When people think about what they are doing in why terms, they are guided by the big picture — their smaller, everyday actions become a part of something larger and more important.They are more connected to long-term goals.
When people think about what they are doing in what terms,they are focused on the nitty-gritty — the actual mechanics of getting from Point A to Point B.When what you need to do is particularly difficult to get done, it pays to forget about the bigger picture and focus on the task at hand.
How to Think "Why"?
- Write down an action you've had trouble taking recently because you haven't felt motivated or you've given in too much to temptation. It can be anything from not ordering dessert to answering all your important e-mails each day.
- Now, write down why you want to take that action. What is the purpose of the action for you ? What goal does if help you to achieve ? How will you benefit from it?
1.写下一个你最近有困难的行动,因为缺乏动力或者有太多诱惑的缘故。它可以是拒绝甜点,每天回复所有重要的e-mails等事情。 - 写下你为什么想要采取那个行动。你的目的是什么?它可以帮助你实现什么目标?你能从中收获什么?
How to Think "What" ?
- Write down something you want to accomplish that is really complicated, highly difficult , or very unfamiliar or new to you. Maybe you want to create your own website but aren't experienced with computers, or perhaps you are thinking about starting a new career.
- Now, write down what your first setp should be. What is the specific action that you need to take in order to begin to accomplish this goal ?
- 写下你想要完成,但对你来说很复杂、困难,你比较陌生的事情。写一个网页或者开始一份新事业。
- 写下第一步你应该做什么。为了开始完成这个目标,你可以采取什么具体行动?
why terms ,从大局入手,做长远打算。
what terms , 关注细节。在遇到难以解决的问题时,很好用。
why , 1有困难的行动 2有哪些收益
what,1想要完成的复杂、困难事情 2第一步做什么,还可以做哪些具体行动
A1 相关经验:
这时候就可以切换到what terms模式,考虑起来后第一件事情干什么,写反省总结呀。
A2 如何应用 :
接下来就可以切换到why terms模式。在项目中成长更快,带着问题学习效率更高,是更科学有效的学习方法。