多年来,中国一直是全球最大的国际学生输出国(exporter)。据官方统计,过去几年里,中国留学生数量以每年超过20%的速度在增长。有数据显示,在2012年,全球的国际学生中每六个就有一个来自中国。但是,随着中国人口结构(population structure)发生变化,国内选择日趋丰富,加上对国外人身安全的担忧上升,预计中国海外留学生的增长势头将陷入停滞(stall)。
These years, China has become the largestexporter of international students.In the past few years the number of Chinese students leaving for overseas study has been growing by more than 20% per year, according to official survey.It show that in 2012, one of every six of international students in the world came from China. However, that growth is expected to stall due to a combination of the population structure changes, better options at home and rising concerns about personal safety abroad.