#口语粉碎机# L1 Day25【打卡序列02】
1. 太阳从东边升起。【复写】
翻译:The sun rises in the east.
答案:The sun rises in the east.
2. 我前天把家里从头到尾打扫了一遍。
翻译:I cleaned the house from beginning to end the day before yesterday.
答案:I cleaned my house from top to bottom the day before yesterday.
解析:从头到尾from top to bottom
翻译:Please close the door behind you.
答案:shut the door behind you.
解析:close & shut
to cause something to change from being open to not being open(使)关,合,关闭,close比较普通,有时可以和shut互换使用,但它更强调“不让某人或某物进入或通过”的意思,有时有“不接纳”的意思,但通常表示“关闭”这一动作。
to cause to close something(使)
*表示“结束(会议等)”、“关闭(交通等)”、“遮住(表面)”等,通常要用 close (不用 shut)
*表示“禁闭”,通常用 shut(不用 close)
翻译:He is at his wit's end.
答案:He is at his wit's end.
5. 你怎么什么事都怨我啊?【重点】
翻译:Why do you complain anything to me?
答案:Why do you always lay the blame on me?
解析:脱壳翻译:你总是指责我。指责,埋怨lay the blame to sb.
翻译:The opposite is compelling / puting the pressure on our company to lower the price.
答案:They are putting the pressure on us to lower the price.
翻译:He wrote a paper about English learning.
答案:He wrote a paper on English learning.
解析:on 关于,就某一问题,about的范围太大。这个在课上讲过。对完答案想起来,翻译的时候没想到。
翻译:At the moment my heart is corrupted.
答案:I feel like I’m on the verge of mental collapse.
解析:内心是崩溃的,在精神崩溃的边缘,on the verge of mental collapse.
翻译:We are wandering on the verge of break up/divorce.
答案:We are on the verge of break-up/divorce.
翻译:He is the sort of person who you can trust.
答案:He’s the sort of person you could depend on.
解析:这句话里需要介词,depend on 依靠