1 - 阅读感悟
十一至十六章中,苏东坡几经周转,环境在变,遭遇在变,苏东坡的心态也得到了锤炼。当苏东坡遇上了杭州时,杭州山清水秀治愈和启发了苏东坡,反之,苏东坡也以诗词歌赋和成就了杭州。“Hangchow won his heart and he won the hearts of the people of Hangchow.”
当苏东坡蒙难被发配至黄州后,薪水的减少反倒促使了超然的东坡居士的诞生。“What society, culture, learning, reading of history, and external duties and responsibilities do to a man is to hide his real self. Strip him of all these trappings of time and convention, and you have the real man.”
言语无形,却能字字有力。苏东坡的诗就是如此,对于同朝代的官员来说,虽然苏东坡不在皇帝身边,但是他的文字却能跨越千里影响皇帝、影响大众。林语堂把苏东坡诗词的力量比喻成“the power of mosquito bites”,能让某些官员彻夜难眠。“But such lines have the power of mosquito bites. They sting, they irritate, and they annoy; and if there are too many bites, they can thoroughly ruin one's sleep for the night.”
苏东坡这样秉性的诗人,不仅言辞影响深远,其本身的存在就已经能影响千千万万人,甚至一个时代。正如林语堂所说,“It has always seemed to me that wherever the spirit of man lives, religion comes to life again. Whenever the spirit of man dies, religion also decays.”
①“The lake was a place where the wives looked at the singsong women with fear, and the sing-song women looked at the wives with envy.”
②“If we believe in inner form in writing, by which a man's personal style is merely the natural overflow of his spirit.”
③“Meanwhile he enjoyed himself when and where he could.”(P327)
2 - Central Question
Chapter 11: What Su Tungpo experience in Hangchow, and what the effect it has on Su's characteristic and poetry?
Chapter 12: What are the famous poems of protest, and what do the lines aim for?
Chapter 13:What happened during the period of "Yellow Tower", and what kind of Su Tungpo's ability revealed?
Chapter 14:Why Su Tungpo is arrested for a trial and what is the result of the trial?
Chapter 15: Becoming a farmer after arrest and trial, what are the changes of Su Tungpo?
Chapter 16:What's the enchanted life that Su Tungpo live in Huangchow, and what are the famous poems of this period?