好消息,好消息!一次免费、免签证参加ION GNSS+ 2020会议的机会!曾经由于囊中羞涩或者不能申请签证参加IONS会议的朋友们,可以一起来参加这次线上 ION GNSS+ VIRTUAL 2020!
美国导航学会(ION)举办的卫星导航会议(ION GNSS+ 2020)是卫星导航领域最为顶尖的会议之一,基本上引领着GNSS的学术研究和工业界应用。由于疫情影响,原定于今年9月在美国迈阿密举行的卫星导航会议已经改成线上会议(ION GNSS+ VIRTUAL)。
所有未曾参加ION GNSS会议的人可以免费注册ION GNSS+ VIRTUAL,并参与其报告和提问。
ION GNSS+ 2020 VIRTUAL will live stream the plenary and all panel keynote sessions through the virtual web platform. These sessions will also be recorded and uploaded for viewing at a later time. Interactive question and answer will take place virtually.按需提供的分会报告
Individual technical presentations will be pre-recorded and uploaded with slides to the ION GNSS+ 2020 VIRTUAL site each morning for viewing at a time of your choosing. Attendees will have the option to submit questions to each presenter.
会议议程: https://www.ion.org/gnss/program.cfm会前专题培训(收费)
ION will be hosting the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) meeting live streamed on the ION GNSS+ virtual meeting platform. Keynotes in 2020 include Colonel Curtis Hernandez, National Space Council and Major General John E. Shaw, U.S. Space Force.线上展厅
Recognizing that our industry partners want to connect with ION GNSS+ 2020 attendees, ION has provided an expanded online exhibitor profile that allows exhibitors to upload a complete company profile with sales and contact information, upload their company logo and company brochures, and will include a link that allows attendees to email an exhibitor directly to ask questions or set up phone or virtual appointment. In addition, exhibitors can record and post a URL to their own recorded exhibitor demonstration to their profile.