Hoping Llamas Will Become Coronavirus Heroes
--------From YLYK 每日外刊精读专辑
Winter is a 4-year-old chocolate-colored llama with spindly legs, ever-so-slightly askew ears and envy-inducing eyelashes. Some scientists hope she might be an important figure in the fight against the novel coronavirus.
She was chosen by researchers to participate in a series of virus studies involving both SARS and MERS. Finding that her antibodies staved off those infections, the scientists posited that those same antibodies could also neutralize the new virus that causes Covid-19. They were right, and published their results in the journal Cell.
Humans produce only one kind of antibody, made of two types of protein chains — heavy and light — that together form a Y shape. Heavy-chain proteins span the entire Y, while light-chain proteins touch only the Y’s arms. Llamas, on the other hand, produce two types of antibodies. One of those antibodies is similar in size and constitution to human antibodies. But the other is much smaller; it’s only about 25 percent the size of human antibodies. The llama’s antibody still forms a Y, but its arms are much shorter because it doesn’t have any light-chain proteins.
This more diminutive antibody can access tinier pockets and crevices on spike proteins — the proteins that allow viruses like the novel coronavirus to break into host cells and infect us — that human antibodies cannot. That can make it more effective in neutralizing viruses.
llama UK /ˈlɑːmə/ US /ˈlɑːmə/ n. 美洲驼
chocolate-colored adj. 巧克力色的
某种带颜色的物品 + "-colored" = 某种颜色的
cherry-colored lipstick 樱桃色的口红
coffee-colored dress 咖啡色的长裙
brown adj. 棕色的
brunet adj. 深褐色的
spindly UK /ˈspɪndli/ US /ˈspɪndli/ adj. 细长纤弱的(常用来描述身型,尤其是腿形)
I do have rather spindly legs.
ever-so-slightly adv. 非常轻微地
ever so 非常,极其
askew UK /əˈskjuː/ US /əˈskjuː/ adj. 歪斜的
envy-inducing adj. 惹人艳羡的
envy n. 嫉妒
induce vt. 引起,招惹
the envy-inducing voice 惹人羡慕的声音
in the fight against sth. 抗击某事
in the fight against procrastination 与拖延症的对抗中
novel UK /ˈnɒvəl/ US /ˈnɑːvəl/ adj. 新的
stave off 避开/挡住/延缓某坏事的发生(avoid sth. bad or dangerous)
Enterprises are making effort to stave off bankruptcy.
Governments are managing to stave off depression.
infection UK /ɪnˈfekʃən/ US /ɪnˈfekʃən/ n. 感染
posit UK /ˈpɒzɪt/ US /ˈpɑːzɪt/ vt. 提出假设
neutralize UK /ˈnjuːtrəlaɪz/ US /ˈnuːtrəlaɪz/ vt. 使……失效;中和
stave off 强调成功阻挡……的结果
neutralize 指出使……失效的原理
Cell n. (期刊名)《细胞》
Cell《细胞》是全世界最权威的学术杂志之一,发表的都是顶尖科研成果。与期刊Nature《自然》和Science《科学》合称 CNS。
be made of sth. 由某物组成
Our lives are made of ups and downs.
Reality is made of hopes and disappointments.
span UK /spæn/ US /spæn/ vt. 横跨,跨越
A is similar in X to B A 和 B在 X上相似/差不多
constitution UK /ˌkɒnstɪˈtʃuːʃən/ US /ˌkɑːnstəˈtuːʃən/ n. 构造
produce antibodies 产生抗体
diminutive UK /dɪˈmɪnjətɪv/ US /dɪˈmɪnjətɪv/ adj. 小得出奇的; 特小的(extremely or unusually small)
access UK /ˈækses/ US /ˈækses/ vt. 进入 n. 进入(接近或进入某地的)方法; 通路
host cell 宿主细胞
spike protein 刺突蛋白
pocket UK /ˈpɒkɪt/ US /ˈpɑːkɪt/ n. 袋;囊