
Queen Emma's Church


英国历史学家托马斯·白炳顿·马考莱写道: “历史一半是理性,一半是想象……历史开始时更像传奇故事,在不断的补充完善中变得丰满。”在中世纪,历史的作用是向信徒展示上帝的杰作。而在文艺复兴时期,历史揭示被遗忘的事实和古代的智慧。启蒙时期的历史通过对人类本身的研究,创造了一个更好的未来。到19世纪时,历史的作用则变成彰显一个种族、一个民族或者一个国家昔日的成就。在20世纪,历史既是一种娱乐形式,又在批判性思考中扮演重要角色。很多历史都被改写:讲述历史的不仅是胜利者,失败者也获得了发言权。










The English historian Thomas Babington Macaulay wrote that "History falls between Reason and Imagination...History begins in novel and ends in essay." In the Middle Ages history was supposed to reveal the handiwork of God to the faithful. During the Renaissance, history revealed forgotten truths and ancient wisdom. Enlightenment history framed a proper study of mankind to ensure a better future. By the nineteenth century history was written to glorify the past achievements of a race, people, or a nation. In the twentieth century history served both as a form of entertainment, and in the development of critical thinking. Much of history was rewritten: not only the winners told the stories, but the losers were given a legitimate voice as well.

This is a collection of stories, interviews and commentary concerning the history of a little Anglican church in Kealakekua, 143 years old. The denomination first came to the islands with Captain Cook(1), and returned officially at the urging of Queen Emma and Kamehameha IV(2). This church was started by a young vicar from England for the British pioneers in the area.

We know a great deal about the American missionaries and the eventual Americanization of these Hawaiian Islands. Americans won the Revolutionary War against England, and in some ways, continued to fight it out here in these spheres of  power. Although America won again, the British influence has not been insignificant.

Kealakekua, far from the religious and political battles carried on in Honolulu and the press, offers a simpler, quieter story of life and change and aloha(3) in Hawaii. The little church tells its story through letters, receipts and thank you notes left behind. The first vicar left his initials on the beams he used to build the foundation. The second vicar left photographs and a small monthly publication. There is a receipt for a donation Queen Emma made toward the purchase of the organ. There is a note about King Kalakaua's visit at Easter.

Just walking through the cemetery we see history unfold: first we see the old British names on the tombstones, the Hawaiian, then the Chinese and the Portuguese, then the Japanese. We see the same family names, again and again.

The parish hall has served as home an community center in many ways. To list a few: a Red Cross center during WWI, a USO center in WWII, Girl's Friendly Society, Scouting Programs, Alcoholics Anonymous, Quilting Club, schools including boarding schools, Waldorf, dyslexia center, and currently, a Hawaiian Immersion School.

We can also trace the technological change in society with the first electric light at the church, the first telephone, the first automobile, the first computer.

"Interdisciplinary humanities" looks at life as multifaceted and interconnected rather than as neatly separate disciplines. History is not treated as a subject by itself, but tangled up with literature, music, philosophy, attitudes, trends, conflicts, opinions. This book is my interpretation based on he facts, colored by my own values, the stories and opinions of the people I interviewed, and, the authors I read.

It is not like a traditional history in four significant ways. First, I don't try to stay objective and invisible; instead I am very much in the story and I invite the reader into it too. Second, I try to show what happened, but more importantly, I try to give the reader a context for caring about it. Third, I try to build bridges between the past and the present. I try to keep it all grounded; I may ask hypothetical questions, but I bring the reader back to the earth literally, the cemetery, or the actual church building.

If I could interview every gardener that cared for the land at Christ Church for the past 143 years, I would have a very different view of its history than if I interviewed every choir director...or every Sunday School teacher. I like the view from the pew---imaging what it was like for the ordinary person who was baptized, married and buried here.

This project started out as a joint venture. The original desire to write the book came from our previous rector, Carol Arney. She felt a call to preserve the papers moldering away inside the old boxes in storage at CCE. She asked me to help her. As a team we interviewed people who had been born and/or raised here. We flew to Honolulu to work in the archives of the Cathedral, and at the Bishop Museum. While I focused on the view from the pew, Carol represented the view from the pulpit. She holds a broader view that encompasses church politics, church dynamics, and financial issues. She looked for facts, while I concentrated on feelings, options and stories. Eventually we realized that our project needed to be two different books. I imagine them as companion pieces; together they celebrate this place where we gather.


(1)Captain Cook 库克船长

英国海军军官、航海家和探险家。他虽然不是第一个发现夏威夷的西方人,却是帮助西方打开夏威夷大门的人。在他之后大批西方人涌入夏威夷。库克船长在和夏威夷人的冲突中被杀死。夏威夷岛上仍保留着库克船长的纪念碑。纪念碑所在的地方是浮潜圣地。依然叫Captain Cook。

(2)Queen Emma and Kamehameha IV 爱玛王后和卡美亚美亚四世国王

卡美亚美亚四世是夏威夷王国的第四任统治者。他和王后爱玛都是由hānai 父母养大的。hānai 是夏威夷的一种收养传统。高级首领之间为加强联系,会交换收养各自的孩子。这些被收养的孩子被一视同仁,和养父母的孩子一样拥有继承养父母职位和财产的权利。卡美亚美亚四世就是继承了养父也就是他的叔叔的王位。爱玛王后则是被自己的阿姨收养。



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