in seconds.

[if !supportLists]2. [endif]Append public apiKey and nonce to other

endpoint params, if any, then serialize the whole thing for signing.

[if !supportLists]3. [endif]Sign the serialized params using

HMAC-SHA256/384/512 or MD5 with your secret key.

[if !supportLists]4. [endif]Append the signature in Hex or Base64

and nonce to HTTP headers or body.

This process may differ from exchange to exchange. Some

exchanges may want the signature in a different encoding, some of them vary in

header and body param names and formats, but the general pattern is the same

for all of them.

You should not share the same API keypair

across multiple instances of an exchange running simultaneously, in separate

scripts or in multiple threads. Using the same keypair from different instances

simultaneously may cause all sorts of unexpected behaviour.

The authentication is already handled for you, so you

don't need to perform any of those steps manually unless you are implementing a

new exchange class. The only thing you need for trading is the actual API key


API Keys Setup

The API credentials usually include the following:

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]apiKey. This is your

public API Key and/or Token. This part is non-secret, it is included

in your request header or body and sent over HTTPS in open text to identify

your request. It is often a string in Hex or Base64 encoding or an UUID


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]secret. This is your

private key. Keep it secret, don't tell it to anybody. It is used to sign your

requests locally before sending them to exchanges. The secret key does not get

sent over the internet in the request-response process and should not be

published or emailed. It is used together with the nonce to generate a

cryptographically strong signature. That signature is sent with your public key

to authenticate your identity. Each request has a unique nonce and therefore a

unique cryptographic signature.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]uid. Some exchanges (not all of them) also

generate a user id or uid for short. It can be a string or numeric

literal. You should set it, if that is explicitly required by your exchange.

Seetheir docsfor details.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]password. Some exchanges

(not all of them) also require your password/phrase for trading. You should set

this string, if that is explicitly required by your exchange. Seetheir docsfor details.

In order to create API keys find the API tab or button in

your user settings on the exchange website. Then create your keys and

copy-paste them to your config file. Your config file permissions should be set

appropriately, unreadable to anyone except the owner.

Remember to keep your apiKey and secret key

safe from unauthorized use, do not send or tell it to anybody. A leak of the

secret key or a breach in security can cost you a fund loss.

To set up an exchange for trading just assign the API

credentials to an existing exchange instance or pass them to exchange

constructor upon instantiation, like so:

// JavaScript

const ccxt = require ('ccxt')

// any time

let kraken = new ccxt.kraken ()

kraken.apiKey = 'YOUR_KRAKEN_API_KEY'

kraken.secret = 'YOUR_KRAKEN_SECRET_KEY'

// upon instantiation

let okcoinusd = new ccxt.okcoinusd ({




// from variable id

const exchangeId = 'binance'

, exchangeClass = ccxt[exchangeId]

, exchange = new exchangeClass ({

'apiKey': 'YOUR_API_KEY',

'secret': 'YOUR_SECRET',

'timeout': 30000,

'enableRateLimit': true,


# Python

import ccxt

# any time

bitfinex = ccxt.bitfinex ()

bitfinex.apiKey = 'YOUR_BFX_API_KEY'

bitfinex.secret = 'YOUR_BFX_SECRET'

# upon instantiation

hitbtc = ccxt.hitbtc ({




# from variable id

exchange_id = 'binance'

exchange_class = getattr(ccxt,


exchange = exchange_class({

'apiKey': 'YOUR_API_KEY',

'secret': 'YOUR_SECRET',

'timeout': 30000,

'enableRateLimit': True,


// PHP

include 'ccxt.php'

// any time

$quoinex = new \ccxt\quoinex ();

$quoinex->apiKey =


$quoinex->secret =


// upon instantiation

$zaif = new \ccxt\zaif (array (

'apiKey' => 'YOUR_ZAIF_API_KEY',

'secret' => 'YOUR_ZAIF_SECRET_KEY'


// from variable id

$exchange_id = 'binance';

$exchange_class =


$exchange = new $exchange_class (array (

'apiKey' => 'YOUR_API_KEY',

'secret' => 'YOUR_SECRET',

'timeout' => 30000,

'enableRateLimit' => true,


Note that your private requests will fail with an

exception or error if you don't set up your API credentials before you start

trading. To avoid character escaping always

write your credentials in single quotes, not double

quotes ('VERY_GOOD', "VERY_BAD").

Querying Account


The returned balance structure is as follows:


'info': { ... }, // the original

untouched non-parsed reply with details


// indexed by availability of funds

first, then by currency

'free': { // money, available for

trading, by currency

'BTC': 321.00, // floats...

'USD': 123.00,



'used': { ... }, // money on hold,

locked, frozen, or pending, by currency

'total': { ... }, // total (free +

used), by currency


// indexed by currency first, then by

availability of funds

'BTC': { // string, three-letter

currency code, uppercase

'free': 321.00 // float, money available

for trading

'used': 234.00, // float, money on hold,

locked, frozen or pending

'total': 555.00, // float, total balance

(free + used)


'USD': { // ...

'free': 123.00 // ...

'used': 456.00,

'total': 579.00,




Some exchanges may not return full balance info. Many

exchanges do not return balances for your empty or unused accounts. In that

case some currencies may be missing in returned balance structure.

// JavaScript

(async () => {

console.log (await exchange.fetchBalance


}) ()

# Python

print (exchange.fetch_balance ())

// PHP

var_dump ($exchange->fetch_balance


Balance inference

Some exchanges do not return the full set of balance

information from their API. Those will only return just the free or just the total funds, i.e. funds used on orders unknown. In such cases ccxt

will try to obtain the missing data from.orders

cacheand will guess complete balance info from what is known

for sure. However, in rare cases the available info may not be enough to deduce

the missing part, thus, the user

shoud be aware of the possibility of not getting complete balance info from

less sophisticated exchanges.


