Ms. Le,
I was excited to know your vacancy for acorporate lawyer. I have been longing for joining your company, the mostinnovative one in the industry, I believe. And I wish to have an opportunityfor an interview.
I am a Juris master and working in thelegal affairs department of a state-own enterprise. My current duty includescontracts revision, assessment of business legality, set up or cancellation ofregistration for the company’s branches. Before that, I worked on IDCcooperation management at a product department of the enterprise. I noticedthat you are looking for someone who has good understanding of both IDCindustry and contract law. As a corporate lawyer, I revise approximately 10contracts per day, which makes me sensitive to faults in secluded corners ofthe text. I have also engaged in important IDC projects aiming to serve ITgiants like Tencent, Alibaba, Microsoft, etc. I think my past career demonstratesthat I have put such qualities in practice.
I also bring to the table PMPcertification, which helps in project management, strong computer proficienciesin MS Office Suite. Though my working environment does not require Englishcapacity much, I stick to learning and practising English every day. Please seethe accompanying resume for details of my experience and education.
I wanted to express my confidence inhandling the tasks of the position. I hope that my experience can be useful to thelegal team. Thank you for your time—I look forward to learning more about thisopportunity!