Should people who have been convicted of seriouscrimes be able to return to their career after serving a prison sentence? Atfirst sight it seems only fair and just that they should, so that offenders canbe rehabilitated into society. But what if that person has a career in a highprofile job, such as a professional footballer? Millions of young supportersregard football players as role models and heroes. In this case, the giving ofa second chance is not justified: it risks sending a message to young peoplethat such behaviour is acceptable. For high profile people with young fans,there should be no second chance.
Which one of the following is an assumption of theabove argument?
A Young football fans cannot distinguish right fromwrong.
B Offenders should in most cases be allowed toobtain employment after a prison sentence.
C Football is unlike other sports in attracting ahigh proportion of young fans.
D The rights of the individual are less importantthan risks to society.
E Those convicted of serious crimes must accept therisks posed to their careers.