- this part of the unified API is

currenty a work in progress

- there may be some issues and missing

implementations here and there

- contributions, pull requests and

feedback appreciated

Querying Orders

Most of the time you can query orders by an id or by a

symbol, though not all exchanges offer a full and flexible set of endpoints for

querying orders. Some exchanges might not have a method for fetching recently

closed orders, the other can lack a method for getting an order by id, etc. The

ccxt library will target those cases by making workarounds where possible.

The list of methods for querying orders consists of the


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]fetchOrder (id, symbol = undefined, params =


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]fetchOrders (symbol = undefined, since =

undefined, limit = undefined, params = {})

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]fetchOpenOrders (symbol = undefined, since =

undefined, limit = undefined, params = {})

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]fetchClosedOrders (symbol = undefined, since

= undefined, limit = undefined, params = {})

Note that the naming of those methods indicates if the

method returns a single order or multiple orders (an array/list of orders). The fetchOrder() method requires a mandatory order id argument (a string). Some exchanges

also require a symbol to fetch an order by id, where order ids can intersect

with various trading pairs. Also, note that all other methods above return an

array (a list) of orders. Most of them will require a symbol argument as well,

however, some exchanges allow querying with a symbol unspecified (meaning all symbols).

The library will throw a NotSupported exception if a user

calls a method that is not available from the exchange or is not implemented in


To check if any of the above methods are available, look

into the .has property of the exchange:

// JavaScript

'use strict';

const ccxt = require ('ccxt')

const id = 'poloniex'

exchange = new ccxt[id] ()

console.log (exchange.has)

# Python

import ccxt

id = 'cryptopia'

exchange = getattr(ccxt, 'id') ()


// PHP

$exchange = new \ccxt\liqui ();

print_r ($exchange->has); // or


A typical structure of the .has property usually contains the following

flags corresponding to order API methods for querying orders:

exchange.has = {

// ... other flags ...

'fetchOrder': true, // available from

the exchange directly and implemented in ccxt

'fetchOrders': false, // not available

from the exchange or not implemented in ccxt

'fetchOpenOrders': true,

'fetchClosedOrders': 'emulated', // not

available from the exchange, but emulated in ccxt

// ... other flags ...


The meanings of boolean true and false are obvious. A string value of emulated means that particular method is missing in the exchange API and ccxt will

workaround that where possible by adding a caching layer, the .orders cache. The next section describes the inner workings of the .orders cache, one has to understand it to do order management with ccxt



Multiple Orders And Trades

All methods returning lists of trades and lists of

orders, accept the second since argument and the third limit argument:

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]fetchTrades (public)

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]fetchMyTrades (private)

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]fetchOrders

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]fetchOpenOrders

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]fetchClosedOrders

The second argument since reduces the array by timestamp, the

third limit argument reduces by number (count) of returned items.

If the user does not specify since, the fetchTrades/fetchOrders method will return the default set from

the exchange. The default set is exchange-specific, some exchanges will return

trades or recent orders starting from the date of listing a pair on the

exchange, other exchanges will return a reduced set of trades or orders (like,

last 24 hours, last 100 trades, first 100 orders, etc). If the user wants

precise control over the timeframe, the user is responsible for specifying the since argument.

NOTE: not all exchanges provide means for

filtering the lists of trades and orders by starting time, so, the support for since and limit is

exchange-specific. However, most exchanges do provide at least some alternative

for "pagination" and "scrolling" which can be overrided

with extra params argument.

.orders cache

Some exchanges do not have a method for fetching closed

orders or all orders. They will offer just the fetchOpenOrders endpoint, sometimes they are also

generous to offer a fetchOrder endpoint as well. This means that they

don't have any methods for fetching the order history. The ccxt library will

try to emulate the order history for the user by keeping the cached .orders

property containing all orders issued within a particular exchange class


Whenever a user creates a new order or cancels an existing

open order or does some other action that would alter the order status, the

ccxt library will remember the entire order info in its cache. Upon a

subsequent call to an emulated fetchOrder, fetchOrders or fetchClosedOrders method, the exchange instance will send

a single request to fetchOpenOrders and will compare currently fetched open

orders with the orders stored in cache previously. The ccxt library will check

each cached order and will try to match it with a corresponding fetched open

order. When the cached order isn't present in the open orders fetched from the

exchange anymore, the library marks the cached order as closed (filled). The call to a fetchOrder, fetchOrders, fetchClosedOrders will then return the updated orders from .orders cache to the user.

The same logic can be put shortly: if a cached order is not found in fetched

open orders it isn't open anymore, therefore, closed. This makes the

library capable of tracking the order status and order history even with

exchanges that don't have that functionality in their API natively. This is

true for all methods that query orders or manipulate (place, cancel or edit)

orders in any way.

In most cases the .orders cache will work transparently for the

user. Most often the exchanges themselves have a sufficient set of methods.

However, with some exchanges not having a complete API, the .orders cache has the following known limitations:

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]If the user does not save the .orders cache between program runs and does not restore it upon launching a new

run, the .orders cache will be lost, for obvious reasons.

Therefore upon a call to fetchClosedOrders later on a different run, the

exchange instance will return an empty list of orders. Without a properly

restored cache a fresh new instance of the exchange won't be able to know

anything about the orders that were closed and canceled (no history of orders).

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]If the API keypair is shared across

multiple exchange instances (e.g. when the user accesses the same exchange

account in a multithreaded environment or in simultaneously launched separate

scripts). Each particular instance would not be able to know anything about the

orders created or canceled by other instances. This means that the order cache

is not shared, and, in general, the same API keypair should not be shared

across multiple instances accessing the private API. Otherwise it will cause

side-effects with nonces and cached data falling out of sync.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]If the order was placed or canceled from

outside of ccxt (on the exchange's website or by other means), the new order

status won't arrive to the cache and ccxt won't be able to return it properly


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]If an order's cancelation request

bypasses ccxt then the library will not be able to find the order in the list

of open orders returned from a subsequent call to fetchOpenOrders(). Thus the

library will mark the cached order with a 'closed' status.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]When fetchOrder(id) is emulated, the library will not be

able to return a specific order, if it was not cached previously or if a change

of the order' status was done bypassing ccxt. In that case the library will

throw an OrderNotFound exception.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]If an unhandled error leads to a crash

of the application and the .orders cache isn't saved and restored upon

restart, the cache will be lost. Handling the exceptions properly is the

responsibility of the user. One has to pay extra care when implementing propererror handling, otherwise the .orders cache may fall out of sync.

