




Today we talked about writing. And then, um, the writing is a practice of you thoughts. Right? So you practice your thoughts, you right, what you thought. And then you basic the express yourself to buy riding the sentence on a piece of paper or type in the computer. Right? So uh, I was talking to myself before you call me. And I was like, oh man like why I'm not good at writing when why was a kid. And then I thought about that.Yeah, it's because that's I I didn't write whole bunch. I write a little. So I did in practice enough. That's why. I'm not good ready, 就是那种.Let me ask you, do you do you ride a lot when you grow up?

Life my son.嗯,沿着按照,嗯,就很多时候我写,嗯帮他们做ii uh, I'm sorry. That's okay. That's okay, sometimes what?Yes, you want to learn something.Family, my son, mine a, 我想.And then what happened手机So you said sometimes like you want to write something about your family or learn you about learn about your family, uh so did you did you write about your familyI just say, yes, the orange you don't understand you quite understand what I'm saying. So you just say, yes.That's ok. That's fine. That's fine. You know what you don't? You don't have to like you understand every sentence. I said, just just try to get the meaning. Um, remember, we're talking about tai chi. It's all about the feeling the flow 唉, rather than like you for each sentence you have to understand that's that's totally fine. You know.

That's right. So today there's a cup of things like which is really, really um important for writing on 星.嗯 first.First, it is the don't care. If you didn't right, well, what does that mean? It's just right? And don't care about how people think about that. Because it's for you. Not for others so when you write, although it may not so good at the beginning. But when you post the riding on which or we ball people's gonna read that 是.What ever you right? It's gonna be touching someone filling with someone will be motivated. Maybe not a lot people read your stuff at the beginning. But doesn't matter. Because by riding more and more you get in better and better. And more and more people is going to read your articles and by then you have more influence. You will give more to the world. Remember the sentence I I told you. It's it does not matter when you come from. I do matter what you can provide to the woHello I IUcIpad do you still remember thaIt does not matter where you come from. It do matter what you can provide to the world. Repeat with me. Repeat with me. It does not ma谁AppSay what I say repeaIcbYes, uh I'm sorry. Uh.So龙龙No, no, no, not, no, no, no, no pool. You cannot see thatOh sorry. No, sorry, no my English very poor remembeSo repeat with me repeat means I see one sentence, you say one sentence seems sentence. OkXmasIt does not matterIt does he doesn't matter.Matter.It doesn't matter when you come from.Oh wow. It doesn't matter when you come from. Yeah.It do matter what you can provide to the world.Repeat with me.It do matter what you can provide to the worldXpIt does matter what it can provide to the worldYes.国外的to the world。 yes, it does matter what you can provide to the world。It does it does matter. Water can provide to the world.Exactly good good job.

Let's keep talking about today's class, right? So riding, no matter how poor we right at the beginning doesn't matter. We just need to keep driving radio first sentence. And then from there, you will get better and better just ride one sentence by one sentence.

Yes, so the things we need to do there's a two two rules first row is read more. And right more.Three more and right more. Not more right? More. And right more, 之后啊, 很乱yes.啊,我说多练对 second row it's no perfect is good. Not perfect, it's good.对what does that mean? it's. Ok, so you get so we don't need to make it perfect. We just need to ride it down. And it's okay what we read is not perfect.

We just need to ride the fins down like what we did for the recording, right? Oh, talking about recording, let let me grab my record.

What are the two roots when riding tell me? Repeat with me?

Ru number one, 云南播放what it is,

嗯, I'm so sorry really more. Really more really more and ride more.

多说多写,多练,rule number 2, what is rule number 2?我我呃妹子微博还是微信?Yes。That is a good support example for you numural number You number 2, not perfect is perfect.Which means that you don't need to worry about what you write, you just need to ride and then people were pressured.You don't need to read everything perfectly. People were understand. Like what we did we post stuff, which doesn't make sense, sometimes the grammar this sentence, but that people were see that people were understand they may not understand all of them. They they were understand some of them and which is good enough.

