#Lie to me (说谎,才是人类的天性)
We are constantly perceiving, since human being has a natural drive to discover meanings in our perceptions. We never stopping producing opinions, as far as we see and hear and all other ways of receiving data, consciously or unconsciously.
We are also lying, almost all the time.
First,the congenital defect of our senses and receptors system: we listen imperfectly.
We enjoy adding our own creations to the original story. By stamping it, we leave our personal style, our trace on stuff, and create our Sense of existence.
"I will show you fear in a hand full of dust."
- T.S. Elliot.
We do not actually fear death — we fear that no one will notice our absence — that we will disappear without a trace.
Third, the reality isn't beautiful.
We then fill those memory "black holes" by our own nice wishes, fancy imagination, by deliberate or unconscious.
So, we shall keep us in control, in a more conscious and more conscientious thinking mode: keep vigilant, investigative our and others opinions.
Something you thought was, but was never there.
Under the line, is patient in hope and rejoice.
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones."
- Proverbs 17:22