Note: the order cache functionality is to be

reworked soon to obtain the order statuses from private trades history, where

available. This is a work in progress, aimed at adding full-featured support

for order fees, costs and other info. More about it here:

Purging Cached


With some long-running instances it might be critical to

free up used resources when they aren't needed anymore. Because in active

trading the .orders cache can grow pretty big, the ccxt

library offers the purgeCachedOrders/purge_cached_orders method for clearing old non-open orders

from cache where (order['timestamp']

< before) && (order['status'] != 'open') and freeing used memory for other purposes. The purging method accepts one

single argument named before:

// JavaScript

// keep last 24 hours of history in


before = exchange.milliseconds () - 24 *

60 * 60 * 1000

// purge all closed and canceled orders

"older" or issued "before" that time

exchange.purgeCachedOrders (before)

# Python

# keep last hour of history in cache

before = exchange.milliseconds () - 1 *

60 * 60 * 1000

# purge all closed and canceled orders

"older" or issued "before" that time

exchange.purge_cached_orders (before)

// PHP

// keep last 24 hours of history in


$before = $exchange->milliseconds ()

- 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;

// purge all closed and canceled orders

"older" or issued "before" that time



By Order Id

To get the details of a particular order by its id, use

the fetchOrder / fetch_order method. Some exchanges also require a symbol even

when fetching a particular order by id.

The signature of the fetchOrder/fetch_order method is as


if (exchange.has['fetchOrder']) {

// you can use the params argument for

custom overrides

let order = await exchange.fetchOrder

(id, symbol = undefined, params = {})


Some exchanges don't have an endpoint for

fetching an order by id, ccxt will emulate it where possible. For now it may still be missing here and

there, as this is a work in progress.

You can pass custom overrided key-values in the

additional params argument to supply a specific order type, or some other

setting if needed.

Below are examples of using the fetchOrder method to get

order info from an authenticated exchange instance:

// JavaScript

(async function () {

const order = await exchange.fetchOrder


console.log (order)

}) ()

# Python 2/3 (synchronous)

if exchange.has['fetchOrder']:

order = exchange.fetch_order(id)


# Python 3.5+ asyncio (asynchronous)

import asyncio

import ccxt.async_support as ccxt

if exchange.has['fetchOrder']:

order =



// PHP

if ($exchange->has['fetchOrder']) {

$order = $exchange->fetch_order


var_dump ($order);


All Orders

if (exchange.has['fetchOrders'])

exchange.fetchOrders (symbol =

undefined, since = undefined, limit = undefined, params = {})

Some exchanges don't have an endpoint for

fetching all orders, ccxt will emulate it where possible. For now it may still be missing here and

there, as this is a work in progress.

Open Orders

if (exchange.has['fetchOpenOrders'])

exchange.fetchOpenOrders (symbol =

undefined, since = undefined, limit = undefined, params = {})

Closed Orders

Do not confuse closed

orders with trades aka fills ! An order can be closed (filled) with

multiple opposing trades! So, a closed

order is not the same

as a trade. In general,

the order does not have a fee at all, but each particular user trade

does have fee, cost and other

properties. However, many exchanges propagate those properties to the orders as


Some exchanges don't have an endpoint for

fetching closed orders, ccxt will emulate it where possible. For now it may still be missing here and

there, as this is a work in progress.

if (exchange.has['fetchClosedOrders'])

exchange.fetchClosedOrders (symbol =

undefined, since = undefined, limit = undefined, params = {})

Order Structure

Most of methods returning orders within ccxt unified API

will usually yield an order structure as described below:


'id': '12345-67890:09876/54321', //


'datetime': '2017-08-17 12:42:48.000',

// ISO8601 datetime of 'timestamp' with milliseconds

'timestamp': 1502962946216, // order

placing/opening Unix timestamp in milliseconds

'lastTradeTimestamp': 1502962956216, //

Unix timestamp of the most recent trade on this order

'status': 'open', // 'open', 'closed',


'symbol': 'ETH/BTC', // symbol

'type': 'limit', // 'market', 'limit'

'side': 'buy', // 'buy', 'sell'

'price': 0.06917684, // float price in

quote currency

'amount': 1.5, // ordered amount of base


'filled': 1.1, // filled amount of base


'remaining': 0.4, // remaining amount to


'cost': 0.076094524, // 'filled' *


'trades': [ ... ], // a list of order


'fee': { // fee info, if available

'currency': 'BTC', // which currency the

fee is (usually quote)

'cost': 0.0009, // the fee amount in

that currency

'rate': 0.002, // the fee rate (if



'info': { ... }, // the original

unparsed order structure as is


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]The work on 'fee' info is still in progress, fee info may

be missing partially or entirely, depending on the exchange capabilities.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]The fee currency may be different from both

traded currencies (for example, an ETH/BTC order with fees in USD).

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]The lastTradeTimestamp timestamp may have no value and may be undefined/None/null where not supported by the exchange or in case of an open order (an order

that has not been filled nor partially filled yet).

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]The lastTradeTimestamp, if any,

designates the timestamp of the last trade, in case the order is filled fully

or partially, otherwise lastTradeTimestamp is undefined/None/null.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]Order status prevails or has precedence over the lastTradeTimestamp.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]The cost of an order is: { filled *

price }

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]The cost of an order means the total quote volume of the order (whereas the amount is the base volume). The value of cost should be as

close to the actual most recent known order cost as possible. The cost field itself is

there mostly for convenience and can be deduced from other fields.

