Please use our form, not a resume, to list your activities. There is only enough space to list four things - please choose the four that mean the most to you and tell us a bit about them. This will tell us more about you than any "laundry list" of everything you've ever done in high school.
You are welcome to submit a supplemental resume, but submitting a resume instead of filling out our activity list can hurt you (so don't).
Recommendations: Whom to Ask
MIT requires two letters of recommendation from teachers. One recommendation ("Evaluation A") should be from a math or science teacher, and one ("Evaluation B") should be from a humanities, social science or language teacher.
You should certainly ask a teacher who has taught you in an academic class in high school (i.e. no middle school, and no basket weaving class). Ideally, this will also be a teacher who knows you as more than just a student who does well on all the tests. We find that the best recommendations are written by teachers who know an applicant well as both a student and a person.
Evaluation A potential subjects
·Earth Science
·Environmental Science
·Computer Science
·Science Research (as a class)
Evaluation B potential subjects
·Foreign Language
·Social Studies
MIT在推荐信中,把推荐信明确分为了两个等级,把理工科目直接归为A等级推荐信,文科类被归为了第二等级。从这里可以看出 MIT对于学生的理工科目基础要求其实相当之高。Ideally, this will also be a teacher who knows you as more than just a student who does well on all the tests。这也是一句重点语句,他们希望老师在写推荐信中,了解学生不仅仅是一个高分学生,更希望从全面的人格角度去阐述学生,了解学生的品质。
在FIELD SUTDY 中,我们发现了更多有意思的细节:
Field of Study
We're asking about your preferred field of study because we're curious about what interests you right now—not because we have any quotas. You won't declare your major until the end of your freshman year—there's a lot of time between now and then to explore, discover new things, change your mind.
For this reason, approximately half of our students ultimately major in something entirely different from what they wrote on their application, so we couldn't use this data to predict anything even if we wanted to. Moral of the story: neither writing "theoretical nuclear intergalactic business physics" nor "underwater basket weaving" will give you an edge in the admissions process, so just be honest!