将基础教育聚焦于与工作相关的具体技能是不对的,因为不断变化的世界可能在几年内让这些技能变得多余。目标应该是让学生们在一个我们无法预测或预作准备的未来环境从事富于回报的职业,有一个充实的人生。20年后,我们或许不会再使用布莱克-斯科尔斯模型(the Black Scholes model)。但批判性思考、数字演算、撰写文章和细心观察的能力——也就是教育能够(而且应该)开发的能力——在未来将同今天一样有用。
It's a mistake to focus fundamental education on working-related techniques, because the changing world may render those techniques rendundant.The objective should be to equip students to have rewarding jobs and fulfilled lives in an unpredictable and unprepared world in the future.20 years later, we may not use the Black Scholes model any more, but the abilities to think critically, to reason with data, to write and to observe carefully, cf. the capabilities that education can or should develop, will be as useful then as it's today.