Placing Orders

To place an order you will need the following


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]symbol, a string

literal symbol of the market you wish to trade on, like BTC/USD, ZEC/ETH, DOGE/DASH, etc... Make

sure the symbol in question exists with the target exchange and is available

for trading.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]side, a string literal for the direction of

your order, buy or sell. When you place

a buy order you give quote currency and receive base currency. For example,

buying BTC/USD means that you will receive bitcoins for

your dollars. When you are selling BTC/USD the outcome is the opposite and you

receive dollars for your bitcoins.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]type, a string literal type of order, ccxt

currently supports market and limit orders

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]amount, how much of

currency you want to trade. This usually refers to base currency of the trading

pair symbol, though some exchanges require the amount in quote currency and a

few of them require base or quote amount depending on the side of the order.

See their API docs for details.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]price, how much quote

currency you are willing to pay for a trade lot of base currency (for limit

orders only)

A successful call to a unified method for placing market

or limit orders returns the following structure:


'id': 'string', // order id

'info': { ... }, // decoded original

JSON response from the exchange as is


Some exchanges will allow to trade with limit

orders only. Seetheir docsfor details.

Market Orders

Market price orders are also known as spot price orders, instant orders or simply market

orders. A market order gets executed immediately. The matching engine of the

exchange closes the order (fulfills it) with one or more transactions from the

top of the order book stack.

The exchange will close your market order for the best

price available. You are not guaranteed though, that the order will be executed

for the price you observe prior to placing your order. There can be a slight

change of the price for the traded market while your order is being executed,

also known as price

slippage. The price can slip because of networking roundtrip latency, high loads

on the exchange, price volatility and other factors. When placing a market

order you don't need to specify the price of the order.

// camelCaseNotation

exchange.createMarketBuyOrder (symbol,

amount[, params])

exchange.createMarketSellOrder (symbol,

amount[, params])

// underscore_notation

exchange.create_market_buy_order (symbol,

amount[, params])

exchange.create_market_sell_order (symbol,

amount[, params])

Note, that some exchanges will not accept

market orders (they allow limit orders only). In order to detect programmatically if the exchange in question does

support market orders or not, you can use the .has['createMarketOrder'] exchange property:

// JavaScript

if (exchange.has['createMarketOrder']) {



# Python

if exchange.has['createMarketOrder']:


// PHP


($exchange->has['createMarketOrder']) {



Emulating Market

Orders With Limit Orders

It is also possible to emulate a market order with a limit order.

WARNING this method can be risky due to high

volatility, use it at your own risk and only use it when you know really well

what you're doing!

Most of the time a market

sell can be emulated with a limit sell at a very low price – the exchange will automatically make it a taker

order for market price (the price that is currently in your best interest from

the ones that are available in the order book). When the exchange detects that

you're selling for a very low price it will automatically offer you the best

buyer price available from the order book. That is effectively the same as

placing a market sell order. Thus market orders can be emulated with limit

orders (where missing).

The opposite is also true – a market buy can be emulated with a limit buy for a very high price. Most exchanges will again close your order for best

available price, that is, the market price.

However, you should never rely on that entirely, ALWAYS test it with a small amount first! You can try that in their web interface

first to verify the logic. You can sell the minimal amount at a specified limit

price (an affordable amount to lose, just in case) and then check the actual

filling price in trade history.

Limit Orders

Limit price orders are also known as limit orders. Some exchanges

accept limit orders only. Limit orders require a price (rate per unit) to be

submitted with the order. The exchange will close limit orders if and only if

market price reaches the desired level.

// camelCaseStyle

exchange.createLimitBuyOrder (symbol, amount,

price[, params])

exchange.createLimitSellOrder (symbol,

amount, price[, params])

// underscore_style

exchange.create_limit_buy_order (symbol,

amount, price[, params])

exchange.create_limit_sell_order (symbol,

amount, price[, params])

Custom Order


Some exchanges allow you to specify optional parameters

for your order. You can pass your optional parameters and override your query

with an associative array using the params argument to your unified API call. All

custom params are exchange-specific, of course, and aren't interchangeable, do

not expect those custom params for one exchange to work with another exchange.

// JavaScript

// use a custom order type


('BTC/USD', 1, 10, { 'type': 'trailing-stop' })

# Python

# add a custom order flag


1, {'trading_agreement': 'agree'})

// PHP

// add custom user id to your order

$hitbtc->create_order ('BTC/USD',

'limit', 'buy', 1, 3000, array ('clientOrderId' => '123'));

Canceling Orders

To cancel an existing order pass the order id to cancelOrder (id, symbol, params) /

cancel_order (id, symbol, params) method. Note,

that some exchanges require a second symbol parameter even to cancel a known

order by id. The usage is shown in the following examples:

// JavaScript

exchange.cancelOrder ('1234567890') //

replace with your order id here (a string)

# Python

exchange.cancel_order ('1234567890') #

replace with your order id here (a string)

// PHP


('1234567890'); // replace with your order id here (a string)

Exceptions on

order canceling

The cancelOrder() is usually used on open orders only.

However, it may happen that your order gets executed (filled and closed) before

your cancel-request comes in, so a cancel-request might hit an already-closed


A cancel-request might also throw a NetworkError indicating that the order might or might not have been canceled

successfully and whether you need to retry or not. Consecutive calls to cancelOrder() may hit an already canceled order as well.

As such, cancelOrder() can throw an OrderNotFound exception in these cases:

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]canceling an already-closed order

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]canceling an already-canceled order

Personal Trades

- this part of the unified API is currenty a

work in progress

- there may be some issues and missing

implementations here and there

- contributions, pull requests and feedback


How Orders Are Related To Trades

A trade is also often called a fill. Each trade is

a result of order execution. Note, that orders and trades have a one-to-many

relationship: an execution of one order may result in several trades. However,

when one order matches another opposing order, the pair of two matching orders

yields one trade. Thus, when an order matches multiple opposing orders, this

yields multiple trades, one trade per each pair of matched orders.

To put it shortly, an order can contain one or more trades. Or, in other words, an order can be filled with one or more trades.