孩子的呃呃,没有呃,呃,那没有right, uh something 那surprise the people want to look yes, yes, exactly. Yes. So you love to me. Exactly man's确实是这样的.唉 so perfect no perfect. Doesn't matter we just need to ride.

Perfect demise 完美.Perfect, perfect, which means if you ride something, it's not good. It's good enough.

Next one next one is when you writing you gonna understand, you gonna think about what you audience want to read, which means that when you ride a story, you're gonna think about, are you give this story to you son to read? Give your husband to read, or give the people from the class to rain. Or giving the all chinese who's watching t v right now to read. You china think about who is going to radio story. It's important because when you know who you ride your article to, then you will use different words, different expressions and different meanings. So no your audience.

Do you know words? Have you heard a word? Bring brings the worm.Bring form yup bring store before you, right? Think about, what do you get? Right? Think about your audience. Think about the stars think think a lot and then. Right or or when you writing just start to read and then think about. What are you going to ride words? Where was the story gonna go? And then eventually you were start to figure out things. Just don't charge yourself just right. And right riding away like you know just just right, I mean think and ride ride a thing. Don't just right without thinking. That's the.

Think and right? What you thinking right now? Tonight, what do you think you're right now?嗯i think um what.I want to say, I think.I want to to stay, 嗯 好嗯 嗯.嗯if嗯嗯。time嗯嗯嗯,噢,i'm sorry,我是想这样的方式,你跟我沟通,然后我会浪费你很多时间詹姆斯。Do you want to improve?Do you want to save me some time?Is very, I'm not happy.Uh, I want to uh you you can 浪费你很多时间感觉有些不舒服你再问问在想什么时候我就是上索取这样会浪费你很多时间,我内心感觉有些不舒服,这样子就是刚才你在问我,嗯,我打游戏问题,你在想什么的时候,我就是想这些啊,OKOhAll about CCTVccyou say sorryfeel。So how about you stop saying that I'm sorry whenever you try to see some sentence and then you don't know how to express your feeling or how to see the words这. Just say whatever in your mind and just speak it out, speak it out, speak it loud, but you cannot say, I'm sorry, let's try it. Let's try it agai有Okay,so what do you think right now to呢?嗯,唉呃,i think,嗯。Yeah. 二十四号.You can speak go on. I listen I listen to you. You're gonna have to speak to. That's how you improve. Uganda, speak anemic and ask your question you're gonna speak. So let me ask you to know when you when you write a article to the kids to introduce them chinese culture. What are you gonna ohEverNo, no, no, no, sorry, you cannot see that word.McFirst say that I will not say I'm so sorry again see tha so sorry. No, no no, see thatRepeat what I just said. I will not say I'm so s谁知道Cc m sorrySay it loud, I would not say I'm sorry agaiI'm sorry again repeat.RepeM sorryI'm sorr老子I'm sorry. I'm sorry againOkay, so now you're gonna write something to kids in Chinese, what are you于是你happy happyYou feel happy good this is very good so you write to kids I feel happy and they saw you are very happy and they read that they they feel happy tooIt. This is a g你别忘记生命伤痛旺季生产If you want to save me some time, you're gonna engage with me, you're gonna I ask a question, you're gonna answer and you just gonna speak, what do you think and without judging yourself, ok

