59:淡定地爬起babygrowing up 59: Stand up with ease after tumbling 2014-9-22 20:23
You fell down while having a stroll in theresidence garden after dinner today.
Thank goodness you would support your bodywith your arms every time you fell down, so that you would not have your heador face injured; more importantly, you would stand up immediately aftertumbling, without crying or expecting any help from your parents or anyoneelse.
Later on, in the lamp light, we found thatone of your small palms had been wounded.
Good boy, we are proud of you for yourbraveness. Be sure to be an independent young man. As a human being, you arebound to encounter numerious ups and downs on the way to your future life andyour parents are not always standing beside or behind you. So, as your father,I do hope you would stand up with ease immediately after tumbling down, andcontinue moving forward,just as you did today.