For example, an orderbook can have the following orders

(whatever trading symbol or pair it is):

| price | amount


a | 1.200 | 200

s | 1.100 | 300

k | 0.900 | 100


b | 0.800 | 100

i | 0.700 | 200

d | 0.500 | 100

All specific numbers above aren't real, this is just to

illustrate the way orders and trades are related in general.

A seller decides to place a sell limit order on the ask

side for a price of 0.700 and an amount of 150.

| price | amount

----|---------------- ↓

a | 1.200 | 200 ↓

s | 1.100 | 300 ↓

k | 0.900 | 100 ↓

----|---------------- ↓

b | 0.800 | 100 ↓ sell 150 for 0.700

i | 0.700 | 200 --------------------

d | 0.500 | 100

As the price and amount of the incoming sell (ask) order

cover more than one bid order (orders b and i), the following

sequence of events usually happens within an exchange engine very quickly, but

not immediately:

[if !supportLists]1. [endif]Order b is matched against the incoming sell

because their prices intersect. Their volumes "mutually

annihilate" each other, so,

the bidder gets 100 for a price of 0.800. The seller (asker) will have his sell

order partially filled by bid volume 100 for a price of 0.800. Note that for

this filled part of the order the seller gets a better price than he asked for

initially (0.8 instead of 0.7). Most conventional exchanges fill orders for the

best price available.

[if !supportLists]2. [endif]A trade is generated for the order b against the

incoming sell order. That trade "fills" the entire order b and most of the sell order. One trade is

generated pear each pair of matched orders, whether the amount was filled

completely or partially. In this example the amount of 100 fills order b completely

(closed the order b) and also fills

the selling order partially (leaves it open in the orderbook).

[if !supportLists]3. [endif]Order b now has a status of closed and a filled volume of 100. It contains one trade against the selling

order. The selling order has open status and a filled volume of 100. It

contains one trade against order b. Thus each

order has just one fill-trade so far.

[if !supportLists]4. [endif]The incoming sell order has a filled

amount of 100 and has yet to fill the remaining amount of 50 from its initial

amount of 150 in total.

[if !supportLists]5. [endif]Order i is matched against the remaining part of

incoming sell, because their prices intersect. The amount of buying order i which is 200

completely annihilates the remaining sell amount of 50. The order i is filled

partially by 50, but the rest of its volume, namely the remaining amount of 150

will stay in the orderbook. The selling order, however, is filled completely by

this second match.

[if !supportLists]6. [endif]A trade is generated for the order i against the

incoming sell order. That trade partially fills order i. And completes

the filling of the sell order. Again, this is just one trade for a pair of

matched orders.

[if !supportLists]7. [endif]Order i now has a status of open, a filled amount of 50, and a remaining

amount of 150. It contains one filling trade against the selling order. The

selling order has a closed status now, as it was completely filled

its total initial amount of 150. However, it contains two trades, the first

against order b and the second against order i. Thus each order can have one or more

filling trades, depending on how their volumes were matched by the exchange


After the above sequence takes place, the updated

orderbook will look like this.

| price | amount


a | 1.200 | 200

s | 1.100 | 300

k | 0.900 | 100


i | 0.700 | 150

d | 0.500 | 100

Notice that the order b has disappeared, the selling order also

isn't there. All closed and fully-filled orders disappear from the orderbook.

The order i which was filled partially and still has

a remaining volume and an open status, is still there.

Recent Trades

// JavaScript

// fetchMyTrades (symbol = undefined,

since = undefined, limit = undefined, params = {})

if (exchange.has['fetchMyTrades']) {

const trades = await

exchange.fetchMyTrades (symbol, since, limit, params)


# Python

# fetch_my_trades (symbol = None, since

= None, limit = None, params = {})

if exchange.has['fetchMyTrades']:

exchange.fetch_my_trades (symbol = None,

since = None, limit = None, params = {})

// PHP

// fetch_my_trades ($symbol = null,

$since = null, $limit = null, $params = array ())

if ($exchange->has['fetchMyTrades'])


$trades = $exchange->fetch_my_trades

($symbol, $since, $limit, $params);


Returns ordered array [] of trades (most recent trade last).

Trade structure


'info': { ... }, // the original decoded

JSON as is

'id': '12345-67890:09876/54321', //

string trade id

'timestamp': 1502962946216, // Unix

timestamp in milliseconds

'datetime': '2017-08-17 12:42:48.000',

// ISO8601 datetime with milliseconds

'symbol': 'ETH/BTC', // symbol

'order': '12345-67890:09876/54321', //

string order id or undefined/None/null

'type': 'limit', // order type,

'market', 'limit' or undefined/None/null

'side': 'buy', // direction of the

trade, 'buy' or 'sell'

'takerOrMaker': 'taker' // string,

'taker' or 'maker'

'price': 0.06917684, // float price in

quote currency

'amount': 1.5, // amount of base


'cost': 0.10376526, // total cost

(including fees), `price * amount`

'fee': { // provided by exchange or

calculated by ccxt

'cost': 0.0015, // float

'currency': 'ETH', // usually base

currency for buys, quote currency for sells

'rate': 0.002, // the fee rate (if




[if !supportLists]·        [endif]The work on 'fee' info is still in progress, fee info may

be missing partially or entirely, depending on the exchange capabilities.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]The fee currency may be different from both

traded currencies (for example, an ETH/BTC order with fees in USD).

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]The cost of the trade means amount * price. It is the

total quote volume of the trade (whereas amount is the base volume). The cost field itself is there

mostly for convenience and can be deduced from other fields.

Trades By Order Id


Funding Your


- this part of the unified API is

currenty a work in progress

- there may be some issues and missing

implementations here and there

- contributions, pull requests and

feedback appreciated


fetchDepositAddress (code, params = {})

createDepositAddress (code, params = {})

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]code is the currency

code (uppercase string)

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]params contains optional extra overrides


'currency': currency, // currency code

'address': address, // address in terms

of requested currency

'tag': tag, // tag / memo / paymentId

for particular currencies (XRP, XMR, ...)