嗯 so want to say, let me speak 夜整理English. Yes, so you have to uh 毕竟I'm just kidding. Yeah, II understand what you say you want to learn English in like a daily speaking language but the course you want to speak in Chinese because that's that's how you gonna哦 organize them to the book chapters对吧把这个把这个中文上课的我没有把它解决整理就是如果的沟通这样我没有办法去找办法进行整理就是如我们两个的英文的沟通,这样呃就是我没有办法去整理成我们的文字,也是我这个英文对我是想就是我们如何用一种方式就是我可以Nba帮你整理出来可是嗯帮你整理中文,就是我们的中文部分能整整理出来,同时英文的也在,当然你刚才说的这种方式就就就挺好就特别好,可是我在整理的过程中呢我女的这样写表达我可能就给他像有一些口语的这样一些表达,我可能就给它去掉了,就纯粹的是好好对呀我出来的就让我感觉好分裂啊,好矛盾呀,我其实我刚才特别沉浸在你讲英文的这个过程中,就是蹦出来的那些只字片语呢,就让我感觉到就是很P很疼很疼屁很疼他,可是我就想的是你说英文没有问题,就是我说整理的问题上的话,可能嗯就我就不会像整理汉字那样能够给到帮助是我们俩身汗渍,就是我们俩将来出书的这部分是关于汉字的还是英文的,这样的话我想可能是不是就会多了一道程序,我知道你是什么意思,对出书的时候得出示汉字才行啊,因为是我们的听我们的读者是是中文的就是看英文会话新闻会会有那个会很费力的,大家大家就是看英文会会有恐怕可你要损我时间下次你下次那个你得那个一起跟我上课你上网你要使用我时间的话,你下次你下次那个你得那个一起跟我上课啊,你上完以后就是两个人,我你一句我一句我我们就弄的就快了完以后就是两个人你一句我一句我们就弄的




今天我去到这个,呃,black line in prime theater,就是我们的一个那个,呃,美国的一个小品表演的一个俱乐部,然后他是当地这个俱乐部进去以后,你就看到黑压压的一片人,三四十个人坐在台下,我的心里就扑通扑通的跳起来了,因为从来没有这么多观众在听我讲课,然后我匆匆忙忙走到后台,饭都没来得及吃,我刚刚买的这个台湾菜就放在饭盒往桌上,100就走到了后台,看到我的这个队友们,他们都积极的在那准备做最后的准备,然后老师在跟他们最后的受益,我呢这个时候不知道,突然心里面又平静了下来,可能我就想迟到小时候我演讲的这个经历,我觉得台下的人越多我越起劲,然后呢我给。咱们这个队伍叫什么呢?这时候呢,看到旁边有个女孩子,她平时不说话,但是感觉事态已经跃跃欲试,她已经做好了这次演讲的准备,我看他舔舔嘴唇,然后指了指他身上的一件粉红色的T恤,上面有很多粉红色的海豚,他就说我们这个队伍就叫粉红海豚吧,然后说好那就这么办,这个时候我们手把手肩并肩,然后1二3粉红海豚够不够够,那伴随着我们的这个前提声音,你就听见了外面这个潮水般的这个用这个卖卡车上运这个麦当劳的开卡车的是卡车司机,然后也演到了一个嗯到了从家庭妇男然后我又又演右眼到了一个,演到了一个什么,演到了一个呃家庭妇男,然后我又从家庭妇男,然后我又演到了一个啊,我想想哈我又演到了个吗This is not a good start anyway,整个故事呢,反正就是引起了下面的观众潮水般的呼喊,以及就是呃,一阵又一阵的笑对我们然后呢我终于可以坐下来静静的吃我的台风台湾牛肉面就这么结束了我非常希望见到我下一次的队友然后但是他们,我们记着,然后呢,我终于可以坐下来静静的吃我的台湾台台湾牛肉饭了,然后啊,今天的故事就这么结束了,我非常期望见到我下一次的队友,然后伴随他们尽兴市政协市市政市容政协第二次的小品培训然后争取有一天的可以在这个整个小城市的这个大舞台为几百人的关注,继续进行第2期的小品培训,然后争取有一天呢,可以在这个整个小城市的这个大舞台上为几百人的观众出来突然想到的就是帮我把这个通道放到眼前的时候时间留下这时候最,嗯,当我把热腾腾的台湾饭送到,呃,放到眼前的时候,哇口水瞬间留下,这时候队友在叫我咽了口口水,我立马去洗澡,我都对啊,非常好啊你等下我把,你等一下我把这个。

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