早晨睁开眼睛就玩turtle and snail游戏,同样的钻被窝,玩着玩着拿起分级还读了几本。下床后去楼下车里取回纸箱,今天上午要在家里做手工了!
coco, let's make a car.ok?
First, we will make wheels and windows. How many wheels does a car have? let's count together. One, two, three, four. Yes, a car has Four wheels. I make a circle, and you paint them. Which color do you like?
Red. I like red.
okay,here you are.
回来路上经过花市,遇见少见的郁金香,买了一盆回来给家添点喜庆。回家路上总结今天买的东西。we bought toys, we bought flowers, we bought food and we bought battery. 跟娃说今天要开始清华幼儿英语第八单元了,“round the garden”,娃儿直接给接了过去“round and round the garden "起初我以为他只是学舌,结果娃巴拉巴拉一口气说完"goes the little mouse, up up up it creeps up into its house”,轮到我惊呆了,啥时候学的呢?我还没记牢靠呢?!