'info': response, // raw unparsed data

as returned from the exchange


With certain currencies, like AEON, BTS, GXS, NXT, SBD,

STEEM, STR, XEM, XLM, XMR, XRP, an additional argument tag is usually required by exchanges. Other

currencies will have the tag set to undefined

/ None / null. The tag is a memo or a message or a payment id that is attached to a

withdrawal transaction. The tag is mandatory for those currencies and it

identifies the recipient user account.

Be careful when specifying the tag and the address. The tag is NOT an arbitrary user-defined string of your choice! You cannot send user

messages and comments in the tag. The purpose of

the tag field is to

address your wallet properly, so it must be correct. You should only use the tag received from

the exchange you're working with, otherwise your withdrawal transaction might

not arrive to its destination ever.


// JavaScript

exchange.withdraw (code, amount,

address, tag = undefined, params = {})

# Python

exchange.withdraw(code, amount, address,

tag=None, params={})

// PHP

$exchange->withdraw ($code, $amount,

$address, $tag = null, $params = array ())

The code is the currency code (usually three or

more uppercase letters, but can be different in some cases).

The withdraw method returns a dictionary containing the

withdrawal id, which is usually the txid of the onchain transaction itself, or

an internal withdrawal

request id registered

within the exchange. The returned value looks as follows:


'info' { ... }, // unparsed reply from

the exchange, as is

'id': '12345567890', // string

withdrawal id, if any


Some exchanges require a manual approval of each

withdrawal by means of 2FA (2-factor authentication). In order to approve your

withdrawal you usually have to either click their secret link in your email

inbox or enter a Google Authenticator code or an Authy code on their website to

verify that withdrawal transaction was requested intentionally.

In some cases you can also use the withdrawal id to check

withdrawal status later (whether it succeeded or not) and to submit 2FA

confirmation codes, where this is supported by the exchange. Seetheir docsfor details.





'info': { ... }, // the json response

from the exchange, as is

'id': '123456', // exchange-specific

transaction id, string



'timestamp': 1534081184515, // timestamp

in milliseconds

'datetime': '2018-08-12T13:39:44.515Z',

// ISO8601 string of the timestamp


'0x02b0a9b7b4cDe774af0f8e47cb4f1c2ccdEa0806', // "from" or


'type': 'deposit', // or 'withdrawal',


'amount': 1.2345, // float

'currency': 'ETH', // a common unified

currency code, string

'status': 'pending', // 'ok', 'failed',

'canceled', string

'updated': undefined, // timestamp in


'fee': { // the entire fee structure may

be undefined

'cost': 0.1234, // float

'rate': undefined, // approximately,

fee['cost'] / amount, float




// JavaScript

// fetchDeposits (code = undefined,

since = undefined, limit = undefined, params = {})

if (exchange.has['fetchDeposits']) {

const deposits = await

exchange.fetchDeposits (code, since, limit, params)


# Python

# fetch_deposits(code = None, since =

None, limit = None, params = {})

if (exchange.has['fetchDeposits']) {

deposits = exchange.fetch_deposits(code,

since, limit, params)


// PHP

// fetch_deposits ($code = null, $since

= null, $limit = null, $params = {})

if ($exchange->has['fetchDeposits'])


$deposits = $exchange->fetch_deposits

($code, $since, $limit, $params);



// JavaScript

// fetchWithdrawals (code = undefined,

since = undefined, limit = undefined, params = {})

if (exchange.has['fetchWithdrawals']) {

const deposits = await

exchange.fetchWithdrawals (code, since, limit, params)


# Python

# fetch_withdrawals(code = None, since =

None, limit = None, params = {})

if (exchange.has['fetchWithdrawals']) {

deposits =

exchange.fetch_withdrawals(code, since, limit, params)


// PHP

// fetch_withdrawals ($code = null,

$since = null, $limit = null, $params = {})


($exchange->has['fetchWithdrawals']) {

$deposits =

$exchange->fetch_withdrawals ($code, $since, $limit, $params);


All Transactions

// JavaScript

// fetchTransactions (code = undefined,

since = undefined, limit = undefined, params = {})

if (exchange.has['fetchTransactions']) {

const transactions = await

exchange.fetchTransactions (code, since, limit, params)


# Python

# fetch_transactions(code = None, since

= None, limit = None, params = {})

if (exchange.has['fetchTransactions']) {

transactions =

exchange.fetch_transactions(code, since, limit, params)


// PHP

// fetch_transactions ($code = null,

$since = null, $limit = null, $params = {})

if ($exchange->has['fetchTransactions'])


$transactions =

$exchange->fetch_transactions ($code, $since, $limit, $params);



This section of the Unified CCXT API is under


Fees are often grouped into two categories:

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]Trading fees. Trading fee is the amount

payable to the exchange, usually a percentage of volume traded (filled)).

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]Funding fees. The amount payable to the

exchange upon depositing and withdrawing as well as the underlying crypto

transaction fees (tx fees).

Because the fee structure can depend on the actual volume

of currencies traded by the user, the fees can be account-specific. Methods to

work with account-specific fees:

fetchFees (params = {})

fetchTradingFees (params = {})

fetchFundingFees (params = {})

The fee methods will return a unified fee structure,

which is often present with orders and trades as well. The fee structure is a

common format for representing the fee info throughout the library. Fee

structures are usually indexed by market or currency.

Because this is still a work in progress, some or all of

methods and info described in this section may be missing with this or that


DO NOT use the .fees property as most often it contains the

predefined/hardcoded info, which is now deprecated. Actual fees should only be

accessed from markets and currencies.

Fee structure


'type': takerOrMaker,

'currency': 'BTC', // the unified fee

currency code

'rate': percentage, // the fee rate,

0.05% = 0.0005, 1% = 0.01, ...

'cost': feePaid, // the fee cost (amount

* fee rate)


Trading Fees

Trading fees are properties of markets. Most often

trading fees are loaded into the markets by the fetchMarkets call. Sometimes, however, the exchanges

serve fees from different endpoints.

The calculateFee method can be used to precalculate

trading fees that will be paid. WARNING!

