昨天喝了点酒,凌晨听着Gai的《空城计》和《天干物燥》读完第三章You are not special.突然发现酒精和音乐挺能激发灵感的。没错,歌词里就是在强调我们有多special 我们有多entitled ,其实我们就是“凡夫俗子”,就是只会“舞刀弄剑”,有啥不敢承认?没错,我之前确实不愿意也不想承认。因为,不敢承认无非就是不敢面对自己的average ,不愿直视自己的平庸。只买几个牌子的衣服,只用几个牌子的香水,这种强迫症就是想突出自己的special 自己的优越感,想证明我和周围大多数的人不一样。所以是怎么样呢?证明之后呢?安全感提升了。作者Mark一次次击中我的要害,这样赤裸裸地面对自己还从未有过,我的不安全感竟然是来源于不想平庸,不敢接受这样的平庸。于是,就陷入了这样的僵局:
Once you accept the premise that a life is worthwhile only if it is truly notable and great, then you basically accept the fact that most of the human population (including yourself) sucks and is worthless.
是不是发觉周遭的广告,音乐,或者视频都在标榜和倡导:你是多么多么的与众不同!我也会经常被诱导,各种消费陷阱扑面而来,我们该怎么招架?何去何从? 那得从本质上看待这些问题,不是要求自己不去追求品质,而是要看清自己真正的需求,可千万别掉进商业陷阱里,记住:我们做回普通平凡的自己就好。
If you load off the stress of exception from your back then you will be on the road to achieving what you truly want to achieve.
B. 问题导读
1. What does “entitlement” mean? Can you give an example to explain it?
Entitlement means self-righteous superiority without actually not being successful. For example, Jimmy states his business partners immature and that he is at the top level in the field. Instead he achieves nothing.
2. What’s the point of telling Jimmy’s story?
Th story tells us that most of us are controlled by exceptionalism and we don't go far as to know the truth.
3. Do you think you are special? What’s wrong with feeling you are sepcial?
Yes, I do. Sometimes I feel I know more than others in some areas so that give comments improperly. Once the superiority disappears, insecurity floods me.
4. If you are not special, how can we achieve greatness?
Choos the right direction and do what really matters to it.
...your body will wake up feeling more potent and more alive.
释义: adj.
Something is very effective and powerful.
造句: Reading brings me into potent thinking, which I benefits from a lot.
On the contrary, they become amazing because they’re obsessed with improvement.
释义:be crazy about sth.
造句: Jimmy is entitled and obsessed with getting involved in a delusion where he were the authority.
A lot of people are afraid to accept mediocrity because they believe that if they accept it, they’ll never achieve anything ...
释义:If you refer to someone is mediocrity you think they are not good at what they do.
造句: Don't blame yourself for such a mediocrity because that's what we are.