This method is experimental, unstable and may produce incorrect results in

certain cases. You should only use it with caution. Actual fees may be

different from the values returned from calculateFee, this is just

for precalculation. Do not rely on precalculated values, because market

conditions change frequently. It is difficult to know in advance whether your

order will be a market taker or maker.

calculateFee (symbol, type, side, amount,

price, takerOrMaker = 'taker', params = {})

The calculateFee method will return a unified fee

structure with precalculated fees for an order with specified params.

Accessing trading fee rates should be done via the .markets property, like so:['ETH/BTC']['taker'] // taker

fee rate for ETH/BTC['BTC/USD']['maker'] // maker

fee rate for BTC/USD

Maker fees are paid when you provide liquidity to the

exchange i.e. you market-make an order and someone else fills it. Maker

fees are usually lower than taker fees. Similarly, taker fees are paid when you take liquidity from the exchange and fill someone else's order.

Funding Fees

Funding fees are properties of currencies (account


Accessing funding fee rates should be done via the .currencies property. This aspect is not unified yet and is subject to change.

exchange.currencies['ETH']['fee'] //

tx/withdrawal fee rate for ETH

exchange.currencies['BTC']['fee'] //

tx/withdrawal fee rate for BTC



Overriding The


The default nonce is a 32-bit Unix Timestamp

in seconds. You should override it with a milliseconds-nonce if you want to

make private requests more frequently than once per second! Most exchanges will

throttle your requests if you hit their rate limits, readAPI

docs for your exchangecarefully!

In case you need to reset the nonce it is much easier to

create another pair of keys for using with private APIs. Creating new keys and

setting up a fresh unused keypair in your config is usually enough for that.

In some cases you are unable to create new keys due to

lack of permissions or whatever. If that happens you can still override the

nonce. Base market class has the following methods for convenience:

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]seconds (): returns a Unix

Timestamp in seconds.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]milliseconds (): same in

milliseconds (ms = 1000 * s, thousandths of a second).

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]microseconds (): same in

microseconds (μs = 1000 * ms, millionths of a second).

There are exchanges that confuse milliseconds with

microseconds in their API docs, let's all forgive them for that, folks. You can

use methods listed above to override the nonce value. If you need to use the

same keypair from multiple instances simultaneously use closures or a common

function to avoid nonce conflicts. In Javascript you can override the nonce by

providing a nonce parameter to the exchange constructor or

by setting it explicitly on exchange object:

// JavaScript

// A: custom nonce redefined in

constructor parameters

let nonce = 1

let kraken1 = new ccxt.kraken ({ nonce:

() => nonce++ })

// B: nonce redefined explicitly

let kraken2 = new ccxt.kraken ()

kraken2.nonce = function () { return

nonce++ } // uses same nonce as kraken1

// C: milliseconds nonce

let kraken3 = new ccxt.kraken ({

nonce: function () { return

this.milliseconds () },


// D: newer ES syntax

let kraken4 = new ccxt.kraken ({

nonce () { return this.milliseconds ()



In Python and PHP you can do the same by subclassing and

overriding nonce function of a particular exchange class:

# Python

# A: the shortest

gdax = ccxt.gdax({'nonce':


# B: custom nonce

class MyKraken(ccxt.kraken):

n = 1

def nonce(self):

return self.n += 1

# C: milliseconds nonce

class MyBitfinex(ccxt.bitfinex):

def nonce(self):

return self.milliseconds()

# D: milliseconds nonce inline

hitbtc = ccxt.hitbtc({

'nonce': lambda: int(time.time() * 1000)


# E: milliseconds nonce

acx = ccxt.acx({'nonce': lambda:


// PHP

// A: custom nonce value

class MyOKCoinUSD extends

\ccxt\okcoinusd {

public function __construct ($options =

array ()) {

parent::__construct (array_merge (array

('i' => 1), $options));


public function nonce () {

return $this->i++;



// B: milliseconds nonce

class MyZaif extends \ccxt\zaif {

public function __construct ($options =

array ()) {

parent::__construct (array_merge (array

('i' => 1), $options));


public function nonce () {

return $this->milliseconds ();





All exceptions are derived from the base BaseError

exception, which, in its turn, is defined in the ccxt library like so:

// JavaScript

class BaseError extends Error {

constructor () {

super ()

// a workaround to make `instanceof

BaseError` work in ES5

this.constructor = BaseError

this.__proto__ = BaseError.prototype



# Python

class BaseError (Exception):


// PHP

class BaseError extends \Exception {}

Below is an outline of exception inheritance hierarchy:

+ BaseError


+---+ ExchangeError

| |

| +---+ NotSupported

| |

| +---+ AuthenticationError

| | |

| | +---+ PermissionDenied

| |

| +---+ InsufficientFunds

| |

| +---+ InvalidAddress

| |

| +---+ InvalidOrder

| |

| +---+ OrderNotFound


+---+ NetworkError (recoverable)


+---+ DDoSProtection


+---+ RequestTimeout


+---+ ExchangeNotAvailable


+---+ InvalidNonce

The BaseError class is a generic error class for all

sorts of errors, including accessibility and request/response mismatch. Users

should catch this exception at the very least, if no error differentiation is



This exception is thrown when an exchange server replies

with an error in JSON. Possible reasons:

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]endpoint is switched off by the exchange

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]symbol not found on the exchange

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]required parameter is missing

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]the format of parameters is incorrect

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]an exchange replies with an unclear


Other exceptions derived from ExchangeError:

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]NotSupported: This exception

is raised if the endpoint is not offered/not supported by the exchange API.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]AuthenticationError: Raised when an

exchange requires one of the API credentials that you've missed to specify, or

when there's a mistake in the keypair or an outdated nonce. Most of the time

you need apiKey and secret, sometimes you

also need uid and/or password.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]PermissionDenied: Raised when

there's no access for specified action or insufficient permissions on the

specified apiKey.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]InsufficientFunds: This exception

is raised when you don't have enough currency on your account balance to place

an order.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]InvalidAddress: This exception

is raised upon encountering a bad funding address or a funding address shorter

than .minFundingAddressLength (10 characters by default) in a call to fetchDepositAddress, createDepositAddress or withdraw.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]InvalidOrder: This exception

is the base class for all exceptions related to the unified order API.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]OrderNotFound: Raised when

you are trying to fetch or cancel a non-existent order.


All errors related to networking are usually recoverable,

meaning that networking problems, traffic congestion, unavailability is usually

time-dependent. Making a retry later is usually enough to recover from a

NetworkError, but if it doesn't go away, then it may indicate some persistent

problem with the exchange or with your connection.


This exception is thrown in either of two cases:

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]when Cloudflare or Incapsula rate

limiter restrictions are enforced per user or region/location

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]when the exchange restricts user access

for requesting the endpoints in question too frequently

In addition to default error handling, the ccxt library

does a case-insensitive search in the response received from the exchange for

one of the following keywords:

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]cloudflare

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]incapsula

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]overload

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]ddos


This exception is raised when the connection with the

exchange fails or data is not fully received in a specified amount of time.

This is controlled by the timeout option. When a RequestTimeout is raised, the user doesn't know the

outcome of a request (whether it was accepted by the exchange server or not).

Thus it's advised to handle this type of exception in the

following manner:

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]for fetching requests it is safe to

retry the call

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]for a request to cancelOrder a user is required to retry the same

call the second time. If instead of a retry a user calls a fetchOrder, fetchOrders, fetchOpenOrders or fetchClosedOrders right away without a retry to call cancelOrder, this may cause

the.orderscacheto fall out of

sync. A subsequent retry to cancelOrder will return one of the following

possible results:

[if !supportLists]o   [endif]a request is completed successfully,

meaning the order has been properly canceled now

[if !supportLists]o   [endif]an OrderNotFound exception is raised, which means the

order was either already canceled on the first attempt or has been executed

(filled and closed) in the meantime between the two attempts. Note, that the

order will still have an 'open' status in the .orders cache. To determine the actual order

status you'll need to call fetchOrder to update the cache properly (where

available from the exchange). If the fetchOrder method is 'emulated' the ccxt library will mark the order as 'closed'. The user has

to call fetchBalance and set the order status to 'canceled' manually if the balance hasn't changed (a trade didn't not occur).

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]if a request to createOrder fails with a RequestTimeout the user should:

[if !supportLists]o   [endif]update the .orders cache with a call to fetchOrders, fetchOpenOrders, fetchClosedOrders to check if the request to place the order has succeeded and the order is

now open

[if !supportLists]o   [endif]if the order is not 'open' the user should fetchBalance to check if the balance has changed

since the order was created on the first run and then was filled and closed by

the time of the second check. Note that fetchBalance relies on the .orders cache forbalance

inferenceand thus should only be called after

updating the cache!


The ccxt library throws this error if it detects any of

the following keywords in response:

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]offline

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]unavailable

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]busy

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]retry

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]wait

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]maintain

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]maintenance

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]maintenancing


Raised when your nonce is less than the previous nonce

used with your keypair, as described in theAuthenticationsection. This type of exception is thrown in these cases (in order of

precedence for checking):

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]You are not rate-limiting your requests

or sending too many of them too often.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]Your API keys are not fresh and new

(have been used with some different software or script already, just always

create a new keypair when you add this or that exchange).

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]The same keypair is shared across

multiple instances of the exchange class (for example, in a multithreaded

environment or in separate processes).

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]Your system clock is out of synch.

System time should be synched with UTC in a non-DST timezone at a rate of once

every ten minutes or even more frequently because of the clock drifting. Enabling time synch in Windows is usually not

enough! You have to set

it up with the OS Registry (Google "time

synch frequency" for your OS).


In case you experience any difficulty connecting to a

particular exchange, do the following in order of precedence:

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]Make sure that you have the most recent

version of ccxt.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]Check theCHANGELOGfor recent updates.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]Turn verbose =

true to get more detail about it.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]Python people can turn on DEBUG logging

level with a standard pythonic logger, by adding these two lines to the

beginning of their code:

import logging


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]Check your API credentials. Try a fresh

new keypair if possible.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]If it is a Cloudflare protection error,

try these examples:

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]Check your nonce. If you used your API

keys with other software, you most likely shouldoverride

your nonce functionto match your previous nonce value. A

nonce usually can be easily reset by generating a new unused keypair. If you

are getting nonce errors with an existing key, try with a new API key that

hasn't been used yet.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]Check your request rate if you are

getting nonce errors. Your private requests should not follow one another

quickly. You should not send them one after another in a split second or in

short time. The exchange will most likely ban you if you don't make a delay

before sending each new request. In other words, you should not hit their rate

limit by sending unlimited private requests too frequently. Add a delay to your

subsequent requests or enable the built-in rate-limiter, like shown in the

long-pollerexamples, alsohere.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]Read thedocs for your exchangeand compare your verbose output to the docs.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]Check your connectivity with the

exchange by accessing it with your browser.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]Check your connection with the exchange

through a proxy. Read theProxysection for more


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]Try accesing the exchange from a

different computer or a remote server, to see if this is a local or global

issue with the exchange.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]Check if there were any news from the

exchange recently regarding downtime for maintenance. Some exchanges go offline

for updates regularly (like once a week).


[if !supportLists]·        [endif]Use the verbose =

true option or instantiate your troublesome

exchange with new ({ 'verbose': true }) to see the HTTP

requests and responses in details. The verbose output will also be of use for

us to debug it if you submit an issue on GitHub.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]Use DEBUG logging in Python!

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]As written above, some exchanges are not

available in certain countries. You should use a proxy or get a server

somewhere closer to the exchange.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]If you are getting authentication errors

or 'invalid keys' errors, those are most likely due to a nonce issue.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]Some exchanges do not state it clearly

if they fail to authenticate your request. In those circumstances they might

respond with an exotic error code, like HTTP 502 Bad Gateway Error or something

that's even less related to the actual cause of the error.

[if !supportLists]·        [endif]...




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